29 research outputs found

    Designing learning outcomes using game technologies: example of elements and processes of architectural design - I course

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    Introduction: This article describes the possibilities of forecasting learning outcomes after using gamification methods. The analysis of data collected within the framework of one academic discipline is given. The development of a regulating program using game technologies for the course is proposed.  Materials and Methods: The methodological part is concentrated on identifying the problem areas of the course and selecting gamification elements for specific tasks. Results and Discussion: The expected result after the implementation of the program is described. A hypothetical idea about the prospective use of individual game mechanics for educational purposes is described but requires further practical trial. The relevance of the development of complex motivational programs integrated into the educational process and solving the problem of improving the effectiveness of learning is identified. Conclusions: The use of various ways of involving students, and maintaining the balance between educational and game tasks is described.Introducción: Este artículo describe las posibilidades de pronosticar los resultados de aprendizaje después de utilizar métodos de gamificación. Se da el análisis de los datos recogidos en el marco de una disciplina académica. Se propone el desarrollo de un programa regulador utilizando tecnologías de juego para el curso. Materiales y Métodos: La parte metodológica se concentra en identificar las áreas problemáticas del curso y seleccionar elementos de gamificación para tareas específicas. Resultados y Discusión: Se describe el resultado esperado luego de la implementación del programa. Se describe una idea hipotética sobre el uso prospectivo de mecánicas de juego individuales con fines educativos, pero requiere más pruebas prácticas. Se identifica la relevancia del desarrollo de programas motivacionales complejos integrados al proceso educativo y que resuelvan el problema de mejorar la efectividad del aprendizaje. Conclusiones: Se describe el uso de diversas formas de involucrar a los estudiantes y mantener el equilibrio entre las tareas educativas y de juego

    Modeling of liquid flow in surface discontinuities

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    Polymer composite and metallic materials have found wide application in various industries such as aviation, rocket, car manufacturing, ship manufacturing, etc. Many design elements need permanent quality control. Ensuring high quality and reliability of products is impossible without effective nondestructive testing methods. One of these methods is penetrant testing using penetrating substances based on liquid penetration into defect cavities. In this paper, we propose a model of liquid flow to determine the rates of filling the defect cavities with various materials and, based on this, to choose optimal control modes

    Determination of the Depth of Closed Blind Cracks in Non-metal Check Samples and Test Panels for Penetrant Testing

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    Check samples and test panels are used to quality assessment and comparing sensitivity of sets of penetrant material. Authors made research in field of manufacturing non-metal test-objects with specified parameters, such as length a width. The paper considers a technique to determine the depth of blind closed cracks in check samples and non-metal test panels for penetrant inspection with a special tool to measure the depth of the undercut depth or a gauge indicator on the outboard support

    Determination of the Depth of Closed Blind Cracks in Non-metal Check Samples and Test Panels for Penetrant Testing

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    Check samples and test panels are used to quality assessment and comparing sensitivity of sets of penetrant material. Authors made research in field of manufacturing non-metal test-objects with specified parameters, such as length a width. The paper considers a technique to determine the depth of blind closed cracks in check samples and non-metal test panels for penetrant inspection with a special tool to measure the depth of the undercut depth or a gauge indicator on the outboard support

    The Method of Manufacturing Nonmetallic Test-Blocks on Different Sensitivity Classes

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    Nowadays in our modern world there is a vital question of quality control of details made from nonmetallic materials due to their wide spreading. Nondestructive penetrant testing is effective, and in some cases it is the only possible method of accidents prevention at high-risk sites. A brief review of check sample necessary for quality evaluation of penetrant materials is considered. There was offered a way of making agents for quality of penetrant materials testing according to different liquid penetrant testing sensibility classes

