28 research outputs found


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    Science degrees develop a range of skills including those that are discipline specific as well as general skills such as problem solving and critical thinking. In a rapidly changing world with an ever-changing workforce, it is these more general scientific skills which will be incredibly valuable to students in their future careers. Despite the importance of these skills, they are often of lesser importance in current science curricula, and science graduates often find it difficult to find work soon after graduation. To address these issues, we developed a scalable Workplace Integrated Learning (WIL) experience for all science students at Flinders University. In our approach, groups of students work on campus in a simulated consultancy company, to provide answers to real-world problems from companies and government organisations. Throughout the semester, the course provides various professional development opportunities, and provides students with the opportunity to interact with external partners from relevant industries. Responses from student questionnaires show that the WIL experience produces significant improvements in students’ perceived preparedness for work. The course design provides a scalable approach to providing genuine WIL experiences in science

    Theory, tools, and multidisciplinary applications for tracing groundwater fluxes from temperature profiles

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    Quantifying groundwater fluxes to and from deep aquifers or shallow sediment is a critical task faced by researchers and practitioners from many environmental science disciplines including hydrology, hydrogeology, ecology, climatology, and oceanography. Groundwater discharge to inland and coastal water bodies influences their water budgets, thermal regimes, and biogeochemistry. Conversely, downward water flow from the land surface or from surface water bodies to underlying aquifers represents an important water flux that must be quantified for sustainable groundwater management. Because these vertical subsurface flows are slow and typically diffuse, they cannot be measured directly and must rather be estimated using groundwater tracers. Heat is a naturally occurring groundwater tracer that is ubiquitous in the subsurface and readily measured. Most of the academic literature has focused on groundwater temperature tracing methods capitalizing on the propagation of diel temperature sine waves into sediment beneath surface water bodies. Such methods rely on temperature–time series to infer groundwater fluxes and are typically only viable in the shallow subsurface and in locations with focused groundwater fluxes. Alternative methods that utilize temperature–depth profiles are applicable across a broader range of hydrologic environments, and point‐in‐time measurements can be quickly taken to cover larger spatial scales. Applications of these methods have been impeded due in part to the lack of understanding regarding their potential applications and limitations. Herein, we highlight relevant theory, thermal data collection techniques, and recent diverse field applications to stimulate further multidisciplinary uptake of thermal groundwater tracing methods that rely on temperature–depth profiles

    Designing a Heat Sink for Lithium-ion Battery Packs in Electric Vehicles

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    This report addresses the concepts and implementation of fluid cooled heat sink designs for an electric or hybrid vehicle battery. To determine the battery’s temperature and heat flux profile, testing was performed by measuring these values at multiple locations on a lithium-ion pouch battery using heat flux sensors and thermocouples during the charge and discharge cycles of the battery. Once the data was collected and analyzed, trendlines were fit to the heat flux data then used to create equations for the heat flux profile during the discharging stage. Each equation represented a specific region on the battery geometry. Four heat sink designs were modeled in COMSOL Multiphysics to optimize cooling. The third model concept (Model 3) was chosen as the best model because it cooled the battery to the lowest temperature with the lowest pressure drop

    Designing a Heat Sink for Lithium-ion Battery Packs in Electric Vehicles

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    This report addresses the concepts and implementation of fluid cooled heat sink designs for an electric or hybrid vehicle battery. To determine the battery’s temperature and heat flux profile, testing was performed by measuring these values at multiple locations on a lithium-ion pouch battery using heat flux sensors and thermocouples during the charge and discharge cycles of the battery. Once the data was collected and analyzed, trendlines were fit to the heat flux data then used to create equations for the heat flux profile during the discharging stage. Each equation represented a specific region on the battery geometry. Four heat sink designs were modeled in COMSOL Multiphysics to optimize cooling. The third model concept (Model 3) was chosen as the best model because it cooled the battery to the lowest temperature with the lowest pressure drop

    Assessing the controls and uncertainties on mean transit times in contrasting headwater catchments

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    © 2017 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 24 month embargo from date of publication (Dec 2017) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyEstimating the time required for water to travel through headwater catchments from where it recharges to where it discharges into streams (the transit time) is important for understanding catchment behaviour. This study uses tritium (3H) activities of stream water to estimate the mean transit times of water in the upper Latrobe and Yarra catchments, southeast Australia, at different flow conditions. The 3H activities of the stream water were between 1.26 and 1.99 TU, which are lower than those of local rainfall (2.6 to 3.0 TU). 3H activities in individual subcatchments are almost invariably lowest at low streamflows. Mean transit times calculated from the 3H activities using a range of lumped parameter models are between 7 and 62 years and are longest during low streamflows. Uncertainties in the estimated mean transit times result from uncertainties in the geometry of the flow systems, uncertainties in the 3H input, and macroscopic mixing. In addition, simulation of 3H activities in FEFLOW indicates that heterogeneous hydraulic conductivities increase the range of mean transit times corresponding to a specific 3H activity. The absolute uncertainties in the mean transit times may be up to ±30 years. However, differences between mean transit times at different streamflows in the same catchment or between different subcatchments in the same area are more reliably estimated. Despite the uncertainties, the conclusions that the mean transit times are years to decades and decrease with increasing streamflow are robust. The seasonal variation in major ion geochemistry and 3H activities indicate that the higher general streamflows in winter are sustained by water displaced from shallower younger stores (e.g., soils or regolith). Poor correlations between 3H activities and catchment area, drainage density, mean slope, distance to stream, and landuse, imply that mean transit times are controlled by a variety of factors including the hydraulic properties of the soils and aquifers that are difficult to characterise spatially. The long mean transit times imply that there are long-lived stores of water in these catchments that may sustain streamflow over drought periods. Additionally, there may be considerable delay in contaminants reaching the stream

