59 research outputs found

    Renal dysfunction after orthotopic heart transplantation: incidence, natural history, and risk factors

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    [Abstract] Background. Renal dysfunction is a common complication after orthotopic heart transplantation (HT). The importance of factors other than exposure to immunosuppressive drugs is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and natural history of renal dysfunction following heart transplantation, and to evaluate a number of variables as risk factors for this condition. Methods. We examined the creatinine levels at 1, 6, 12, 24, and 60 months in 262 consecutive heart transplant patients who survived at least 1 year. The potential risk factors included pre- and posttransplantation diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, and drugs used to control arterial hypertension. Results. 17.2% of patients showed mild renal dysfunction (creatinine 1.5-2.5 mg/dL) and 1.9% moderate dysfunction (creatinine >2.5 mg/dL) at 1 month; 29.8% showed mild and 1.1% moderate dysfunction at 6 months; 33.2% showed mild and 1.9% moderate dysfunction at 1 year; 40% showed mild, 0.9% moderate and 0.4% severe dysfunction (requiring dialysis or renal transplantation) at 2 years; and 43.6% showed mild, 1.7% moderate and 0.9% severe dysfunction at 5 years. None of the conditions analyzed as possible risk factors showed a significant association with renal dysfunction except the use of diuretics. Conclusion. The incidence of renal dysfunction after orthotopic heart transplantation was 33.6% within the first year after transplant and 44% within the first five years, although more than 95% of cases were mild. The incidence increased with time after transplantation. Renal dysfunction seems likely to be multifactorial in origin, but no individual risk factors were identified

    Prognostic Value of Treadmill Exercise Echocardiography

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Exercise echocardiography (EE) is useful for diagnosing coronary disease, but little is known about its value for risk stratification. We aimed to determine: a) whether data from EE supplemented clinical data and data from exercise testing and resting echocardiography in predicting cardiac events; and b) whether the number and location of abnormal regions and their responses to exercise influenced risk stratification. Patients and method. The 2,436 patients referred for EE were followed up for 2.1 ±1.5 years. Some 120 serious cardiovascular events (i.e., non-fatal myocardial infarction or cardiovascular death) occurred before revascularization. Results. In 1203 patients (49%), EE gave abnormal results. There were 89 events in patients with an abnormal result (7.3%) and 31 in those with a normal result (2.5%; P <.0001). Multivariate analysis of clinical data, and data from exercise testing, resting echocardiography, and EE showed that male sex (RR=1.7; 95% CI, 1.1–2.8; P = .02), metabolic equivalents or METs (RR=0.9; 95% CI, 0.86–0.98; P=.01), peak heart rate × blood pressure (RR= 0.9; 95% CI, 0.9; P=.002), resting wall motion score index (RR=2.5; 95% CI, 1.5–4.1; P <.0001), and number of abnormal regions at peak exercise (RR=1.4; 95% CI, 1.2–1.7; P<.0001) were independently associated with the risk of a serious event (final model χ2, 170; incremental P <.0001). The same variables, excluding sex, were independently associated with cardiovascular death (final model χ2, 169; incremental P = .01). Conclusions. Exercise echocardiography supplements clinical data and data from exercise testing and resting echocardiography in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Aunque la ecocardiografía de ejercicio es útil para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad coronaria, hay menos datos referentes a su valor pronós-tico. El objetivo de este estudio fue esclarecer: a) si hay un valor incremental de la ecocardiografía en el pico del ejercicio respecto a las variables clínicas, la prueba de esfuerzo y la ecocardiografía en reposo, y b) si el número y la localización de los territorios afectados, así como el tipo de respuesta al ejercicio, influyen en la estratificación. Pacientes y método. En 2.436 pacientes referidos para ecocardiografía de ejercicio se realizó un seguimien-to de 2,1 ± 1,5 años. Hubo 120 eventos (infarto no fatal o muerte cardiovascular) antes de la revascularización. Resultados. La ecocardiografía fue anormal en 1.203 pacientes (49%). Hubo 89 eventos en pacientes con resul-tado anormal (7,3%) frente a 31 con resultado normal (2,5%; p < 0,001). Mediante un análisis multivariable de variables clínicas, de la prueba de esfuerzo y de la ecocardiografía en reposo y ejercicio encontramos que las variables asociadas de manera independiente con el riesgo de eventos eran: ser varón (riesgo relativo [RR] = 1,7; interva-lo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 1,1–2,8; p = 0,02), los equiva-lentes metabólicos o MET (RR = 0,9; IC del 95%, 0,9–1,0; p = 0,01), el producto frecuencia cardíaca × presión arterial (RR = 0,9; IC del 95%, 0,9–1,0; p = 0,02), el índice de moti-lidad segmentaria basal (RR = 2,5; IC del 95%, 1,5–4,1; p < 0,0001) y el número de territorios afectados (RR = 1,4; IC del 95%, 1,2-1,7; p < 0,0001) (χ2 final = 170, valor incremental de la ecocardiografía en el máximo esfuerzo; p < 0,0001). Las mismas variables, excepto el sexo, estaban asociadas con la muerte (χ2 final = 169, valor incremental de la ecocardiografía de ejercicio; p = 0,01). Conclusiones. La ecocardiografía en el máximo ejercicio incrementa el valor pronóstico de las variables clínicas, la prueba de esfuerzo y la ecocardiografía de reposo

