11 research outputs found

    Specific Features Of Geological Risk Assessment In Moscow

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    The paper describes approaches to assessing geohazards and georisk of economic losses in Moscow. It is shown that for surface construction, the principle geohazards in Moscow are karst-suffosion sinkholes, land subsidence, landslides, and waterlogging. The subsurface construction is endangered by karstification and fracturing of limestone, decompaction, and swelling of clay, quicksand phenomena, and groundwater breakthrough to tunnels. The different procedures for the assessment of geological risk in Moscow have been suggested for already existing urban infrastructure and for future planned construction. For existing surface urban infrastructure, geological risk is considered to be an integral parameter of probable damage caused by geohazards and the anthropogenic load on the specific territories. The main aim of risk mapping in this case is outlining the territories, for which restrictions and prohibitions should be imposed for further urban engineering development. For future subsurface urban construction, the risk-analysis consists in assessing the impact of geohazards on the engineering structure by comparing the future expenditures for the construction and operation under different engineering geological conditions. The procedures of risk mapping elaborated for both approaches are described; the typification schemes are listed; and the relevant risk maps built for the Moscow territory are provided. The risk maps will help planners to compare and make alternative project decisions in order to minimize the cost in future economic expenditures. Both approaches are successfully approved in Moscow

    Genetic Resources of Cereal Crops for Aphid Resistance

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    The genetic resources of cereal crops in terms of resistance to aphids are reviewed. Phytosanitary destabilization led to a significant increase in the harmfulness of this group of insects. The breeding of resistant plant genotypes is a radical, the cheapest, and environmentally safe way of pest control. The genetic homogeneity of crops hastens the adaptive microevolution of harmful organisms. Both major and minor aphid resistance genes of cereal plants interact with insects differentially. Therefore, rational breeding envisages the expansion of the genetic diversity of cultivated varieties. The possibilities of replenishing the stock of effective resistance genes by studying the collection of cultivated cereals, introgression, and creating mutant forms are considered. The interaction of insects with plants is subject to the gene-for-gene relationship. Plant resistance genes are characterized by close linkage and multiple allelism. The realizing plant genotype depends on the phytophage biotype. Information about the mechanisms of constitutional and induced plant resistance is discussed. Resistance genes differ in terms of stability of expression. The duration of the period when varieties remain resistant is not related either to its phenotypic manifestation or to the number of resistance genes. One explanation for the phenomenon of durable resistance is the association of the virulence mutation with pest viability

    Vitamin E and A availability in goose embryos and goslings and improvement of reproduction traits depending on the starting temperature regime of egg incubation

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    One of the major problems impeding the sustainable development of goose production is low egg hatchability. Thus, it is imperative to develop more efficient ways to improve the hatching qualities of goose eggs. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of changes in the temperature regime of incubation on the availability of vitamins A (retinol) and E (α-tocopherol), as well as important elements of antioxidant protection in embryos and goslings. The initial heating of eggs at temperatures of 39 and 39.5 °C during the first 24 or 36 h was used as the main factor influencing goose embryo development. The dynamics in the content of antioxidant retinol and α-tocopherol were analyzed in the liver of embryos and goslings (up to 9 days of age) using the standard regime of incubation (at 38 °C) and the prior heating of eggs (at 39 °C and 39.5 °C) in the first 24 and 36 h of incubation. The obtained results provided new information about the effect of the initial heating of eggs on the function of antioxidants in the gosling’s body. It was confirmed that the age-related changes of retinol and α-tocopherol levels in goslings are similar to those found in chicks, ducklings, and turkey-poults. In addition, the effect of an egg’s weight on hatchability was established, with the hatchability of eggs in the medium weight class being higher than that of smaller and larger eggs. The efficiency of the redistribution of retinol from the yolk to the liver in day-old goslings was higher by 6% when exposing eggs to a temperature of 39.5 °C for 36 h. The initial heating regime at 39.5 °C led to an increased hatch of goslings, and to the evenness of their hatch from eggs of different weights, approaching the hatch values of the medium class. Overall, the α-tocopherol concentration in the liver of embryos and goslings, using the starting heating of eggs, was higher than that with the standard temperature mode of incubation. At the same time, the hatch rate of goslings increased by 9–13%, and the hatchability of eggs by 10–16%. For use in the practice of hatcheries and breeding poultry farms, it is recommended that goose eggs are heated for 36 h at 39.5 °C

    Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Adipose Tissue during Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Influence Reverse Cholesterol Transport-Related Gene Expression in Human Macrophages

