3 research outputs found

    Characterization of Ethanol Extract from Katumpangan Air Herbs (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth

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    Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth known as “Katumpangan Air” is a potential medicinal plants used traditionally for uric acid, rheumatic, headache, stomachache, antimicrobial. This study aims to establish  the non-specific  and specific parameters of ethanol extract from Katumpangan air (EKA). EKA was collected from three different growth places: South Tangerang (6.833%), Bogor (7.8%) and Yogyakarta (13.125%). The results show that organoleptic extract characterization from three places were same: thick, blackish green brown, bitter and have a characteristic odor. The average content of water-soluble compounds was within range 7.39-13.29%, ethanol-soluble 15.33-16.68%, flavonoid total 3.807-4.244%. The range of moisture content was 12.25-16.34%, ash total 1.21-2.78%, acid insoluble ash 0.19-1.62%, drying shrinkage 21.62-24.98%, specific gravity 1.0010-1.0034 g/mL for the non-specific parameter. Microbial contamination testing results 0.61x103-1.13x103 coloni/g, the contaminant testing mold/yeast 0.1x102-1.7x102 coloni/g, while lead metal 0.15-0.18 mg/kg, cadmium 0-0.11 mg/kg and arsenic <0.005µg/kg

    Standardisasi ekstrak etanol tanaman katumpangan air (peperomia pellucida L. Kunth)

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    Katumpangan air (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) merupakan salah satu tanaman obat potensial yang digunakan masyarakat untuk pengobatan asam urat, rematik, sakit kepala, maupun sakit perut. Kandungan kimia yang terkandung dalam tanaman ini adalah alkaloid, tanin, saponin, flavonoid, dan triterpenoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan beberapa parameter non spesifik maupun parameter spesifik dari ekstrak etanol tanaman katumpangan air. Standardisasi ekstrak tanaman obat perlu dilakukan untuk menjaga penggunaan obat alami yang tidak sesuai syarat mutu. Standardisasi dilakukan dengan menetapkan parameter spesifik dan non spesifik dari tiga tempat tumbuh yang berbeda yaitu Tangerang Selatan, Bogor, Yogyakarta. Hasil standardisasi untuk parameter spesifik menunjukkan organoleptik ekstrak (kental, warna coklat hijau kehitaman, rasa pahit dan berbau khas), dengan kandungan senyawa larut dalam air (7,39%�0,433 � 13,29%�3,311), larut dalam etanol (15,33%�0,635 � 16,68%�0,898), dan kadar total flavonoid (3,807%�0,007 � 4,244%�0,003). Hasil untuk parameter non spesifik menunjukkan kadar air (12,25%�0,372 � 16,34%�0,655), kadar abu total (1,21%�0,117 - 2,78%�0,458), kadar abu tidak larut asam (0,19%�0,030 � 1,62%�0,152), susut pengeringan (21,62%�2,257 � 24,98%�0,697), dan bobot jenis (1,00g/mL�0,000 � 1,00g/mL�0,002). Hasil pengujian cemaran mikroba (0,61 x 103 � 1,13 x 103 koloni/g) sedangkan pengujian cemaran kapang/khamir (0,1 x 102 � 1,7 x 102 koloni/g) serta hasil pengujian logam timbal (0,15 � 0,18 mg/kg), cadmium (0 � 0,11 mg/kg), dan arsen (< 0,005 ?g/kg

    Characterization of Ethanol Extract from Katumpangan Air Herbs (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth

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    Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth known as “Katumpangan Air” is a potential medicinal plants used traditionally for uric acid, rheumatic, headache, stomachache, antimicrobial. This study aims to establish  the non-specific  and specific parameters of ethanol extract from Katumpangan air (EKA). EKA was collected from three different growth places: South Tangerang (6.833%), Bogor (7.8%) and Yogyakarta (13.125%). The results show that organoleptic extract characterization from three places were same: thick, blackish green brown, bitter and have a characteristic odor. The average content of water-soluble compounds was within range 7.39-13.29%, ethanol-soluble 15.33-16.68%, flavonoid total 3.807-4.244%. The range of moisture content was 12.25-16.34%, ash total 1.21-2.78%, acid insoluble ash 0.19-1.62%, drying shrinkage 21.62-24.98%, specific gravity 1.0010-1.0034 g/mL for the non-specific parameter. Microbial contamination testing results 0.61x103-1.13x103 coloni/g, the contaminant testing mold/yeast 0.1x102-1.7x102 coloni/g, while lead metal 0.15-0.18 mg/kg, cadmium 0-0.11 mg/kg and arsenic &lt;0.005µg/kg