10 research outputs found
Health and Economic Implications of Smoking in Indonesia: a Review of the Literature
Tobacco smoking is a huge health threat to the population due to its potential adverse health and economic consequences. Yet, studies that review these consequences in Indonesia are rare. This paper attempts to address the health and economic implications of smoking in Indonesia.We performed a narrative literature review from various feasible sources of information. We carefully selected literature based on its suitability and relevance. We collected 75 relevant peer-reviewed journal articles, and 37 reports and legal products pertaining to tobacco control. From those literatures, we then infer that smoking lowers the health status, causes premature mortality, and possibly, impedes future economic growth.The links between smoking, human capital and economic growth warrant further research. The formulation of appropriate policies must consider gender and cultural issues prevalent in Indonesi
Aspek Sosio-budaya dalam Pengembangan Program Penyediaan Air Bersih dan Penyehatan Lingkungan di Propinsi Timor Timur
A cross sectional study was conducted in four regencies of East Timor province in 1988. The purpose of the study was to obtain data on sociocultural aspects of a sampled population in relation to water supply and sanitation. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires. A household was selected as sampling unit and the head of the household was chosen as respondent. Of the 760 respondents interviewed, 603 (79.76%) were illiterate, 560 (73.68%) did not speak Bahasa Indonesia, and 604 (79.47%) of them were farmers. Most of the respondents lived in temporary houses, 65 (79.60%), however, 100 (13.16%) and 55 (7.24%) lived in semi-permanent and permanent houses respectively. The number of the households that had their own water supply, facilities were 156 (20.53%), 540 (71.05%) used public facilities and 57 (7.57%) used neighbour's facilities. Of the households that used latrines, 189 (25.10%) had their own facilities, and 57 (7.57%) used public facilities. The rest 565 (67.33%) defecated at improper places. Even though most of the socio-economic variables were still poor, there were several cultural variables which could support extended water supply and sanitation programme, e.g. the local existing organization, the role of informal and formal leaders of the village, and the cooperative spirit
Penelitian dalam Rangka Penerapan Sistem Pembuangan Tinja dan Sampah Tepat Guna Desa Pantai di Kabupaten Rembang dan Kabupaten Lamongan
A cross-sectional survey was carried out in coastal villages of Rembang and Lamongan Districts in 1996 to determine the acceptability of coastal villagers in the implementation of an appropriate disposal system of excreta and solid waste. Interview using structured questionnaires and focused group discussion (FGD) was applied to obtain data regarding basic characteristics of respondents, conditions of basic sanitation and knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of coastal villagers in such systems. Four villages were randomly selected from the two districts. The samples from Rembang and Lamongan were 466 and 451 respondents respectively. The study revealed that majority of the respondents used clean water from dug wells and shallow hand pumps. Only 22.75 percent of households in Rembang used latrines, 56.22 percent defecated on the beach and the remaining 21.03 percent used other improper ways of disposal. The reasons of those who defecated on the beach were due to lack of space and money and their familiarity with the beach in which the beach was considered a good place for excreta disposal. Regarding solid waste disposal, only 29.40 percent from Rembang and 46.56 percent from Lamongan had bins in their houses to collect rubbish which varied from plastic bins to bamboo bins. Nevertheless, majority of the coastal villagers were willing to improve their conditions of basic sanitation and overcome their unsanitary habits in defecation by involving them in the implementation of an appropriate on-site sanitation designed by the Health Ecology Research Center
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diare pada Anak Balita (Analisis Lanjut Data Sdki, 1994)
The risk of diarrhoea for children under five years of age is higher than in adults. Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 1994 (1DHS-1994) data were analysed to know the risk of sociodemographic and environmental factors on diarrhoea among children under five years of age. The sociodemographic factors which were analysed included area, education and occupation of the parents, age, while the environmental factors were main source of drinking water, type of latrine, kind of floor, distance between the well and septic tank. The results showed that the risk of having diarrhoea in rural areas was higher than in urban areas. Incidence of diarrhoea among children aged 12-24 months was higher than those of 25-59 months. Incidence diarrhoea was lower among the households which have sources of clean water or households which have toilet facilities with septic tanks. Bivariate analysis of parents education and age of children as sociodemographic factors show that these factors have influence on diarrhoea. The diarrhoeal risk among children age of 12-24 months was 2.23 times higher than those children age of 25-59 months. Source of drinking water, type of latrine, distance between the well and septic tank, overcrowding as environmental factors all have influence on the incidence of diarrhoea. The highest risk occurred among household which have toilet facility without septic tank. Multivariate analysis show that mothers education, overcrowding and age of children as dominant factors have influenced the incidence of diarhoea among children under five years of age. The highest risk was the age of the children
Factors Affecting Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Rural Community in Managing Water Supply in the Project Areas of Rembang, Bungo Tebo, Serang and West Lombok Districts
Penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku (PSP) masyarakat perdesaan dalam pengelolaan air bersih di daerah bantuan proyek telah dilakukan di empat kabupaten yaitu Rembang, Bungo Tebo, Serang, dan Lombok Barat pada tahun 1994. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur, diskusi kelompok terfokus (DKT), inspeksi sanitasi, dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode acak bertingkat dengan jumlah sampel untuk kuesioner sebanyak 1827 kepala keluarga (KK) dan sampel untuk DKT sebanyak 24 kelompok yang terdiri dari kepala keluarga, kader, dan tokoh masyarakat. Tingkat PSP untuk responden KK dibagi dalam tiga kategori yakni rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan adalah status kependudukan, status kemasyarakatan, status ekonomi, pendidikan, penyuluhan. bantuan sarana, pemberian kartu rumah, dan kunjungan kader. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap adalah status ekonomi, pendidikan, kunjungan kader, dan penyuluhan. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku adalah sama dengan faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan ditambah dengan faktor adanya keluarga binaan dan pengetahuan. Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara desa bantuan dengan desa bukan bantuan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan linear dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku sehingga disarankan faktor-faktor tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan air bersih di perdesaan