29 research outputs found


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    This research intends to strengthen and fulfill the term cooperation between Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, Indonesia and University of Saint Anthony (USANT) Phillippines. The targets of the research are maintaining colaboration, widening network, increasing international recognition, maintaining thesis writing supervision, and citation index for UAD researcher. To achieve these goals, we come up with an agreement to do collaboration research between two groups of researchers from UAD and USANT. This research is focused on a Design Model of Joint Thesis Supervision. It is proved by a Letter of Acceptance from USANT Phillippines and MoU that has been already signed between both universities. This research has a long term goal, that intends to strengthen and fulfill long term cooperation between Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, Indonesia and University of Saint Anthony Philippines. The findings of the research are A Model and A Guidance Book. The Model will be a good model of supervision in thesis writing that useful for English department lecturers in supervising the students. In addition, the Guidance Book will be a standardized operating procedure in conducting research in the department. This research needs to be done because a lot of things will be obtained, such as: understanding the way of guiding thesis writing abroad made by supervisor of the Phillippines; the way of the handling and the treating of supervision there; any difficulties faced by students and supervisors; how they overcome the difficulties encountered; what do students today must adapt and also for lecturers to adjust and face the students; such as whether the form of thesis’ coaching undertaken and enforced; how the students to impose himself in order to master the English language actively. Keywords: thesis supervision, design model, long term cooperation


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    Small Group Discussions are intended for presentation of a timely topic, issue, or problem which would generate lively and useful dialogue or debate. Unlike the Workshop format, where the emphasis is on imparting to the audience a particular skill or core set of knowledge (for example), Small Group Discussions offer an ideal venue for the sharing of ideas, strategies, and opinions. A cooperative is an autonomous association of people united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled business. Cooperatives include non-profit community organizations and businesses that are owned and managed by the people who use their services (a consumer cooperative); by the people who work there (a worker cooperative); by the people who live there (a housing cooperative); hybrids such as worker cooperatives that are also consumer cooperatives or credit unions; multi-stakeholder cooperatives such as those that bring together civil society and local actors to deliver community needs; and second and third tier cooperatives whose members are other cooperatives. Computer-assisted is an adjectival phrase that hints of the use of a computer as an indispensable tool in a certain field, usually derived from more traditional fields of science and engineering. Instead of the phrase computer-assisted, in some cases the suffix management system is used. This research is conducted to investigate the existence of the effectiveness of using those three techniques in teaching reading. This study focused on analyzing the reading texts. The data are analyzed quantitatively and elaborated qualitatively. Keywords: Small Group Discussions, Cooperative, Computer Assisted, Reading


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    Small Group Discussions are intended for presentation of a timely topic, issue, or problem which would generate lively and useful dialogue or debate. Unlike the Workshop format, where the emphasis is on imparting to the audience a particular skill or core set of knowledge (for example), Small Group Discussions offer an ideal venue for the sharing of ideas, strategies, and opinions. A cooperative is an autonomous association of people united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled business. Cooperatives include non-profit community organizations and businesses that are owned and managed by the people who use their services (a consumer cooperative); by the people who work there (a worker cooperative); by the people who live there (a housing cooperative); hybrids such as worker cooperatives that are also consumer cooperatives or credit unions; multi-stakeholder cooperatives such as those that bring together civil society and local actors to deliver community needs; and second and third tier cooperatives whose members are other cooperatives. Computer-assisted is an adjectival phrase that hints of the use of a computer as an indispensable tool in a certain field, usually derived from more traditional fields of science and engineering. Instead of the phrase computer-assisted, in some cases the suffix management system is used. This research is conducted to investigate the existence of the effectiveness of using those three techniques in teaching reading. This study focused on analyzing the reading texts. The data are analyzed quantitatively and elaborated qualitatively


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    This research intends to strengthen and fulfill the term cooperation between Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, Indonesia and University of Saint Anthony (USANT) Phillippines. The targets of the research are maintaining colaboration, widening network, increasing international recognition, maintaining thesis writing supervision, and citation index for UAD researcher. To achieve these goals, we come up with an agreement to do collaboration research between two groups of researchers from UAD and USANT. This research is focused on a Design Model of Joint Thesis Supervision. It is proved by a Letter of Acceptance from USANT Phillippines and MoU that has been already signed between both universities. This research has a long term goal, that intends to strengthen and fulfill long term cooperation between Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta, Indonesia and University of Saint Anthony Philippines. The findings of the research are A Model and A Guidance Book. The Model will be a good model of supervision in thesis writing that useful for English department lecturers in supervising the students. In addition, the Guidance Book will be a standardized operating procedure in conducting research in the department. This research needs to be done because a lot of things will be obtained, such as: understanding the way of guiding thesis writing abroad made by supervisor of the Phillippines; the way of the handling and the treating of supervision there; any difficulties faced by students and supervisors; how they overcome the difficulties encountered; what do students today must adapt and also for lecturers to adjust and face the students; such as whether the form of thesis’ coaching undertaken and enforced; how the students to impose himself in order to master the English language actively. Keywords: thesis supervision, design model, long term cooperation