    Recursos dos termos fonéticos para processos morfonológicos

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of phonetic terms in the field of phonological processes.Based on a theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the authors present different perspectives and studies by prominent linguists on the designation and fixation of phonetic terms in the field of morphonology and morphonological phenomena. Such terms as "morphonology", "morphoneme", "morpheme", "morph", and "submorph" are defined as well as the key morphonological phenomena in the Russ ian language. The systematization and generalization of linguists' views and studies make it possible to define the features of phonetic terms in the field of morphonological processes. It is concluded that there is still no consensus in modern linguistics about the interpretation of morphonological notions. Modern linguists have not agreed on whether some means, in particular, phonetic alternation and stress, are morphonological phenomena in language.El propósito del estudio es analizar las características de los términos fonéticos en el campo de los procesos fonológicos, a partir de un análisis teórico de la literatura científica y metodológica, los autores presentan diferentes perspectivas y estudios de destacados lingüistas sobre la designación y fijación de la fonética. términos en el campo de la morfonología y los fenómenos morfonológicos. Términos como "morfonología", "morfonema", "morfema", "morfo" y "submorfo" se definen así como los fenómenos morfonológicos clave en el idioma ruso. La sistematización y generalización de las visiones y estudios de los lingüistas permiten definir las características de los términos fonéticos en el campo de los procesos morfonológicos. Se concluye que todavía no existe consenso en la lingüística moderna sobre la interpretación de las nociones morfonológicas. Los lingüistas modernos no se han puesto de acuerdo sobre si algunos medios, en particular la alternancia fonética y el acento, son fenómenos morfonológicos del lenguaje.O objetivo do estudo é analisar as características dos termos fonéticos no campo dos processos fonológicos. Com base em uma análise teórica da literatura científica e metodológica, os autores apresentam diferentes perspectivas e estudos de linguistas de destaque sobre a designação e fixação da fonética. termos no campo da morfonologia e fenômenos morfonológicos. Termos como "morfonologia", "morfonema", "morfema", "morfo" e "submorfia" são definidos, bem como os principais fenômenos morfonológicos na língua russa. A sistematização e generalização das visões e estudos dos linguistas permitem definir as características dos termos fonéticos no campo dos processos morfonológicos. Conclui-se que ainda não há consenso na lingüística moderna sobre a interpretação das noções morfonológicas. Os linguistas modernos não concordaram se alguns meios, em particular, alternância fonética e acento, são fenômenos morfonológicos na linguagem

    Проблема человеческого фактора в межкультурных коммуникациях: способы и технологии решения

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    Intercultural communication implies mutual understanding of the participants of the communication act, who belong to different national cultures. The purpose of the present article is to determine the problems of the human factor in intercultural communication in a multicultural environment, and methods of solving these problems based on the negotiation of differing points of view and misunderstandings in intercultural communication. The article defines theoretical approaches to the study of the intercultural communication concept and the main research lines in the field of intercultural communication. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and conducted expert survey, the authors analyze the problems arising in intercultural communications and approaches to addressing them. Three main categories of problems related to communication in a multicultural environment are identified, namely: language problems, cultural problems, and problems related to personal perception.La comunicación intercultural implica la comprensión mutua de los participantes en un acto comunicativo que pertenecen a diferentes culturas nacionales. El objetivo del artículo es identificar los problemas del factor humano en las comunicaciones interculturales en un entorno multicultural y los métodos para resolver los datos se basan en equilibrar desacuerdos y malentendidos en las comunicaciones interculturales. El artículo define enfoques teóricos para el estudio de la categoría de "comunicación intercultural", define las principales direcciones de investigación en el campo de la comunicación intercultural. Basado en el análisis de la literatura científica y la encuesta de expertos, se analizan los problemas que surgen en las comunicaciones interculturales y los enfoques para su solución. Se identifican tres categorías principales de problemas relacionados con la comunicación en un entorno multicultural, a saber: problemas de lenguaje, problemas de naturaleza cultural, problemas asociados con la percepción personal.Межкультурная коммуникация подразумевает взаимопонимание участников коммуникативного акта, которые принадлежат к разным национальным культурам. Целью статьи является определение проблем человеческого фактора в межкультурных коммуникациях в многокультурном окружении и методы решения данных поблеем на основе балансировки разногласий и недоразумений в межкультурных коммуникациях. В статье определены теоретические подходы к изучению категории «межкультурная коммуникация», определены основные направления исследований в сфере межкультурной коммуникации. На основании анализа научной литературы и экспертного опроса проанализированы проблемы, возникающие в межкультурных коммуникациях и подходы к их решению. Определены три основные категории проблем, имеющие отношение к коммуникациям в многокультурном окружении, а именно: языковые проблемы, проблемы культурного характера, проблемы, связанные с личным восприятием. &nbsp

