18 research outputs found

    Promoter-sequence determinants and structural basis of primer-dependent transcription initiation in Escherichia coli

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    Chemical modifications of RNA 5'-ends enable "epitranscriptomic" regulation, influencing multiple aspects of RNA fate. In transcription initiation, a large inventory of substrates compete with nucleoside triphosphates for use as initiating entities, providing an ab initio mechanism for altering the RNA 5'-end. In Escherichia coli cells, RNAs with a 5'-end hydroxyl are generated by use of dinucleotide RNAs as primers for transcription initiation, "primer-dependent initiation." Here, we use massively systematic transcript end readout (MASTER) to detect and quantify RNA 5'-ends generated by primer-dependent initiation for ∼410 (∼1,000,000) promoter sequences in E. coli The results show primer-dependent initiation in E. coli involves any of the 16 possible dinucleotide primers and depends on promoter sequences in, upstream, and downstream of the primer binding site. The results yield a consensus sequence for primer-dependent initiation, YTSS-2NTSS-1NTSSWTSS+1, where TSS is the transcription start site, NTSS-1NTSS is the primer binding site, Y is pyrimidine, and W is A or T. Biochemical and structure-determination studies show that the base pair (nontemplate-strand base:template-strand base) immediately upstream of the primer binding site (Y:RTSS-2, where R is purine) exerts its effect through the base on the DNA template strand (RTSS-2) through interchain base stacking with the RNA primer. Results from analysis of a large set of natural, chromosomally encoded E coli promoters support the conclusions from MASTER. Our findings provide a mechanistic and structural description of how TSS-region sequence hard-codes not only the TSS position but also the potential for epitranscriptomic regulation through primer-dependent transcription initiation

    MglA, SspA, and PigR are found ubiquitously at promoter regions.

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    <p>A representative illustration of the density of the normalized mapped sequencing reads after ChIP-Seq of β′+rif (purple), σ<sup>70</sup> (orange), MglA (brown), SspA (light pink), PigR (blue), and HipB (dark pink) (A) at the FTL_0491 promoter, which is known to be regulated by MglA, SspA, and PigR; (normalized reads are displayed on a linear scale) (B) at the FTL_0650 and FTL_0651 promoters, which are not under the control of MglA, SspA, or PigR (normalized reads are displayed on a linear scale); and (C) across a 400 kb region of the <i>F</i>. <i>tularensis</i> chromosome (normalized reads are displayed on a log scale). There is significant concordance between the enrichment profiles of β′+rif, σ<sup>70</sup>, MglA, SspA, and PigR. HipB is not specifically enriched at these regions. (D) Venn diagram representing the overlap between MglA, SspA, and PigR peaks at σ<sup>70</sup>-associated promoters. Numbers indicate percent of promoters that are enriched for the indicated transcription factor.</p

    PigR requires MglA to specifically associate with promoter regions.

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    <p>(A) Abundance of ectopically expressed PigR-V as analyzed by Western blot. (<i>Upper</i>) Western blot probed with antibody against the VSV-G tag. (<i>Lower</i>) Western blot probed with antibody against GroEL serves as a loading control. Wild-type LVS cells containing the empty control vector pF (lane 1); LVS ∆<i>pigR</i> mutant cells containing either pF-PigR-V (lane 2) or pF2-PigR-V (lane 3); LVS ∆<i>pigR</i> ∆<i>mglA</i> mutant cells containing pF-PigR-V (lane 4). (B) and (C) Representative datasets illustrating the density of the normalized mapped sequencing reads after ChIP-Seq with cells of the LVS σ<sup>70</sup>-V strain (orange), cells of the LVS PigR-V strain (blue), cells of the LVS ∆<i>pigR</i> mutant strain that ectopically synthesize PigR-V from plasmid pF2-PigR-V (PigR<sup>e</sup> ∆<i>pigR</i>, light blue), and cells of the LVS ∆<i>pigR</i> ∆<i>mglA</i> mutant strain that ectopically synthesize PigR-V from plasmid pF-PigR-V (PigR<sup>e</sup> ∆<i>pigR</i> ∆<i>mglA</i>, blue-green). (B) Ectopically produced PigR-V occupies the promoter of the PigR/MglA/SspA-regulated FTL_0491 gene in cells containing MglA, but not in cells lacking MglA. (C) Ectopically produced PigR-V occupies the promoters of the FTL_0650 and FTL_0651 genes, which are not under the control of PigR/MglA/SspA, only in cells that contain MglA.</p