    Hypotension, acidosis and vasodilation syndrome after heart transplant: incidence, risk factors, and prognosis

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    [Abstract] Background. HAV syndrome, the combination of hypotension, acidosis and vasodilation (HAV), is a serious postoperative complication after heart transplantation (HT). Its etiology and prognosis are poorly understood. Aim. To determine the incidence and prognosis of post-HT HAV syndrome and examine possible risk factors. Methods. Retrospective examination of the records of 85 consecutive patients who underwent HT between December 1999 and June 2002 sought the HAV criteria: systolic BP <85 mm Hg plus HCO3 <19 mEq/l whole excluding cardiogenic, hypovolemic and septic shock. Donor variables included sex, age, weight, height, cause of death, time in ICU, and ischemic time; while recipient variables, sex, age, weight, height, etiology of cardiopathy, previous cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, preoperative amiodarone, β-blockers, catecholamines, mechanical ventilation or intra aortic balloon pump (IABP), RVP, time on waiting list, pump time, reoperations, polytransfusion, preoperative creatinine, GOT, GPT and GGT, induction with OKT3 or anti-CD25, bypass-to-HAV time, duration of catecholamine treatment, and 1 month survival after HT. Results. The 11 HAV cases (13%) appeared between 1 and 72 h after HT (75% in the first hour). Catecholamines were used for 1 to 6 days; control was achieved within 48 h in 58% of cases. Two HAV patients (18%) died within the first month versus six non-HAV patients (8.1%) (P = .275). Only polytransfusion showed more than a borderline value to predict HAV syndrome. Conclusions. HAV syndrome has an incidence of 13% and a mortality of 18% within 1 month post-HT. The only likely risk factor is polytransfusion

    Conversion from immediate-release tacrolimus to prolonged-release tacrolimus in stable heart transplant patients: a retrospective study

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    [Abstract] Background Lifelong adherence with post-transplant immunosuppression is challenging, with nonadherence associated with greater acute rejection (AR) risk. Methods This retrospective study evaluated conversion from immediate-release tacrolimus (IRT) to prolonged-release tacrolimus (PRT), between January 2008 and December 2012 in stable adult heart transplant recipients. Cumulative incidence rate (IR) of AR and infection pre- and postconversion, safety, tacrolimus dose and trough levels, concomitant immunosuppression, and PRT discontinuation were analyzed (intention-to-treat population). Results Overall, 467 patients (mean age, 59.3 [SD, 13.3] years) converted to PRT at 5.1 (SD, 4.9) years post transplant and were followed for 3.4 (SD, 1.5) years. During the 6 months post conversion, 5 patients (1.1%; 95% CI, 0.35%–2.48%) had an AR episode and IR was 2.2/100 patient-years (95% CI, 0.91–5.26). Incidence of rejection preconversion varied by time from transplant to conversion. Infection IR was similar post- and preconversion (9.2/100 patient-years [95% CI, 7.4–11.3] vs 10.6/100 patient-years [95% CI, 8.8–12.3], respectively; P = .20). Safety variables remained similar post conversion. The IR of mortality/graft loss was 2.3/100 patient-years (95% CI, 1.7–3.1). Conclusions Conversion from IRT to PRT in heart transplant recipients in Spain was associated with no new safety concerns and appropriate immunosuppressive effectiveness

    Impacto de la variabilidad intrapaciente en la concentración sanguínea de anticalcineurínicos en los resultados del trasplante cardiaco

