41 research outputs found

    Species Authentication of Dog, Cat, and Tiger Using Cytochrome Î’ Gene

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    Adulteration of animal food products for economic reason has happened during the last decades. Species identification method development was needed to prevent falsification information. The objective of this research was to study species authentication (dog, cat, and tiger) to ensure animal origin in products using cyt β gene specific marker. DNA extraction and fragment amplification were conducted using phenol-chloroform and multiplex PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method, respectively. This research showed that fragment length of amplification for species tested (dog, cat, and tiger) were 523, 331, 319 bp, respectively. Species specificity was also indicated by high reverse primers homology percentage. Multiplex PCR technique succeed to amplify DNA fragment from species tested, but has a limitation to amplify total DNA composite of mix DNA

    Dasar Pertimbangan Hakim dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 16/k/ag/2010 pada Kasus Waris Berbeda Agama Berdasarkan Pasal 171 Huruf C Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    Artikel ilmiah ini berisikan tetntang dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan mahkamah agung nomor 16/k/ag/2010 pada kasus waris berbeda agama berdasarkan pasal 171 huruf c kompilasi hukum islam. Analisis ini menggunakan perbandingan hukum antara putusan Mahkamah Agung NOMOR 16/K/AG/2010 dengan Pasal 171 Huruf C. Artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan metode pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendeketan kasus (case approach). Bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier yang diperoleh penulis akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik Interpretasi ekstensif yaitu metode interpretasi melebihi batas yang biasa dilakukan melalui interpretasi gramatikal dengan cara melakukan menentukan isi atau makna aturan hukum dari Undang-undang, putusan Mahkamah Agung, dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang dijadikan rujukan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan hukum yang menjadi obyek kajian.Kata Kunci : Waris, Berbeda Agama, ahli waris wasiat wajibah

    Motivations of High School Students of Diferent Sex and Age

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    Background. Te actual motive may be experimentally diagnosed through study of the system of perceived motivations. However, since perceived motivations are always expressed in terms that are not unambiguous (for a number of reasons, including age, gender, context, etc.), the experimental reconstruction of the actual motive is always associated with an ambiguity in interpretation of the respondents’ perceived motivations. We need to use a method of diagnosing motivations that would allow us to identify, for the groups of students studied, not only the contribution of a particular perceived motivation, but also the substantive features of the designated motives, through the pattern of correlations of these perceived motivations. Objective. Tis article presents the results of research on the age and gender specifics of learning motivations of high school students. Design. Experimental identifcation of their motivational profles was made by means of factor analysis, separately for each of four groups of pupils (in Moscow schools with a traditional learning paradigm): two junior groups (8th-9th grades, 14-15 years old) of boys (62) and girls (59); and two senior groups (10th-11th grades, 16-17 years old) of boys (63) and girls (54). Results. As a result, a motivational structure specifc for the corresponding gender and age was identifed and described. Conclusion. We showed that as a child grows up, the orientation in learning becomes more and more generalized, with a stronger expression for boys than for girls. In the junior group, girls have a motivation that is oriented to the future, whereas boys do not; such motivations in boys are seen only in the senior group and are inextricablymlinked to the parents’ approval. Both for boys and girls, the content of their motivation for cognitive achievement in the older age group is based on two motives, which are independent at the younger age: curiosity and prestige. However, with girls, apart from a desire to learn new things, the aspiration to difer notably from others and to demonstrate their achievements to others is signifcantly greater than with boys

