14 research outputs found

    Influence of Radiation and Convective Types of Heat Exchange on the Necessary Duration of Temperature Measurement by Thermocouples

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    Results of research of influence of radiation heat exchange on duration of execution of measurement high temperatures are given by thermocouples, influence of the free convection on results of temperature measurement is also considered by the thermocouples set in protective sleeves with a gap. Researches showed that radiation heat exchange leads to lowering of duration of heating of the thermocouple to 30% whereas the free convection in a protective sleeve practically doesn't exert impact on process of heating up of the sensor

    Experimental Research of Influence of a Relative Particles Positioning in a Gas Stream on Characteristics of their Aerodynamic Traces

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    The cycle of experimental studies on determination of length of aerodynamic traces of the particles which are flowed round by an air stream is executed. When carrying out researches, panoramic optical methods for diagnostics of multiphase flows of PIV and PTV were used. Velocities of an air flow were varied in the range of 1-3 m/s. The sizes of particles changed from 1mm to 5 mm. The defining influence of the sizes of particles and velocities of an air stream on length of aerodynamic traces is established. Influence of a relative positioning of particles on features of formation of an aerodynamic trace is shown


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    Статья посвящена исследованию образовательной технологии реверсивного обучения и применению ее на практике. Актуальность заявленной темы связана с возрастающей популярностью использования современного Интернет пространства и мобильных устройств, предлагающих широкий выбор образовательных ресурсов. Целью, проведенного исследования, является выявление особенностей при разработке учебных материалов с применением технологии реверсивного обучения, а также разработка рекомендаций по применению технологии в рамках образовательного процесса. Автором статьи были проанализированы формы и методы организации учебных занятий. Определено содержание учебно-методических рекомендаций. Обоснована необходимость использования технологии реверсивного обучения на практике. Рассмотрены теоретические основы и предпосылки возникновения технологии. В результате анализа и обобщения теоретического материала, выявлены особенности при разработке учебных материалов с применением технологии, разработаны рекомендации по применению технологии в рамках образовательного процесса, а также доказано, что применение технологии реверсивного обучения является эффективным, так как технология способствует повышению успеваемости и интереса учащихся к учебному процессу.Цель. Статья посвящена исследованию образовательной технологии реверсивного обучения и применению ее на практике в рамках образовательного процесса. Предметом анализа выступают особенности разработки учебных материалов при применении технологии реверсивного обучения. Автор ставит целью выявить особенности при разработке учебных материалов с применением технологии и разработать рекомендации по применению технологии в рамках образовательного процесса.Метод и методология проведения работы. Основу исследования образуют метод анализа, метод синтеза и обобщения теоретического материала.Результаты. Результаты работы заключаются в том, что автор выявляет особенности при разработке учебных материалов при применении технологии реверсивного обучения, разрабатывает рекомендации по её использованию, при этом учитывая плюсы и минусы технологии, которые необходимо принимать во внимание при внедрении технологии в учебный процесс.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены при изучении педагогики, теории и практики преподавания иностранных языков и культур, а также в качестве рекомендации по применению технологии в рамках образовательного процесса. The article focuses on the study of reverse learning technology and its application in practice. The relevance of the topic is related to the growing popularity of Internet and mobile devices usage, offering a wide range of educational resources. The purpose of the study is to identify features of learning materials’ development and to develop recommendations for the application of technology into the educational process. The author of the article analyzed the forms and methods of organizing the training sessions. The content of the teaching and methodical recommendations was defined. The necessity of reverse learning usage in practice was substantiated. The theoretical basis and prerequisites of the technology were considered. As a result of the analysis and synthesis of the theoretical material, specific features of development of training materials in the application of reverse learning were determined. Recommendations for the application of reverse learning technology also were developed. Moreover, it was proved that the usage of reverse learning technology was effective, as the technology helped to improve learning achievements and interest in learning.Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of reverse learning educational technology and its practical application to the educational process. The subject of the analysis is the development of training materials in the application of reverse learning technology. The author aims to reveal specific features in the development of educational materials with the usage of technology and to develop recommendations for the application this technology into the educational process.Methodology. The research is based on the analytical method, method of synthesis and a generalization of theoretical materials.Results. The results of a study are that the author determined specific features in the development of training materials in the application of reverse learning technology and developed recommendations for its usage, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, that should be taken into account when introduces reverse learning into the educational process.Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied in the study of pedagogy, theory and practice of teaching foreign languages and cultures, and as a recommendation for the application of reverse learning technology in the educational process

