7 research outputs found

    Hiragana stimuli used in the probabilistic learning task in experiments 1a and 1b and experiment 3.

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    <p>Each pair of stimuli was randomly presented in separate trials. During each trial participants chose one of the stimuli of the pair. Feedback following participant’s choice was determined probabilistically. Reward probability (indicated below each stimulus) differed between characters. Task version 1 and 2 differed with respect to the characters associated with more probable positive and more probable negative feedback, respectively. Specifically, in task version 2, Hiragana stimuli were switched within the AB, CD and EF pair. Half of the participants were subjected to version 1 and the other half to task version 2. In experiment 3, a task version was used for which only the Hiragana stimuli within the AB pair were switched.</p

    Reaction times to each of the Hiragana stimuli.

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    <p>Subjects reacted significantly quicker to pairs containing stimulus A and D compared to pairs containing the other characters. Error bars represent ± 1 SE. Note that error bars depict variation per condition, not the difference between conditions (as used in the statistical error term).</p

    Stimulus properties affect choices during the training phase of the probabilistic learning task.

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    <p>The figure displays accuracy (choosing the most rewarded stimulus) for each of the three Hiragana pairs for both task versions in experiment 1a (panel A) and 1b (panel B). In task version 2, subjects performed better at both the AB and CD pair relative to the EF pair, compared to task version 1. This pattern was consistent across both experiments. Furthermore, subjects in task version 1 of experiment 1b performed better at the AB pair relative to the other pairs, compared to task version 2.</p

    The discrimination task used in experiment 2.

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    <p>The six Hiragana characters were exhaustively combined in separate pairs. Participants were instructed to respond as fast and accurate as possible to each of the stimuli of the current pair according to the instructions presented at the beginning of each block. Note that stimuli and text are presented in black for illustrational purposes, in contrast to the actual task.</p