3,516 research outputs found

    Doing with faith

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    Studies and observations

    A Vitamin C Study of Malay Schoolboys in the Coastal Region of North Perak, Malaya

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    Malay schoolboys in the coastal region of Perak were investigated as to the presence of vitamin C deficiency. Although the subjects were drawn from that part of the population of Malaya most prone to this deficiency, only a few showed subnormal excretions of ascorbic acid in the urine. Few of the abnormal clinical signs noted in the boys could be attributed to lack of the vitamin. Special tests for detecting vitamin C deficiency did not give satisfactory results

    Linked and knotted beams of light, conservation of helicity and the flow of null electromagnetic fields

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    Maxwell's equations allow for some remarkable solutions consisting of pulsed beams of light which have linked and knotted field lines. The preservation of the topological structure of the field lines in these solutions has previously been ascribed to the fact that the electric and magnetic helicity, a measure of the degree of linking and knotting between field lines, are conserved. Here we show that the elegant evolution of the field is due to the stricter condition that the electric and magnetic fields be everywhere orthogonal. The field lines then satisfy a `frozen field' condition and evolve as if they were unbreakable filaments embedded in a fluid. The preservation of the orthogonality of the electric and magnetic field lines is guaranteed for null, shear-free fields such as the ones considered here by a theorem of Robinson. We calculate the flow field of a particular solution and find it to have the form of a Hopf fibration moving at the speed of light in a direction opposite to the propagation of the pulsed light beam, a familiar structure in this type of solution. The difference between smooth evolution of individual field lines and conservation of electric and magnetic helicity is illustrated by considering a further example in which the helicities are conserved, but the field lines are not everywhere orthogonal. The field line configuration at time t=0 corresponds to a nested family of torus knots but unravels upon evolution

    Realisation of Hardy's Thought Experiment

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    We present an experimental realisation of Hardy's thought experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 68}, 2981 (1992)], using photons. The experiment consists of a pair of Mach-Zehnder interferometers that interact through photon bunching at a beam splitter. A striking contradiction is created between the predictions of quantum mechanics and local hidden variable based theories. The contradiction relies on non-maximally entangled position states of two particles.Comment: 5 page

    Robust long-distance entanglement and a loophole-free Bell test with ions and photons

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    Two trapped ions that are kilometers apart can be entangled by the joint detection of two photons, each coming from one of the ions, in a basis of entangled states. Such a detection is possible with linear optical elements. The use of two-photon interference allows entanglement distribution without interferometric sensitivity to the path length of the photons. The present method of creating entangled ions also opens up the possibility of a loophole-free test of Bell's inequalities.Comment: published versio

    Integral-Field Spectroscopy of the Post Red Supergiant IRC +10420: evidence for an axi-symmetric wind

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    We present NAOMI/OASIS adaptive-optics assisted integral-field spectroscopy of the transitional massive hypergiant IRC +10420, an extreme mass-losing star apparently in the process of evolving from a Red Supergiant toward the Wolf-Rayet phase. To investigate the present-day mass-loss geometry of the star, we study the appearance of the line-emission from the inner wind as viewed when reflected off the surrounding nebula. We find that, contrary to previous work, there is strong evidence for wind axi-symmetry, based on the equivalent-width and velocity variations of Hα\alpha and Fe {\sc ii} λ\lambda6516. We attribute this behaviour to the appearance of the complex line-profiles when viewed from different angles. We also speculate that the Ti {\sc ii} emission originates in the outer nebula in a region analogous to the Strontium Filament of η\eta Carinae, based on the morphology of the line-emission. Finally, we suggest that the present-day axisymmetric wind of IRC +10420, combined with its continued blueward evolution, is evidence that the star is evolving toward the B[e] supergiant phase.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. B&W-optimized version can be downloaded from http://www.cis.rit.edu/~bxdpci/pubs.htm

    Real time statistical field theory

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    We have written a {\it Mathematica} program that calculates the integrand corresponding to any amplitude in the closed-time-path formulation of real time statistical field theory. The program is designed so that it can be used by someone with no previous experience with {\it Mathematica}. It performs the contractions over the tensor indices that appear in real time statistical field theory and gives the result in the 1-2, Keldysh or RA basis. We have used the program to calculate the ward identity for the QED 3-point function, the QED 4-point function for two photons and two fermions, and the QED 5-point function for three photons and two fermions. In real time statistical field theory, there are seven 3-point functions, 15 4-point functions and 31 5-point functions. We produce a table that gives the results for all of these functions. In addition, we give a simple general expression for the KMS conditions between nn-point green functions and vertex functions, in both the Keldysh and RA basesComment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    The influence of the cosmological expansion on local systems

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    Following renewed interest, the problem of whether the cosmological expansion affects the dynamics of local systems is reconsidered. The cosmological correction to the equations of motion in the locally inertial Fermi normal frame (the relevant frame for astronomical observations) is computed. The evolution equations for the cosmological perturbation of the two--body problem are solved in this frame. The effect on the orbit is insignificant as are the effects on the galactic and galactic--cluster scales.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Late

    Intelligent integrated maintenance for wind power generation

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    A novel architecture and system for the provision of Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) for offshore wind power generation is presented. The architecture was developed by conducting a bottom-up analysis of the data required to support RCM within this specific industry, combined with a top-down analysis of the required maintenance functionality. The architecture and system consists of three integrated modules for Intelligent Condition Monitoring, Reliability and Maintenance Modelling, and Maintenance Scheduling that provide a scalable solution for performing dynamic, efficient and cost effective preventative maintenance management within this extremely demanding renewable energy generation sector. The system demonstrates for the first time, the integration of state-of-the-art advanced mathematical techniques: Random Forests, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, and Memetic Algorithms in the development of an intelligent autonomous solution. The results from the application of the intelligent integrated system illustrated the automated detection of faults within a wind farm consisting of over 100 turbines, the modelling and updating of the turbines’ survivability and creation of a hierarchy of maintenance actions, and the optimising of the maintenance schedule with a view to maximising the availability and revenue generation of the turbines
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