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Intrapatient blood level variability (IPV) of calcineurin inhibitors has been associated with poor outcomes in solid-organ transplant, but data for heart transplant are scarce. Our purpose was to ascertain the clinical impact of IPV in a multi-institutional cohort of heart transplant recipients. Methods. We retrospectively studied patients aged ≥ 18 years, with a first heart transplant performed between 2000 and 2014 and surviving ≥ 1 year. IPV was assessed by the coefficient of variation of trough levels from posttransplant months 4 to 12. A composite of rejection or mortality/graft loss or rejection and all-cause mortality/graft loss between years 1 to 5 posttransplant were analyzed by Cox regression analysis. Results. The study group consisted of 1581 recipients (median age, 56 years; women, 21%). Cyclosporine immediate-release tacrolimus and prolonged-release tacrolimus were used in 790, 527 and 264 patients, respectively. On multivariable analysis, coefficient of variation > 27.8% showed a nonsignificant trend to association with 5-year rejection-free survival (HR, 1.298; 95%CI, 0.993-1.695; P = .056) and with 5-year mortality (HR, 1.387; 95%CI, 0.979-1.963; P = .065). Association with rejection became significant on analysis of only those patients without rejection episodes during the first year posttransplant (HR, 1.609; 95%CI, 1.129-2.295; P = .011). The tacrolimus-based formulation had less IPV than cyclosporine and better results with less influence of IPV. Conclusions. IPV of calcineurin inhibitors is only marginally associated with mid-term outcomes after heart transplant, particularly with the tacrolimus-based immunosuppression, although it could play a role in the most stable recipients.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. El objetivo es estudiar el impacto clínico de la variabilidad intrapaciente (VIP) de la concentración sanguínea de los anticalcineurínicos en el trasplante cardiaco, pues la información actual es escasa. Métodos. Se analizó retrospectivamente a pacientes de edad ≥ 18 años con un trasplante cardiaco realizado entre 2000 y 2014 y con supervivencia ≥ 1 año. La VIP se valoró mediante el coeficiente de variación de concentraciones entre los meses 4 a 12 postrasplante. El compuesto de rechazo, mortalidad o pérdida del injerto y la mortalidad o pérdida del injerto 1-5 años tras el trasplante se analizaron mediante regresión de Cox. Resultados. Se estudió a 1.581 receptores (edad, 56 años; mujeres, 21%), tratados con ciclosporina (790 pacientes) o tacrolimus (791 pacientes). En el análisis multivariable, un coeficiente de variación > 27,8% tendió a asociarse con el compuesto de rechazo/mortalidad (HR = 1,298; IC95%, 0,993-1,695; p = 0,056) y con la mortalidad (HR = 1,387; IC95%, 0,979-1,963; p = 0,065) a los 5 años. La asociación con el rechazo fue significativa al analizar a la población sin rechazos durante el primer año del trasplante (HR = 1,609; IC95%, 1,129-2,295; p = 0,011). El tacrolimus tuvo menos VIP que la ciclosporina, junto con unos mejores resultados por la menor influencia de la VIP. Conclusiones. La VIP de los anticalcineurínicos, especialmente con la inmunosupresión basada en el tacrolimus, se asocia solo marginalmente con los resultados a medio plazo del trasplante cardiaco, aunque puede tener influencia en los pacientes más estables durante el primer año tras el trasplante

    Prevalence and severity of renal dysfunction among 1062 heart transplant patients according to criteria based on serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate: results from the CAPRI study

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    [Abstract] Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is staged on the basis of glomerular filtration rate; generally, the MDRD study estimate, eGFR, is used. Renal dysfunction (RD) in heart transplant (HT) patients is often evaluated solely in terms of serum creatinine (SCr). In a cross-sectional, 14-center study of 1062 stable adult HT patients aged 59.1 ± 12.5 yr (82.3% men), RD was graded as absent-or-mild (AoM), moderate, or severe (this last including dialysis and kidney graft) by two classifications: SCr-RD (SCr cutoffs 1.6 and 2.5 mg/dL) and eGFR-RD (eGFR cutoffs 60 and 30 mL/min/1.73 m2). SCr-RD was AoM in 68.5% of patients, moderate in 24.9%, and severe in 6.7%; eGFR-RD, AoM in 38.6%, moderate in 52.2%, severe in 9.2%. Among patients evaluated 9.5 yr post-HT (the periods defined by time-since-transplant quartiles), AoM/moderate/severe RD prevalences were 9.5, SCr-RD 58/32/10%, eGFR-RD 32/52/16%. The prevalence of severe RD increases with time since transplant. If the usual CKD stages are appropriate for HT patients, the need for less nephrotoxic immunosuppressants and other renoprotective measures is greater than is suggested by direct SCr-based grading, which should be abandoned as excessively insensitive

    Cold ischemia >4 hours increases heart transplantation mortality. An analysis of the Spanish heart transplantation registry