    Определение возможности применения неметаллических контрольных образцов для оценки работоспособности дефектоскопических материалов и оценки чувствительности капиллярного контроля

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    INTRODUCTION. Liquid penetrant testing (PT) is one of the most widely used non-destructive testing methods for detecting surface discontinuities in nonporous solid materials. This method has shown good results when looking for defects in details made of any nonporous materials including glass, ceramics, plastic, magnetic or nonmagnetic metals or alloys. Penetrant materials and check samples are the main tools for PT. The samples are used to estimate the performance of penetrant materials and to evaluate the sensitivity of the testing technology. AIM OF THE PAPER. The paper aims to evaluate the discontinuity parameters, such as cracks, in non-metal samples to determine the feasibility of using these samples to assess the sensitivity of the testing technology. METHODS. Discontinuity parameters in non-metallic check samples were determined using a microscope, and then the data was statistically processed in accordance with GOST 8.736-2011"Multiple direct measurements. Methods of measurement results processing. Main principles". RESULTS. The conducted study has showed that samples made of non-metallic material can be used to estimate the performance of penetrant families, as well as to assess penetrant testing sensitivity since the cracks in samples are virtually straight.Введение. Капиллярный метод неразрушающего контроля является одним из наиболее широко используемых методов для выявления поверхностных несплошностей в твердых непористых материалах. Данный метод хорошо зарекомендовал себя при поиске дефектов в деталях из любых непористых материалов, в том числе стекла, керамики, пластмассы, магнитных и немагнитных металлах и сплавах. Дефектоскопические материалы и контрольные образцы являются основными средствами капиллярного контроля. Образцы служат для определения работоспособности дефектоскопических материалов и оценки чувствительности технологии контроля. Цель работы - оценка влияния параметров несплошностей типа трещин в образцах из неметалла для определения возможности применения таких образцов для оценки чувствительности технологии контроля. Методы исследования. Параметры несплошностей в неметаллических контрольных образцах определяли с помощью микроскопа, затем полученные данные подвергали статистической обработке в соответствии с ГОСТ 8.736-2011 «Измерения прямые многократные. Методы обработки результатов измерений. Основные положения». Результаты. По результатам исследования выявлено, что образцы из неметаллического материала пригодны для определения работоспособности наборов дефектоскопических материалов, а также возможности применения данных образцов для оценки чувствительности капиллярного контроля, так как трещины в образцах получаются практически прямолинейными

    Traditional Arctic native fish storage methods and their role in the sustainable development of the Arctic

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    The business of the Arctic has received increased attention owing to climate change. However, resource development and the use of waterways threaten the fragile Arctic ecology. The indigenous people of the Arctic have acquired a vast amount of traditional knowledge about coexisting in harmony with nature over the course of many years. Herein, five types of fish storage facilities that are commonly used by Arctic indigenous people and their working mechanisms are described. The traditional knowledge of the Arctic indigenous people is practically applied in Arctic fish storage systems, which are still common, effective, and environmentally friendly. The traditional fish storage facilities of the aborigines are of significance because they promote the sustainable development of the Arctic

    Development of the Arctic reindeer industry from the perspective of Sino-Russian green biomanufacturing cooperation

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    Russia’s reindeer population accounts for two thirds of the world’s total. There is a strong and resilient population of reindeer on the tundra, and reindeer herders inherit and transmit the unique culture of the north. Reindeer products have become the subject of innovative developments in the biopharmaceutical and healthcare products industry owing to their unique raw material properties. Because deer antlers and blood are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, significant quantities of Arctic reindeer products are likely to be sold in China. Strengthening understanding of the Russian Arctic reindeer industry will help Chinese companies invest in the Russian Arctic, promote Sino-Russian Arctic cooperation on green biomanufacturing, and lead to the development of new products that promote human health