    Constructtion of Student Well-being Scale for 4-6th Graders

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    Student well-being pada anak usia Sekolah Dasar di Indonesia belum banyak dikaji, demikian pula USAha untuk mengembangkan indikator yang relevan untuk mengungkap well-being anak di sekolah belum banyak dilakukan. Di sisi lain, alat ukur untuk mengetahui well-being siswa sangat dibutuhkan seiring dengan meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap well-being siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen pengukuran student well-being dalam konteks Sekolah Dasar (SD). Skala yang dikembangkan didasarkan pada tinjauan penelitian well-being pada anak yang dilakukan oleh Pollard dan Lee dan disesuaikan dengan konteks sekolah yang mengacu pada pendekatan kesejahteraan psikologis dari Ryff dan Keyes. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menyusun tiga skala paralel. Setiap skala yang disusun ini diujikan kepada 200 responden, sehingga total responden adalah 600 siswa. Hasil analisis terhadap ketiga skala dijadikan dasar untuk menyusun satu skala kompilasi. Skala kompilasi ini kemudian diujikan kepada 215 responden. Hasil analisis terhadap skala kompilasi menunjukkan bahwa 39 aitem yang disusun mempunyai properti psikometris yang memuaskan jika ditilik dari koefisien reliabilitas, daya beda aitem, dan validitas isi, sedangkan secara struktural, struktur faktornya masih perlu diperbaiki. Kata kunci: kesejahteraan psikologi, sekolah dasar, student well-bein

    Pengaruh Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran, Pengendalian Akuntansi, Sistem Pelaporan terhadap Akuntabilitas Kinerja Skpd di Merauke

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    The research aimed to analyze the effect of budget goal clarity, controls accounting and systems reporting forperformance accountability of toward government agencies. respondents in this research is the civil servants whoserved as head of finance , program and evaluation , treasurer and finance staff in 27 SKPD of District Merauke.The amount of samples in this study was 116 respondents. The sample collection method using a basic formulaYamane, while the method of processing data using multiple linear regression analysis. The partial testing resultsshowed that the goal budget clarity, accounting controls and reporting systems have significant effect onperformance accountability of government agencies and simultaneous testing showed significant positive effect onperformance accountability of government agencies in Merauke.Key-Words: budget, accountability, performance, control, syste

    Penilaian Terhadap Kesesuaian Antara Penetapan Bea Keluar Atas Ekspor Mineral Dengan Asas Kepastian Hukum Dan Asas Ekonomis

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    The regulation of the mineral mining sector underwent significant changes as a result of the enactment of the government\u27s policy to increase export duties on mineral exports. This paper examines wether the new regulation is in conformity with the principle of legal certainty and the principle of economy, as well as trying to find the ideal scheme in determining the Mineral Export Levy. This research concludes that there is conformity between new regulation and legal certainty, but there is unconformity with the principle of economy. The ideal scheme is to include consideration of the realitation of justice.IntisariRegulasi sektor USAha pertambangan mineral mengalami Perubahan signifikan sebagai akibat ditetapkannya kebijakan pemerintah memungut bea keluar terhadap ekspor mineral. Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji regulasi tersebut dalam kesesuaiannya dengan asas kepastian hukum dan asas ekonomi, serta mencoba mencari skema ideal dalam menentukan Bea Keluar Ekspor Mineral. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Penetapan BK Mineral telah sesuai dengan asas kepastian hukum namun belum sesuai dengan asas ekonomis. Skema yang ideal di dalam penatapan BK Ekspor Mineral adalah dengan memasukkan pertimbangan realisasi keadila

    Designing Essential Questions in the Process of Teaching and Learning to Deepen Understanding and Develop Students\u27 Awareness Toward Environment

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    Essential questions help teachers in delivering focused and meaningful lessons for students. Good essential questions will help students gaining clear understanding and developing their critical thinking skills as well as creativity. This research is aiming at designing essential questions to help teachers deepening understanding and developing students\u27 awareness towards the world\u27s greatest concern, environment. It was started with analysis of questions in the teacher and student books of the 2013 Curriculum grade V theme 1 and subtheme 1, especially those related to environmental matters. The next step was doing revisions by designing essential questions based on the criteria suggested by McTighe and Wiggins (2013). The essential questions proposed were then reviewed, graded, and given feedback by using expert judgment methods. The result showed that more than 65% questions proposed were categorized as essential questions while the remaining 35% still needed further revisions