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    [Abstract] Background. Cold ischemia time (CIT) has been associated to heart transplantation (HT) prognosis. However, there is still uncertainty regarding the CIT cutoff value that might have relevant clinical implications. Methods. We analyzed all adults that received a first HT during the period 2008–2018. CIT was defined as the time between the cross-clamp of the donor aorta and the reperfusion of the heart. Primary outcome was 1-month mortality. Results. We included 2629 patients, mean age was 53.3 ± 12.1 years and 655 (24.9%) were female. Mean CIT was 202 ± 67 min (minimum 20 min, maximum 600 min). One-month mortality per CIT quartile was 9, 12, 13, and 19%. One-year mortality per CIT quartile was 16, 19, 21, and 28%. CIT was an independent predictor of 1-month mortality, but only in the last quartile of CIT >246 min (odds ratio 2.1, 95% confidence interval 1.49–3.08, p < .001). We found no relevant differences in CIT during the study period. However, the impact of CIT in 1-month and 1-year mortality decreased with time (p value for the distribution of ischemic time by year 0.01), particularly during the last 5 years. Conclusions. Although the impact of CIT in HT prognosis seems to be decreasing in the last years, CIT in the last quartile (>246 min) is associated with 1-month and 1-year mortality. Our findings suggest the need to limit HT with CIT > 246 min or to use different myocardial preservation systems if the expected CIT is >4 h

    Impacto de la edad del donante-receptor en la supervivencia al trasplante cardiaco. Subanálisis del Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. The age of heart transplant recipients and donors is progressively increasing. It is likely that not all donor-recipient age combinations have the same impact on mortality. The objective of this work was to compare survival in transplant recipients according to donor-recipient age combinations. Methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of transplants performed between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2017 in the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry. Pediatric transplants, retransplants and combined transplants were excluded (6505 transplants included). Four groups were considered: a) donor < 50 years for recipient < 65 years; b) donor < 50 years for recipient ≥ 65 years; c) donor ≥ 50 years for recipient ≥ 65 years, and d) donor ≥ 50 years for recipient < 65 years. Results. The most frequent group was young donor for young recipient (73%). There were differences in the median survival between the groups (P < .001): a) younger-younger: 12.1 years, 95%CI, 11.5-12.6; b) younger-older: 9.1 years, 95%CI, 8.0-10.5; c) older-older: 7.5 years, 95%CI, 2.8-11.0; d) older-younger: 10.5 years, 95%CI, 9.6-12.1. On multivariate analysis, independent predictors of mortality were the age of the donor and the recipient (0.008 and 0.001, respectively). The worst combinations were older-older vs younger-younger (HR, 1.57; 95%CI, 1.22-2.01; P < .001) and younger-older vs younger-younger (HR, 1.33; 95%CI, 1.12-1.58; P = .001). Conclusions. Age (of the donor and recipient) is a relevant prognostic factor in heart transplant. The donor-recipient age combination has prognostic implications that should be identified when accepting an organ for transplant.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La edad de receptores y donantes cardiacos se está incrementando progresivamente. Es probable que no todas las combinaciones tengan el mismo impacto en la mortalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar la supervivencia de los pacientes trasplantados según la combinación de edades de donante y receptor. Métodos. Análisis retrospectivo del Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco de los trasplantes realizados entre el 1 de enero de 1993 y el 31 de diciembre de 2017. Se excluyeron los pediátricos, los retrasplantes y los trasplantes combinados (se incluyeron 6.505 trasplantes). Se consideraron 4 grupos: a) donante menor de 50 años para receptor menor de 65 años; b) donante menor de 50 años para receptor de edad ≥ 65 años; c) donante de edad ≥ 50 años para receptor de 65 o más, y d) donante de edad ≥ 50 años para receptor menor de 65. Resultados. El grupo más frecuente fue el de donante joven para receptor joven (73%). Hubo diferencias en la mediana de supervivencia entre los grupos (p < 0,001): a) joven-joven: 12,1 años (IC95%, 11,5-12,6); b) joven-mayor: 9,1 años (IC95%, 8,0-10,5); c) mayor-mayor: 7,5 años (IC95%, 2,8-11,0), y d) mayor-joven: 10,5 años (IC95%, 9,6-12,1). En el análisis multivariante, las edades del donante y del receptor resultaron predictoras independientes de la mortalidad (0,008 y 0,001 respectivamente). Las peores combinaciones fueron mayor-mayor frente a joven-joven (HR = 1,57; IC95%, 1,22-2,01; p < 0,001) y joven-mayor frente a joven-joven (HR = 1,33; IC95%, 1,12-1,58; p = 0,001). Conclusiones. La edad (del donante y del receptor) es un factor pronóstico relevante en el trasplante cardiaco. La combinación de edades de donante y receptor posee implicaciones pronósticas que se debe conocer a la hora de aceptar un órgano para trasplante

