1,833 research outputs found

    Gray Wolf (Canis lupus italicus) and Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Parasite Survey in Anthropized and Natural Areas of Central Italy

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    Simple Summary Studies on wild animal parasites are considered crucial for the adoption of effective strategies aimed at reducing the impact of these pathogens on evolving ecosystems. This study aimed to assess and compare gastrointestinal nematodes and protozoa and other parasites detectable with coprological analysis in free-ranging wolf and red fox populations living in natural and anthropized areas of Tuscany (Central Italy). This comparison allowed us to detect significant differences in the occurrence and frequency of some parasite taxa considering the same canid species in different environments (natural and anthropized) and the two canid species in the same environment. Data obtained in this study may indicate different parasite risks and different roles played by the wolf and the fox in the diffusion of specific parasite taxa in the environments considered herein. Gastrointestinal nematodes and protozoa and other parasite occurrences were evaluated in free-ranging wolf (Canis lupus italicus) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) populations from natural and anthropized areas of Central Italy. Analyzed fecal samples were collected from 60 foxes and 40 wolves in the anthropized areas, and 41 foxes and 39 wolves in the natural areas. In foxes, hookworm infections (p < 0.0001) were more frequently recorded in the anthropized environment, while coccidia (p < 0.05) and Cryptosporidium spp. (p < 0.0001) were more frequent in the natural area. In wolves, a higher frequency of hookworms (p < 0.0001) was observed in natural areas, while coccidia were more common in the anthropized area (p < 0.05). Moreover, in the natural environment, trichuroid nematodes (p < 0.0001) were significantly more frequent in wolves than in foxes, while Cryptosporidium (p < 0.001) and Giardia duodenalis (p < 0.001) were more common in foxes. In the anthropic area, the occurrence of hookworms was found to be significantly higher in foxes (p < 0.0001), while trichuroid nematodes were more common in wolves (p < 0.0001). The obtained data are indicative of a different diffusion of specific parasite taxa in wolves and foxes living in the natural and/or anthropized environments examined herein

    Impact of a dry granular flow against a rigid wall: MPM simulations with a new constitutive approach

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    The dynamic interaction between granular flowing masses and obstacles is a very complex phenomenon involving large displacements and high strain rates. To simulate the event in a continuum-based framework both advanced numerical tools and constitutive relationships are required. In this work, the impact of a dry granular mass against a rigid wall is numerically simulated using the open-source Material Point Method code ANURA3D, while the constitutive model proposed by Marveggio et al., 2021 is adopted for the granular mass. The model accounts for rate and grain packing dependence, which have been shown to be crucial to reproduce the propagation of compression and rarefaction waves inside the mass. The model is capable of reproducing “solidification” and “liquefaction” phenomena observed in the DEM impact tests results already available in the literature

    Sistema de equipamiento home office en el contexto de pandemia : Uso compartido

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    A partir de estudiar la experiencia del trabajo en el hogar se definieron los pilares para un sistema que permite la coexistencia equilibrada entre dos usuarios que deben utilizarlo simultáneamente, planteando el tema de la convivencia y la adaptabilidad. La jornada laboral genera que se solapen los horarios y desplazamientos de usuarios dentro del hogar. De esta manera nace CORDILLERA, un sistema home office pensado para mejorar la experiencia de dos usuarios que realizan trabajo remoto, con horarios iguales o similares. Los usuarios son personas que tienen entre 23 y 45 años y desarrollan tareas administrativas, técnicas, creativas, etcéteraFacultad de Arte

    Can We Predict Skeletal Lesion on Bone Scan Based on Quantitative PSMA PET/CT Features?

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    Objective: The increasing use of PSMA-PET/CT for restaging prostate cancer (PCa) leads to a patient shift from a non-metastatic situation based on conventional imaging (CI) to a metastatic situation. Since established therapeutic pathways have been designed according to CI, it is unclear how this should be translated to the PSMA-PET/CT results. This study aimed to investigate whether PSMA-PET/CT and clinical parameters could predict the visibility of PSMA-positive lesions on a bone scan (BS). Methods: In four different centers, all PCa patients with BS and PSMA-PET/CT within 6 months without any change in therapy or significant disease progression were retrospectively selected. Up to 10 non-confluent clear bone metastases were selected per PSMA-PET/CT and SUVmax, SUVmean, PSMAtot, PSMAvol, density, diameter on CT, and presence of cortical erosion were collected. Clinical variables (age, PSA, Gleason Score) were also considered. Two experienced double-board physicians decided whether a bone metastasis was visible on the BS, with a consensus readout for discordant findings. For predictive performance, a random forest was fit on all available predictors, and its accuracy was assessed using 10-fold cross-validation performed 10 times. Results: A total of 43 patients were identified with 222 bone lesions on PSMA-PET/CT. A total of 129 (58.1%) lesions were visible on the BS. In the univariate analysis, all PSMA-PET/CT parameters were significantly associated with the visibility on the BS (p < 0.001). The random forest reached a mean accuracy of 77.6% in a 10-fold cross-validation. Conclusions: These preliminary results indicate that there might be a way to predict the BS results based on PSMA-PET/CT, potentially improving the comparability between both examinations and supporting decisions for therapy selection