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    Reading is a compulsory subject in Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication Ahmad Dahlan University. The emphasis is on academic reading. So far, the English achievement of students in this faculty. The low achievement may be caused by (1) low input quality, (2) the weakness of English basic ability, (3) unrelevant syllabus, (4) the conventional of learning method, and (5) students’ attitude toward the difficulty of English. Starting from the problems and the causes mention above, the writer proposes a solution, that is learning English reading academic by using TBL. The problems of the research are (1) Can the use of TBL improve the achievement of academic reading of Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication Ahmad Dahlan University? If yes, how far is the improvement?, (2) How is the study intensity of the students while the lecturers teach them by using TBL?, (3) What are the benefit and the weakness of TBL method toward the learning of academic reading in Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication Ahmad Dahlan University?. This research is a classroom action research which was done in Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication Ahmad Dahlan University from 8th May 2013 up to 31th December 2013. This classroom action research was done by a three cycles performed by (1) planning, (2) preventative steps of performance, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Each cycle had five times meeting. To get the data researcher did some activities such as observing, interviewing, asking for fullfilling form, giving test, giving questioner, and analyzing document. Data resource triangulation and method triangulation were used to know the validity of the investigation technique. Informant review was also used in data validity test. Reliability estimation to guarantee realibility of data was found by test and observation. To analyze the data researcher used the result of observation which was reflected and the learning result the students which was achieved. The technique of analyzing the data was descriptive statistic technique and critical analysis to know the improvement of the situation in detail and precisely according to the improving of the treatment in each cycle. The result shows the application of TBL can improve the achievement of English academic reading of the students of Faculty of Literature, Culture and Communication Ahmad Dahlan University in some aspect and dimensions, such as (1) aspects of reading ability, (2) aspects of RAP, and (3) aspects of English: vocabulary, grammar, and pronounciation, and improving the dimensions of (1) attitude, (2) profesionalism, (3) motivation and interest, (4) communication, (5) ability of cooperation, colaboration, socialization, sharing ideas, opinion, and suggestion, (6) discipline and timing value ability, (7) reading analysis ability, (8) TBL and its processes can be used as an emotional medium. How far is the improvement can be described as follow: the result of pre-test increased (1st cycle is 57,41, 2nd cycle is 62,41, and 3rd cycle is 66,62) and the result of post-test increased (1st cycle is 65,22, 2nd cycle is 66,27, and 3rd cycle is 75,30). The result of learning also inreased, cognitive aspect is 89,19% (33-37 students got the score above (66). Afective aspect is 89,19%. Psycomotor aspect is 91,89% (34 students got good score above 4). The improvement of students learning intensity such as (1) students interest in learning English, (2) learning enthusiasm, (3) responsibility toward doing the tasks, (4) learning result on cognitive, affective, and psycomotor aspects, (5) speaking effort in English, (6) using time effectively, (7) professionalism awarness, (8) social attude and socialization, (9) leadership, model, and moral value. The weakness are (1) need a long time, (2) must be done at that moment, and moral value. The weakness are (1) need a long time, (2) must be done at that moment together, (3) the result of doing the tasks must be collected at the sama time together, (4) making the weak students become lazy, bored, desperate, and mysterious passanger of success, (5) task is not well and right done, (6) all the answers are not well discussed, (7) egoism makes others emotional, (8) the use of dictionary conliscates learning time, (9) the difficulty of sharing idea becomes discussion blocks, (10) ashamed becomes communication blocks, (11) making bad atmosphere and not so relax

    Collaborative Study Improves Teachers’ Mastery of English Texts

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    This topic is chosen to be presented at Jeta seminar because the writer wants to share the result of her research and give the way how to improve the ability of teachers as one of the keys in distributing the knowledge of teaching English to the students. Collaborative study can promote the teacher’s mastery of English texts. To apply this method is not so `difficult. So she is interested in discussing about collaborative study as a method. The research is done in Postgraduate Program of English Education Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta. The data are taken from several techniques including test, participant observation, in-depth interview, questionnaires, and document analysis. To analyze the quantitative data, the writer uses a descriptive statistics, comprising the following dimensions: highest, lowest scores and average score. To analyze the qualitative data she uses constant comparative method as suggested by Glasser (Babbie, 2004: 372). The findings reveal that the using of Collaborative Study is successful viewed from some dimensions. It can develop professional competence very effectively through all activities which are involved by all teachers as participants. It can raise self-awareness for professional development as individuals or as a member of a group intensively and significantly through the activities. It can develop the behavioral or personal competence effectively through authentic participation of the teachers in the personal and experiential relationship in the whole programs which implemented the principles of adult learning. It improves social competence significantly through the interaction and communication in the process of Collaboration. It can develop leadership competence and values by the rotation of taking turn in conducting the meetings. Key words: Collaborative Study, English Texts, Teachers’ Mastery