    Combined geophysical and analytical methods to estimate offshore freshwater extent

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    © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 24 month embargo from date of publication (June 2019) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyOffshore fresh groundwater is increasingly suggested as a potential water resource for onshore human demands. In many cases, onshore pumping already draws significant fresh groundwater from offshore. However, offshore aquifers and the extent of offshore freshwater are usually poorly characterised due to data scarcity. This study combines geophysical data, hydraulic information and a first-order mathematical analysis to investigate offshore freshwater extent in the Gambier Embayment (Australia). A large seismic data set, combined with onshore and offshore bore-log geological profiles, are used to explore the regional offshore hydro-stratigraphy. Aquifer hydraulic parameters and onshore heads are obtained from onshore investigations. A novel application of Archie’s law, geophysical data and onshore hydrochemical data provide useful insights into the salinity profiles within four offshore wells. These are compared to steady-state, sharp-interface estimates of the freshwater extent obtained from a recently developed analytical solution, albeit using simplified conceptual models. Salinities derived from resistivity measurements indicate that in the south of the study area, pore water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 2.2 g L-1 is found up to 13.2 km offshore. Offshore pore-water salinities are more saline in the northern areas, most likely due to thinning of the offshore confining unit. The analytical solution produced freshwater-saltwater interface locations that were approximately consistent with the freshwater-saltwater stratification in two of the offshore wells, although analytical uncertainty is high. This investigation provides a leading example of offshore freshwater evaluation applying multiple techniques, demonstrating both the benefit and uncertainty of geophysical interpretation and analytical solutions of freshwater extent

    Dispersion effects on the freshwater–seawater interface in subsea aquifers

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 24 month embargo from date of publication (May 2019) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyRecent recognition of the widespread occurrence of freshwater beneath the ocean has renewed interest in approaches to understand and predict its extent. The most straightforward methodologies are based on the sharp-interface approximation, which neglects dispersive mechanisms. The understanding of dispersion effects on freshwater extents in coastal aquifers is based almost entirely on onshore aquifer situations. This study explores dispersion in offshore coastal aquifers, in terms of the steady-state freshwater extent, seawater circulation and freshwater discharge, through numerical experimentation. Results show that increasing dispersion causes a seaward shift in the interface toe location, as expected, whereas the interface tip shows a non-monotonic relationship with dispersion that depends on the contrast between aquifer and aquitard hydraulic conductivities. Higher dispersion leads to enhanced seawater recirculation rates and freshwater discharge, as opposed to non-monotonic relationships obtained previously for onshore aquifers. The mixing zone at the toe widens as dispersion increases, similar to onshore cases, whereas the mixing zone at the tip has a surprisingly non-monotonic relationship with dispersion. The dispersion relationships revealed in this study can be explained by counteractions between dispersion, density and advective forces, and refraction across the aquifer-aquitard interface, which in combination produce offshore aquifer behaviour that differs, in some ways, to the manner in which onshore aquifers respond to dispersive processes. Consequently, previous empirical corrections to sharp-interface methods (to account for dispersive effects) applied to onshore coastal aquifers are ineffective in their application to offshore settings

    The effect of a dominant kinase-dead Csf1r mutation associated with adult-onset leukoencephalopathy on brain development and neuropathology

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    Amino acid substitutions in the kinase domain of the human CSF1R protein are associated with autosomal dominant adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia (ALSP). To model the human disease, we created a disease-associated mutation (Glu631Lys; E631K) in the mouse Csf1r locus. Previous analysis demonstrated that heterozygous mutation (Csf1rE631K/+) had a dominant inhibitory effect on CSF1R signaling in vitro and in vivo but did not recapitulate the pathology of the human disease. We speculated that leukoencephalopathy in humans requires an environmental trigger and/or epistatic interaction with common neurodegenerative disease-associated alleles. Here we examine the impact of heterozygous Csf1r mutation on microglial phenotype, normal postnatal brain development, age-related changes in gene expression and on two distinct pathologies in which microgliosis is a prominent feature, prion disease and experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE). The heterozygous Csf1rE631K/+ mutation reduced microglial abundance and the expression of microglial-associated transcripts relative to wild-type controls at 12 weeks and 43 weeks of age but had no selective effect on homeostatic markers such as P2ry12. An epistatic interaction was demonstrated between Csf1rE631K/+ and Cxc3r1EGFP/+ genotypes leading to dysregulated microglial and neuronal gene expression in both hippocampus and striatum. Heterozygous Csf1rE631K mutation reduced the microgliosis associated with both diseases. There was no significant impact on disease severity or progression in prion disease. In EAE, induced expression of inflammation-associated transcripts in the hippocampus and striatum was suppressed in parallel with microglia-specific transcripts, but spinal cord demyelination was exacerbated. The results support a dominant-negative model of CSF1R-associated leukoencephalopathy and likely contributions of an environmental trigger and/or genetic background to neuropathology

    Deficiencies in the scientific assessment of the Carmichael Mine impacts to the Doongmabulla Springs

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    This work is made available with the Creative Commons, Attribution License CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Copyright (2019) Flinders University.Key points: (1) Adani appears likely to have significantly under-estimated future impacts to the Doongmabulla Springs Complex (DSC) arising from the Carmichael Mine. (2) Should the Carmichael Mine cause springs within the DSC to cease flowing, this impact may be irreversible. (3) The safeguard against DSC impacts proposed by Adani, namely Adaptive Management, is unsuitable and unlikely to protect the DSC from severe degradation or cessation of flow. (4) Possible cumulative impacts to the DSC from other mining activities in the Galilee Basin have not been adequately considered. We conclude that the DSC face a legitimate threat of extinction due to the Carmichael Mine project