62 research outputs found

    Cross-Reality for Extending the Metaverse: Designing Hyper-Connected Immersive Environments with XRI

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    The Metaverse comprises technologies to enable virtual twins of the real world, via mixed reality, internet of things, and others. As it matures unique challenges arise such as a lack of strong connections between virtual and physical worlds. This work presents design frameworks for cross-reality hybrid spaces. Contributions include: i) clarifying the metaverse "disconnect", ii) extended metaverse design frameworks, iii) prototypes, and iv) discussions toward new metaverse smart environments

    Extra:Muros:Intra: Into the Heart of Quantum Matter

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    Extra:Muros:Intra: Into the Heart of Quantum Matter is a phenomenological investigation in design processes between digital and physical space. As the physical landscape changes with the hybridization of digital communications, classical concepts of Cartesian and Newtonian space are disrupted in non-classical, quantum indeterminacies. The research involves an interdisciplinary study of quantum physics and contemporary architecture in two phases: the first phase is a comparative analysis of spatial theory in modern architecture and quantum physics starting from the 20th century, and the second phase entails a research-creation prototype in the form of an experiential display, installed in a site-specific public location for 9 days. An analysis of quantum space theory is evaluated in the literature and materialized in the display through a variety of methods: a comparative literature study, observation and documentation, a sample study interviewing participants, and a reflective practice, through which the design process is assessed

    Extending the Metaverse: Hyper-Connected Smart Environments with Mixed Reality and the Internet of Things

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    The metaverse, i.e., the collection of technologies that provide a virtual twin of the real world via mixed reality, internet of things, and others, is gaining prominence. However, the metaverse faces challenges as it grows toward mainstream adoption. Among these is the lack of strong connections between metaverse objects and traditional physical objects and environments, which leads to inconsistencies for users within metaverse environments. To address this issue, this work explores the design and development of a framework for bridging the physical environment and the metaverse through the use of internet-of-things objects and mixed reality designs. The contributions of this include: i) an architectural framework for extending the metaverse, ii) design prototypes using the framework. Together, this exploration charts the course toward a more cohesive and hyper-connected metaverse smart environment

    Extended Reality and Internet of Things for Hyper-Connected Metaverse Environments

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    The Metaverse encompasses technologies related to the internet, virtual and augmented reality, and other domains toward smart interfaces that are hyper-connected, immersive, and engaging. However, Metaverse applications face inherent disconnects between virtual and physical components and interfaces. This work explores how an Extended Metaverse framework can be used to increase the seamless integration of interoperable agents between virtual and physical environments. It contributes an early theory and practice toward the synthesis of virtual and physical smart environments anticipating future designs and their potential for connected experiences.Comment: In Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Christchurch, New Zealand, 202

    Electronic-Structure-Driven Magnetic Ordering in a Kondo Semiconductor CeOs2Al10

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    We report the anisotropic changes in the electronic structure of a Kondo semiconductor CeOs2_2Al10_{10} across an anomalous antiferromagnetic ordering temperature (T0T_0) of 29 K, using optical conductivity spectra. The spectra along the aa- and cc-axes indicate that a cc-ff hybridization gap emerges from a higher temperature continuously across T0T_0. Along the b-axis, on the other hand, a different energy gap with a peak at 20 meV appears below 39 K, which is higher temperature than T0T_0, because of structural distortion. The onset of the energy gap becomes visible below T0T_0. Our observation reveals that the electronic structure as well as the energy gap opening along the b-axis due to the structural distortion induces antiferromagnetic ordering below T0T_0.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Uso de redes neurais artificiais na modelagem cinética de extração supercrítica e comparação com modelos fenomenológicos