    Population genomics reveals evolution and variation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the human and insects gut

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    The quest to discover the variety of ecological niches inhabited by Saccharomyces cerevisiae has led to research in areas as diverse as wineries, oak trees, and insect guts. The discovery of fungal communities in the human gastrointestinal tract suggested the host's gut as a potential reservoir for yeast adaptation. Here we report the existence of yeast populations associated with the human gut (HG) that differ from those isolated from other human body sites. Phylogenetic analysis on 12 microsatellite loci and 1,715 combined CDSs from whole‐genome sequencing revealed three subclusters of HG strains with further evidence of clonal colonization within the host's gut. The presence of such subclusters was supported by other genomic features, such as copy number variation, absence/introgressions of CDSs and relative polymorphism frequency. Functional analysis of CDSs specific of the different subclusters suggested possible alterations in cell wall composition and sporulation features. The phenotypic analysis combined with immunological profiling of these strains further showed that sporulation was related with strain‐specific genomic characteristics in the immune recognition pattern. We conclude that both genetic and environmental factors involved in cell wall remodeling and sporulation are the main drivers of adaptation in S. cerevisiae populations in the human gut

    The LiberAction Project: Implementation of a Pediatric Liberation Bundle to Screen Delirium, Reduce Benzodiazepine Sedation, and Provide Early Mobilization in a Human Resource-Limited Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

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    Background: Delirium, bed immobilization, and heavy sedation are among the major contributors of pediatric post-intensive care syndrome. Recently, the Society of Critical Care Medicine has proposed the implementation of daily interventions to minimize the incidence of these morbidities and optimize children functional outcomes and quality of life. Unfortunately, these interventions require important clinical and economical efforts which prevent their use in many pediatric intensive care units (PICU). Aim: First, to evaluate the feasibility and safety of a PICU bundle implementation prioritizing delirium screening and treatment, early mobilization (&lt;72 h from PICU admission) and benzodiazepine-limited sedation in a human resource-limited PICU. Second, to evaluate the incidence of delirium and describe the early mobilization practices and sedative drugs used during the pre- and post-implementation periods. Third, to describe the barriers and adverse events encountered during early mobilization. Methods: This observational study was structured in a pre- (15th November 2019-30th June 2020) and post-implementation period (1st July 2020-31st December 2020). All patients admitted in PICU for more than 72 h during the pre and post-implementation period were included in the study. Patients were excluded if early mobilization was contraindicated. During the pre-implementation period, a rehabilitation program including delirium screening and treatment, early mobilization and benzodiazepine-sparing sedation guidelines was developed and all PICU staff trained. During the post-implementation period, delirium screening with the Connell Assessment of Pediatric Delirium scale was implemented at bedside. Early mobilization was performed using a structured tiered protocol and a new sedation protocol, limiting the use of benzodiazepine, was adopted. Results: Two hundred and twenty-five children were enrolled in the study, 137 in the pre-implementation period and 88 in the post-implementation period. Adherence to delirium screening, benzodiazepine-limited sedation and early mobilization was 90.9, 81.1, and 70.4%, respectively. Incidence of delirium was 23% in the post-implementation period. The median cumulative dose of benzodiazepines corrected for the total number of sedation days (mg/kg/sedation days) was significantly lower in the post-implementation period compared with the pre-implementation period: [0.83 (IQR: 0.53-1.31) vs. 0.74 (IQR: 0.55-1.16), p = 0.0001]. The median cumulative doses of fentanyl, remifentanil, and morphine corrected for the total number of sedation days were lower in the post-implementation period, but these differences were not significant. The median number of mobilizations per patient and the duration of each mobilization significantly increased in the post-implementation period [3.00 (IQR: 2.0-4.0) vs. 7.00 (IQR: 3.0-12.0); p = 0.004 and 4 min (IQR: 3.50-4.50) vs. 5.50 min (IQR: 5.25-6.5); p &lt; 0.0001, respectively]. Barriers to early mobilization were: disease severity and bed rest orders (55%), lack of physicians' order (20%), lack of human resources (20%), and lack of adequate devices for patient mobilization (5%). No adverse events related to early mobilization were reported in both periods. Duration of mechanical ventilation and PICU length of stay was significantly lower in the post-implementation period as well as the occurrence of iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome. Conclusion: This study showed that the implementation of a PICU liberation bundle prioritizing delirium screening and treatment, benzodiazepine-limited sedation and early mobilization was feasible and safe even in a human resource-limited PICU. Further pediatric studies are needed to evaluate the clinical impact of delirium, benzodiazepine-limited sedation and early mobilization protocols on patients' long-term functional outcomes and on hospital finances


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    Acute coronary syndromes have been classified according to the finding of ST-segment elevation on the presenting ECG, with different treatment strategies and practice guidelines. However, a comparative description of the clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute coronary syndrome elderly patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention during index admission has not been published so far