    Identification of promoters in <i>F</i>. <i>tularensis</i> using ChIP-Seq.

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    <p>(A) Schematic representation of the VSV-G tag integration vector and its use to construct the LVS β′-V strain that synthesizes the β′ subunit of RNAP with a VSV-G tag (β′-V) at native levels. (B) A representative illustration of the density of normalized mapped sequencing reads (Y-axis) along a region of the chromosome (X-axis) after ChIP-Seq of each epitope-tagged factor: β′ (green), β′+ rif (purple), σ<sup>70</sup> (orange), σ<sup>32</sup> (cyan), and HipB (dark pink). Gray boxes below the read density plot indicate areas of significantly enriched reads; red lines indicate sites of maximum enrichment. Promoter regions, defined as areas with significant enrichment of β′ + rif, σ<sup>32</sup>, or σ<sup>70</sup> with the chromosome, are indicated by the purple boxes below the gene annotations.</p

    The PigR response element (PRE) is necessary and sufficient for promoters to be controlled by PigR.

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    <p>(A) A logo of the 7 bp consensus PRE sequence motif generated by MEME. (B) Alignment of promoters with mapped transcription start sites and predicted -10 and -35 elements (underlined), including the promoters of five PigR-regulated genes (FTL_0026, <i>iglA pdpA</i>, FTL_1218, FTL_1219, FTL_0361) and the promoters of three non-PigR regulated genes (FTL_0361, <i>pmrA</i>, <i>hupB</i>). The conserved PRE is found 6–7 bp upstream of the -35 element only in those promoters known to be controlled by PigR. (C) Alignment of <i>iglA</i> promoter variants. Nucleotide substitutions (in bold) were introduced in the <i>iglA</i> promoter fused to the <i>lacZ</i> reporter gene and integrated into the FTL_0111 locus. (D) Quantification of <i>lacZ</i> expression in strains LVS and LVS ∆<i>pigR</i> containing the indicated promoter variants (indicated along the X-axis) by β-galactosidase assay, as measured in Miller Units (Y-axis). (E) Alignment of FTL_0361 promoter variants. Nucleotide substitutions (in bold) were introduced into the FTL_0361 promoter fused to the <i>lacZ</i> reporter gene and integrated into the FTL_0361 locus. (F) Quantification of <i>lacZ</i> expression in strains LVS and LVS ∆<i>pigR</i> containing the indicated promoter variants (indicated along the X-axis) by β-galactosidase assay, as measured in Miller Units (Y-axis). Error bars for the -10 mutant in the LVS strain, the wild type FTL_0361 promoter and the -10 mutant in the LVS ∆<i>pigR</i> strain are too small to be illustrated.</p

    Model for how PigR functions coordinately with the MglA-SspA complex to positively control the expression of genes.

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    <p>PigR associates with RNAP through interaction with the RNAP-associated MglA-SspA complex and is consequently found associated with RNAP at the promoters of both non-regulated (A) and regulated (B) genes. (B) PigR is a DNA-binding protein that binds the PRE present within the promoters of regulated genes; contact between RNAP-bound PigR and the DNA stabilizes the binding of RNAP to the promoter, thereby activating transcription specifically from promoters that contain a PRE. Although for convenience, MglA and SspA are depicted here as interacting with the α subunit of RNAP, it is not known which subunit(s) of RNAP are contacted by the MglA-SspA complex.</p