    Complicaciones infecciosas relacionadas con la asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración en candidatos a trasplante cardiaco urgente

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Short-term mechanical circulatory support is frequently used as a bridge to heart transplant in Spain. The epidemiology and prognostic impact of infectious complications in these patients are unknown. Methods. Systematic description of the epidemiology of infectious complications and analysis of their prognostic impact in a multicenter, retrospective registry of patients treated with short-term mechanical devices as a bridge to urgent heart transplant from 2010 to 2015 in 16 Spanish hospitals. Results. We studied 249 patients, of which 87 (34.9%) had a total of 102 infections. The most frequent site was the respiratory tract (n = 47; 46.1%). Microbiological confirmation was obtained in 78 (76.5%) episodes, with a total of 100 causative agents, showing a predominance of gram-negative bacteria (n = 58, 58%). Compared with patients without infection, those with infectious complications showed higher mortality during the support period (25.3% vs 12.3%, P = .009) and a lower probability of receiving a transplant (73.6% vs 85.2%, P = .025). In-hospital posttransplant mortality was similar in the 2 groups (with infection: 28.3%; without infection: 23.4%; P = .471). Conclusions. Patients supported with temporary devices as a bridge to heart transplant are exposed to a high risk of infectious complications, which are associated with higher mortality during the organ waiting period.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. El uso de dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante es frecuente en España. Se desconocen la epidemiología y la repercusión de las complicaciones infecciosas en estos pacientes. Métodos. Descripción sistemática de la epidemiología y análisis de la repercusión pronóstica de las complicaciones infecciosas en un registro multicéntrico retrospectivo de pacientes tratados con dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante cardiaco urgente entre 2010 y 2015 en 16 hospitales españoles. Resultados. Se estudió a 249 pacientes; 87 (34,9%) de ellos tuvieron un total de 102 infecciones. La vía respiratoria fue la localización más frecuente (n = 47; 46,1%). En 78 casos (76,5%) se obtuvo confirmación microbiológica; se aislaron en total 100 gérmenes causales, con predominio de bacterias gramnegativas (n = 58, 58%). Los pacientes con complicaciones infecciosas presentaron mayor mortalidad durante el periodo de asistencia circulatoria mecánica (el 25,3 frente al 12,3%; p = 0,009) y menor probabilidad de recibir un trasplante (el 73,6 frente al 85,2%; p = 0,025) que los pacientes sin infección. La mortalidad posoperatoria tras el trasplante fue similar en ambos grupos (con infección, el 28,3%; sin infección, el 23,4%; p = 0,471). Conclusiones. Los pacientes tratados con dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente al trasplante cardiaco están expuestos a un alto riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas, las cuales se asocian con una mayor mortalidad en espera del órgano

    Pulmonary vascular remodeling and prognosis in patients evaluated for heart transplantation: insights from the OCTOPUS-CHF study

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    [Abstract] Objective: In patients with advanced heart failure, the intravascular optical coherence tomography (OCT) of subsegmental pulmonary artery measurements is correlated with right heart catheterization parameters. Our aim was to study the prognostic value of pulmonary OCT, right heart catheterization data, and the echocardiographic estimation of pulmonary pressure in patients studied for elective heart transplants. Methods: This research is an observational, prospective, multicenter study involving 90 adults with a one-year follow-up. Results: A total of 10 patients (11.1%) died due to worsening heart failure before heart transplantation, 50 underwent a heart transplant (55.6%), and 9 died in the first year after the transplant. The patients with and without events (mortality or heart failure-induced hospitalization) had similar data regarding echocardiography, right heart catheterization, and pulmonary OCT (with a median estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure of 42.0 mmHg, interquartile range (IQR) of 30.3-50.0 vs. 47.0 mmHg, IQR 34.6-59.5 and p = 0.79, median pulmonary vascular resistance of 2.2 Wood units, IQR 1.3-3.7 vs. 2.0 Wood units, IQR 1.4-3.2 and p = 0.99, and a median pulmonary artery wall thickness of 0.2 ± 0.5 mm vs. 0.2 ± 0.6 mm and p = 0.87). Conclusion: Pulmonary vascular remodeling (evaluated with echocardiography, right heart catheterization, and pulmonary OCT) was not associated with prognosis in a selected sample of adults evaluated for elective heart transplants. Pulmonary OCT is safe and feasible for the evaluation of these patients.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI18/00254European Regional Development Fund; CB16/11/0050