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    Obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Adipose tissue (AT) extracellular vesicles (EVs) could play a role in obesity and T2DM associated CVD progression via the influence of their specific cargo on gene expression in recipient cells. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of AT EVs of patients with obesity with/without T2DM on reverse cholesterol transport (RCT)-related gene expression in human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) from healthy donors. AT EVs were obtained after ex vivo cultivation of visceral and subcutaneous AT (VAT and SAT, respectively). ABCA1, ABCG1, PPARG, LXRβ (NR1H2), and LXRα (NR1H3) mRNA levels in MDMs as well as in origine AT were determined by a real-time PCR. T2DM VAT and SAT EVs induced ABCG1 gene expression whereas LXRα and PPARG mRNA levels were simultaneously downregulated. PPARG mRNA levels also decreased in the presence of VAT EVs of obese patients without T2DM. In contrast ABCA1 and LXRβ mRNA levels tended to increase with the addition of obese AT EVs. Thus, AT EVs can influence RCT gene expression in MDMs during obesity, and the effects are dependent on T2DM status

    Inorganic Nitrile Halides in the Synthesis of Halogen-, Nitro- and Halogenated Nitro-Products

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    Проведено теоретическое и экспериментальное изучение неорганических нитрилгалогенидов в реакциях галогенирования, нитрования и нитрогалогенирования аренов и алкинов. Показано, что при использовании системы I2 (Hal-) в присутствии нитратов щелочных металлов в среде уксусной кислоты возможно образование нитрилгалогенидов. В зависимости от природы галогенида получены продукты йодирования, нитрования, нитрогалогенирования, циклизации, окисления органических субстратов. Для осуществления направленного синтеза проведены теоретические квантово-химические расчеты промежуточных частиц – нитрилгалогенидов – с использованием стандартного пакета программ Gaussian‑03. Расчет показал возможность образования частиц NO2Hal, их геометрию и распад по гомо- или гетеролитическому механизмуInorganic nitrile halides have been studied theoretically by quantum-chemical approach and experimentally in the reactions of halogenation, nitration and nitro halogenation of aromatic compounds and alkynes. The generation of nitrile halides was eventually proved can be can be carried out using the iodine system (alkali metal halides) in the presence of alkali metal nitrates in an acetic acid medium. It has been found that the reaction can give the products of iodination, nitration, nitro halogenation, as well as products of cyclization, and oxidation depending on the nature of the halogen. To predict the products of reaction theoretical quantum-chemical calculations for intermediate particles – nitrile halides using the standard Gaussian‑03 software package were carried out. The possibility of NO2Hal formation was approved from quantum calculations. Furthermore the geometry of NO2Hal particles and mechanism of their homo- or heterolytic decay were represente

    Association Mapping of Fertility Restorer Gene for CMS PET1 in Sunflower

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    The phenomenon of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), consisting in the inability to produce functional pollen due to mutations in mitochondrial genome, has been described in more than 150 plant species. With the discovery of nuclear fertility restorer (Rf) genes capable of suppressing the CMS phenotype, it became possible to use the CMS-Rf genetic systems as the basis for practical utilization of heterosis effect in various crops. Seed production of sunflower hybrids all over the world is based on the extensive use of the PET1 CMS combined with the Rf1 gene. At the same time, data on Rf1 localization, sequence, and molecular basis for the CMS PET1 type restoration of fertility remain unknown. Searching for candidate genes of the Rf1 gene has great fundamental and practical value. Therefore, in this study, association mapping of fertility restorer gene for CMS PET1 in sunflower was performed. The genome-wide association study (GWAS) results made it possible to isolate a segment 7.72 Mb in length on chromosome 13, in which 21 candidates for Rf1 fertility restorer gene were identified, including 20 pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR)family genes and one Probable aldehyde dehydrogenase gene. The results will serve as a basis for further study of the genetic nature and molecular mechanisms of pollen fertility restoration in sunflower, as well as for further intensification of sunflower breeding

    Клинические рекомендации по ведению детей с дефицитом лизосомной кислой липазы

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    Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency is s a rare hereditary enzymopathy. The article presents epidemiological data and features of etiopathogenesis of two phenotypic forms of lysosomal acid lipase deficiency — Wolman disease and cholesterol ester storage disease. Special attention has been given to the key issues of differential diagnostic search, clinical guidelines based on the principles of evidence-based medicine have been given.Дефицит лизосомной кислой липазы — редкая наследственная ферментопатия. В статье представлены эпидемиологические данные и особенности этиопатогенеза двух фенотипических форм дефицита лизосомной кислой липазы — болезни Вольмана и болезни накопления эфиров холестерина. Подробно описаны клинические характеристики быстропрогрессирующей формы и медленно развивающейся болезни накопления эфиров холестерина. Особое внимание уделено ключевым вопросам дифференциально-диагностического поиска, приведены рекомендации по лечению, основанные на принципах доказательной медицины