    Task Based Learning and 101 WAYS Mastering ENGLISH

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    Publication of this book is based mainly on the results of a research at the teaching–learning process and aimed to improve the student reading skills significantly. In addition, the reader can easily obtain and share information through a book entitled "Task Based Learning and 101 Ways Mastering English". This book is expected to give the students both undergraduate and post graduate levels in improving the quality of English reading skills and reading comprehension easily and correctly. Besides that, this book consists of the helpful tips of mastering English at any level in various students’ skill. The beginner and advanced students are able to gain the benefit through reading and criticizing the whole parts of this book. The aim of reading comprehension is to help the readers develop a thoughtful and principled approach of reading books. In many cases, the English learner in general maximize and optimize the whole part of this book for any purposes. In other words that the English learner would be better to use this book for enriching and enhanching their capability of mastering English significantly. The learner can simultaneously master at least the two aspects, namely reading and writing. Therefore, many English language learners will be able to improve their skills in reading and understanding English in the wide range for their daily real need. The writer would like to express her gratitude to Dr. Kardimin for his help reviewing the manuscript and giving support to her; Sutarman, S.Pd. M.Hum, who assisted her in typing and to the Publisher in publishing it, and to all people who cannot be mentioned one by one for the help, so that this publication can be realized. Special thank goes to my lovely mother, husband, children, grandchildren, my friends and all staffs, and anyone who involved in the publication of this book. Hopefully, this book can be useful for the writer and the readers, as well as to provide assistance to overcome difficulties of reading books and texts written in English. In addition, it is expected that there is a sharing between the research’s results and the knowledge. May God always bless and bestow His Grace to us all, aamiin

    Some Strategies for Good Cooperation in Collaboration

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    Ahmad Dahlan University as one of Muhammadiyah Universities in Indonesia, has the motto: Moral and Intellectual Integrity is heading the World University in cooperation and partnership with several universities in the world, among others, the University of Saint Anthony, Iriga City Philippines. On this occasion offers planning strategies to improve the quality of mutual cooperation. Collaboration and cooperation are woven in the form of a students’ exchange; lecturer’s exchange; academic exchange: joint research, seminars, workshops, international journal writing, and publishing along with the impact factor in the appropriate field of study at each university. Research funding and implementation of international activities are expected to be obtained from each state that is implementing activities. Keywords: Muhammadiyah, Moral and Intellectual Integrity, World Class University, Cooperation, Partnership, Strategies

    A sociological approach of literature in Leo N. Tolstoy’s short story God Sees the Truth, But Waits

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    Sociology is defined as the social life, change, and the causes and consequences of human behavior study. Literature means any written work, and it can refer to a single work itself or a categorical understanding of literature. Furthermore, the sociology of literature is a specialized area of study which focuses its attention upon the relationship between a literary work and the social structure in which it is created. The objective of this study is to find out and to describe the elements of a sociology of literature in a short story entitled God Sees the Truth, But Waits by Leo N. Tolstoy. Technically, this study talked about the relation between literature and sociology. This study used sociological methods by describing the characteristics and the facts related to people and particular areas. It explained some aspects like introduction, discussion and description, and closure. The present researchers found sociological aspects such as social facts, social history, social behavior and event, and also literature aspects like jobs, residence, customs, and romance in the discussion and description section in the short story which also as the real-life reflection

    Mixing Theories, Methods, and Approaches Used in Teaching Strategic Communication can Improve the Success of Student’s Learning (CAR in Communication Department SMMTC UUM

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    Mixing theories, methods, and approaches used in teaching Strategic Communication can improve the success of student’s learning. This is the result of class room action research (CAR) which was done in Communication Department SMMTC UUM during the period of February until July 2012. There was no good method in teaching – learning process but the using of mixing theories, methods, and approaches could improve the success of student’s learning. It can be seen from the result of the study. The writer took the initiative to teach how to act, communicate, and work to maximum in order to succeed as a qualified, fully alert, responsive, and workmanlike full with creativity and innovation. To determine the using of mixing theories, methods, and approaches in teaching – learning Strategic Communication was done because the lecturer saw the condition of the students who were passive and not enthusiastic in learning. They were not active, not creative, and always waiting for the instruction given. They tended to be individualism and no motivation at all. After applying some theories, methods, and approaches in the teaching – learning Strategic Communication, the students can become active, cooperative, creative, innovative and independent. This study used an experimental method to the design created with the needs of student-based learning, active students, administration tasks, habituation to actively communicate and cooperate. Qualitative methods were also used to collect data. The data were obtained through interviews, direct observation, and observation that were done from a list of questions posed to the students. Descriptive analysis and field notes were also used in this study. After going through the treatment in a study using mixing theories, methods, and approaches, a visible change of attitudes and habits of the students were more active and enthusiasm in learning. Students were smarter and smarter in the face of learning problems and answering questions. Class discussions could be run well with smooth and communicative. The students in the class were more spirit, creative, and professional. All tasks were collected on time and with a good answer which showed improved learning and reading. Students were courage to speak up and becoming qualified. They were not selfish and apathetic anymore. Key words: Mixing, CAR, Individualism, Qualitative, Field Notes