    Evaporation rates of water droplets with soluble and insoluble additives

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    The relevance. Caused by a wide practical use of water with typical soluble and insoluble additives in the following technologies. They are: thermal and fire purification of liquids, polydisperse fire extinguishing, combustion of waste-derived slurry fuels, cleaning of heat-loaded surfaces, creation of heat agents based on combustion products. Any change in liquid component composition leads to a change in its thermophysical properties, heating rates and phase transformations. So far, there is not enough experimental data on evaporation rates of water droplets with typical soluble and insoluble additives. The aim. Experimental determination of evaporation rate of water droplets with typical additives under various heating methods. The methods. To register sizes of moving droplets, optical registration methods based on a high-speed video camera were used. To register the temperature of combustion products, a measuring complex, consisting of an NI 9219 board and four chromel-alumel fast-response thermocouples, was used. The authors used four methods of droplet heating: in the flow of combustion products with the dominance of convective heat transfer, in a tubular muffle furnace with the dominance of radiative heat transfer, on a solid surface with the dominance of conductive heat transfer, and in a flame with the dominance of mixed (convective and radiative) heat transfer. The results. The authors have determined the ranges of change in evaporation rates of water droplets with typical (soluble and insoluble) additives for various heating methods with the dominance of convective, radiative, and conductive heat transfer. The effect of an additive type and concentration, heating method and heating medium temperature on of droplet evaporation characteristics was established

    Experimental Research of Influence of a Relative Particles Positioning in a Gas Stream on Characteristics of their Aerodynamic Traces

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    The cycle of experimental studies on determination of length of aerodynamic traces of the particles which are flowed round by an air stream is executed. When carrying out researches, panoramic optical methods for diagnostics of multiphase flows of PIV and PTV were used. Velocities of an air flow were varied in the range of 1-3 m/s. The sizes of particles changed from 1mm to 5 mm. The defining influence of the sizes of particles and velocities of an air stream on length of aerodynamic traces is established. Influence of a relative positioning of particles on features of formation of an aerodynamic trace is shown

    Influence of Radiation and Convective Types of Heat Exchange on the Necessary Duration of Temperature Measurement by Thermocouples

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    Results of research of influence of radiation heat exchange on duration of execution of measurement high темератур are given by thermocouples, influence of the free convection on results of temperature measurement is also considered by the thermocouples set in protective sleeves with a gap. Researches showed that radiation heat exchange leads to lowering of duration of heating of the thermocouple to 30% whereas the free convection in a protective sleeve practically doesn’t exert impact on process of heating up of the sensor

    The Features of Formation of Russian Agriculture's Sectoral Structure

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    The long-term strategy of the economic development of Russia up to 2030 is based on the concept of sustainable growth. The determining factor of such development is complex changes in the economic system which may be achieved by making progressive changes in its structure. The structural changes determine the character and the direction of economic development, as well as they include all elements of this system without exception, and their regulated character ensures the most rapid aim achievement. This article has discussed the industrial structure of the agriculture in Russia. With the use of the system of indexes, the article has determined the directions, intensity, and speed of structural shifts. The influence of structural changes on agricultural production development has been found out. It is noticed that the changes in the industrial structure are synchronized with the changes in the organisation and economic structure. Efficiency assessment of structural changes allowed to trace the efficiency of structural changes and elaborate the main directions for agricultural policy improvement

    Representing school discourse stimuli

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    Discourse study in contemporary science is characterized by various approaches, whose integrative feature is the fact that this theoretical phenomenon is considered as a communicative activity and is caused by anthropocentric factors of speech generation. The representation of school discourse stimuli allows simulating the speech portrait of participants in educational activities. School discourse is a complex communicative phenomenon created by the subjects of the school educational process. It reflects the totality of accepted values and behavioral stereotypes in a particular socio-cultural space. The work aims to investigate the stimuli of school discourse. This work was conducted employing methods, such as 1) the free associative experiment; 2) quantitative analysis, which allowed identifying the actualization of the incentive perception based on quantitative data; and 3) discursive and conceptual analysis, which involved the identification of concepts, simulating them based on the conceptual totality of the means of their lexical representation in the usage. In the course of conducted study, about 600 native speakers of the Russian language were interviewed, and 9,440 associations were obtained for the school discourse stimuli. In the language consciousness of schoolchildren and teachers, associations for the “Family” stimulus were dominant, and the associative field of this stimulus was represented most broadly. The smallest number of associations was noted with regard to the “Evil” stimulus. The frequency of associations in the stimuli “Good”, “Happiness”, “Love”, “Friendship”, “Joy”, and “Labor” was approximately the same. The representation of school discourse stimuli reflects the value system, worldviews, moods, and assessments of recipients. Such a study was conducted for the first time