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    A artemisinina é o composto majoritário sintetizado a partir da Artemísia annua L. de grande interesse para as indústrias farmacêuticas, cosméticas e/ou alimentícia. Sua principal característica é sua propriedade antimalárica, descoberta esta que rendeu um Prêmio Nobel. Em se tratando do emprego da extração com fluidos supercríticos na obtenção destes compostos, inúmeras pesquisas vêm empregando modelos matemáticos para descrever o comportamento cinético desse processo, que se destaca por ser sustentável, uma green technology. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma rede neural artificial para modelar a cinética de extração supercrítica de artemisinina. Foram utilizados oito experimentos com diferentes condições operacionais como base de dados. Para o desenvolvimento da rede, foram traçadas duas estratégias a fim de se obter uma curva cinética com a massa de extrato de artemisinina em função do tempo. Na primeira estratégia do treinamento da rede, utilizaram-se como variáveis de entrada a pressão de operação, temperatura do solvente, vazão de solvente e massa de extrato nos tempos t e t-1. A variável de saída foi a massa de extrato no tempo t+1. Na segunda estratégia se utilizou como variáveis de entrada a pressão, temperatura, vazão do solvente e o tempo, tendo como variável de saída a massa de extrato no tempo t. Foram testadas diversas configurações e avaliou-se o erro médio percentual da simulação, bem como a correlação de Pearson a seleção da melhor rede. A melhor RNA foi obtida a partir da segunda estratégia, com uma estrutura contendo 7 neurônios na primeira camada intermediária e 1 neurônio na segunda (estrutura 4-7-1-1), com funções de ativação Purelin-Tansig-Tansig. Essa rede foi capaz de descrever e predizer de maneira precisa a cinética da extração supercrítica da artemisinina com uma alta correlação de Pearson de 0,997 e um baixo erro médio na simulação de, aproximadamente, 5%. Além disso, ao compararmos o erro médio quadrático obtido pelo melhor dos modelos fenomenológicos estudados, esta obteve um erro de 2,358. 10-1 , valor este extremamente inferior ao obtido pela RNA 4-7-1-1, que obteve um erro excepcionalmente baixo, 2,619.10-3 . Com isso, pôde-se comprovar a eficiência da rede neural desenvolvida e sua excelente capacidade de generalização do processo.Artemisinin is the major compound synthesized from Artemísia annua L. of great interest for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and / or food industries. Its main characteristic is its antimalarial property, a discovery that won a Nobel Prize. Regarding the use of extraction with supercritical fluids to obtain these compounds, numerous researches have been using mathematical models to describe the kinetic behavior of this process, which stands out for being sustainable, a green technology. In this sense, this work aimed to develop an artificial neural network to model the kinetics of supercritical extraction of artemisinin. Eight experiments with different operational conditions were used as a database. For the development of the network, two strategies were devised in order to obtain a kinetic curve with the mass of artemisinin extract as a function of time. In the first network training strategy, operating pressure, solvent temperature, solvent flow rate and extract mass at times t and t-1 were used as input variables. The output variable was the extract mass at time t + 1. In the second strategy, pressure, temperature, solvent flow and time were used as input variables, with the extract mass at time t as the output variable. Several configurations were tested and the average percentage error of the simulation was evaluated, as well as Pearson's correlation to the selection of the best network. The best RNA was obtained from the second strategy, with a structure containing 7 neurons in the first intermediate layer and 1 neuron in the second (structure 4-7-1-1), with Purelin-Tansig-Tansig activation functions. This network was able to accurately describe and predict the kinetics of the supercritical extraction of artemisinin with a high Pearson correlation of 0.997 and a low average error in the simulation of approximately 5%. In addition, when comparing the mean square error obtained by the best of the studied phenomenological models, it obtained an error of 2.358. 10-1 , a value that is extremely lower than that obtained by RNA 4-7-1-1, which obtained an exceptionally low error, 2,619.10-3 . With that, it was possible to prove the efficiency of the developed neural network and its excellent ability to generalize the process.Não recebi financiament

    Laser-induced fine structures on silicon exposed to THz-FEL

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    We found the irradiation of focused linearly polarized terahertz (THz)-waves emitted from THz free-electron laser (THz-FEL) engraved fine periodic stripe structures on the surfaces of single-crystal Si wafers. The experiments were performed at several wavelengths ranging from 50 to 82 μm with a macro-pulse fluence up to 32 J/cm2. The engraved structures are considered equivalent to the laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) produced by the irradiation of a femtosecond (fs)-pulsed laser in the near-infrared (NIR) region. However, the minimum period of ∼1/25 of the wavelength in the present case of THz-FEL is surely much smaller than those reported so far by use of fs-lasers and no more explicable by the so far proposed mechanisms. The finer LIPSS confirmed by longer-wavelength laser excitation by means of THz-FEL motivates investigation into the universal mechanism of LIPSS formation, which has been under a hot debate for decades