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    Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are some of the most widely spread diseases worldwide that are of 80% of economic cost of infectious diseases. It is known that specific prophylaxis (vaccination) and, in some clinical cases, direct-acting antiviral prophylaxis are key strategies for the prevention of influenza as one of the most dangerous ARVI viruses. However, there are a number of reasons why specific prophylaxis of influenza does not entirely address the issue of prophylaxis of ARVI that are caused by more than 200 different viruses, such as formation of immune response only to vaccine influenza strains and absence of immune response to other respiratory infections, induction in the case of short-term protection, especially, in the aged and others. Prevention of influenza with antiviral drugs is limited by risks of development of resistant influenza strains aa well as contraindications and limitations of use. Therefore, the use of nonspecific drugs such as broad-spectrum antiviral drugs of interferon type (IFN) and their inducers (II), as well as sanitary and hygienic measures is recommended for prevention. For the purpose of prevention, the use of inducers of endogenic interferons is relevant in unvaccinated persons during pre-epidemic and epidemic ARVI periods; in high-risk group (students, medical professions, transport workers, elderly, patients with comorbid pathologies, people in structured organizations, for example, military personnel), in immunocompromised people. One of the most extensively studied interferon inducers widely used in clinical practice since 2003 for prevention and treatment of influenza and diseases caused by Herpesviruses is an antiviral drug Kagocel®. The paper presents real-time data of the preventive efficacy of Kagocel® in the therapy of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza caused by different viral strains including pandemic ones.Острые респираторные вирусные инфекции (ОРВИ) являются одними из самых распространенных заболеваний в мире, которые ежегодно приносят более 80% экономических потерь, наносимых инфекционными болезнями. Известно, что эффективными способами профилактики гриппа, одного из наиболее опасных вирусов, вызывающих ОРВИ, являются специфическая профилактика (вакцинация) и, в ряде клинических ситуаций, химиопрофилактика противовирусными препаратами прямого действия. Однако специфическая профилактика гриппа не решает в полной мере проблему профилактики ОРВИ, возбудителями которых насчитывают более 200 видов вирусов, по ряду таких причин, как, например, формирование иммунного ответа только к вакцинным штаммам вируса гриппа и его отсутствие ко всем остальным респираторным вирусам, индукция относительно краткосрочной защиты, особенно у лиц преклонного возраста и др. Профилактика химиопрепаратами ограничена риском развития резистентных штаммов вирусов гриппа и наличием противопоказаний и ограничений к применению. В связи с этим рекомендовано применение средств неспецифической профилактики: лекарственных препаратов (ЛП) широкого спектра действия из группы интерферонов (ИФН) и их индукторов (ИИ), проведение санитарно-гигиенических мероприятий. С профилактической целью применение индукторов эндогенных интерферонов наиболее актуально у невакцинированных лиц в предэпидемический и эпидемический периоды подъема заболеваемости ОРВИ; у лиц из групп риска (студенты, медицинские работники, работники транспорта, пожилые лица, пациенты с коморбидными патологиями, лица из организованных коллективов, например, военнослужащие), у людей с ослабленным иммунитетом. Одним из наиболее изученных индукторов интерферона, который широко применяется в клинической практике с 2003 г. для профилактики и лечения гриппа, ОРВИ и заболеваний, вызываемых герпесвирусами, является ЛП Кагоцел®. В статье приведены актуальные данные профилактической эффективности препарата Кагоцел® в отношении острых респираторных вирусных инфекций и гриппа, вызванного различными штаммами вируса, включая пандемические.</p

    TAS3 miR390-dependent loci in non-vascular land plants: towards a comprehensive reconstruction of the gene evolutionary history

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    Trans-acting small interfering RNAs (ta-siRNAs) are transcribed from protein non-coding genomic TAS loci and belong to a plant-specific class of endogenous small RNAs. These siRNAs have been found to regulate gene expression in most taxa including seed plants, gymnosperms, ferns and mosses. In this study, bioinformatic and experimental PCR-based approaches were used as tools to analyze TAS3 and TAS6 loci in transcriptomes and genomic DNAs from representatives of evolutionary distant non-vascular plant taxa such as Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta and Anthocerotophyta. We revealed previously undiscovered TAS3 loci in plant classes Sphagnopsida and Anthocerotopsida, as well as TAS6 loci in Bryophyta classes Tetraphidiopsida, Polytrichopsida, Andreaeopsida and Takakiopsida. These data further unveil the evolutionary pathway of the miR390-dependent TAS3 loci in land plants. We also identified charophyte alga sequences coding for SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING 3 (SGS3), which is required for generation of ta-siRNAs in plants, and hypothesized that the appearance of TAS3-related sequences could take place at a very early step in evolutionary transition from charophyte algae to an earliest common ancestor of land plants