4 research outputs found

    Dendroclimatic study of a mixed spruce-fir-beech forest in the Czech Republic

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    European forests are undergoing an important transition due to the current climate change, as monocultures are being gradually replaced by mixed forests. Understanding tree growth in mixed forests under a changing climate is challenging because of tree species’ adaptation and long-term forest planning. In this study, we evaluate the long-term behaviour of Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver fir (Abies alba) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica) from a low montane range at the Czech-Austrian border. Species-specific tree-ring width chronologies have revealed significantly decreasing growth trends since the 2000s. Temporally unstable climate–growth relationships showed an increasing negative effect of current growing season drought on spruce growth and a positive effect of dormant season temperature on fir and beech growth. Our results suggest that though species’ response to climate change differs in the mixed forest, growth reduction in the last years has been proved for all species, likely due to frequent climate extremes

    Dendrochronologické datování a stavebněhistorické hodnocení krovu kostela sv. Jakuba ve Staré Vsi u Bílovce (okres Nový Jičín)

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    The aim of the thesis was to make a constructional-historical research and dendrochronological dating of the roof frame (truss) of St. James´s church in Stará Ves near Bílovce (the district of Novy Jicin). It is the case of the roof frame structure of hammerbeam type which was made from fir timber. The result of the dendrochronological analysis has shown that the trees used for the construction of the roof of the nave were fell down between 1712 and 1713. The trees used for the construction of the roof over the chancel were also fell down between 1712 and 1713. The oak bell stool could not be reliably dendrochronologically dated. The results of the dendrochronological analysis correspond to the historical development of the church found out from the literary and historical source

    Povrchová úprava dětských hraček

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    The bachelor thesis work analyses the range of wooden carved toys and surface finishing that is currently manufactured in the Czech Republic. The first part deals with the analysis of the current trend of finishing wooden carved toys. In the second part safety and environmental requirements for children's carved toys are defined. Then it examines the physico-mechanical and ecological properties of finished wooden segments used in the manufacture of children's carved toys. And last but not least the laboratory tests and measurements of physico-mechanical and ecological properties of finished surfaces of children's carved toys are being performed. And the result of the thesis work is evaluating the outcomes of the tests and measurements and comparison of the properties of finished surfaces according to ČSN and EN applicable standards and determining the proper properties of finished surfaces for children's toys

    Technical Infrastructure and Development Policy of Municipalities

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá technickou infrastrukturou a rozvojovou politikou obcí. První kapitola objasňuje pojem infrastruktura, zvláště se zaměřuje na technickou infrastrukturu obcí. Další část práce se věnuje rozvojovým podmínkám obcí a zdrojům využitelným k financování investičních projektů. Třetí kapitola definuje indikátory rozvoje obcí. Další část bakalářské práce je věnována popisu stavu technické infrastruktury v konkrétních obcích. Závěr práce shrnuje dopady investic do technické infrastruktury na budoucí rozvoj vybraných obcí.This bachelor thesis deals with the technical infrastructure and the development policy of municipalities. The first part explains the infrastructure expression with focus on technical infrastructure of municipalities. Next part of thesis is being devoted to the development conditions of municipalities and to the sources that can be used for financing of investment projects. Third part defines the municipalities' development indicators. Next part of bachelor thesis is dedicated to the description of technical infrastructure in specific municipalities. The thesis' conclusion is summarizing the impacts of technical infrastructure investments on the future development of specific municipalities.Ústav ekonomických vědStudentka seznámila komisi s obsahem bakalářské práce. V rámci obhajoby se vyjádřila k otázkám vedoucího práce, kterými byly následující: 1) Které prvky technické infrastruktury považují obce jako zásadní pro vlastní municipální rozvoj? 2) Jaké negativní dopady mají investice do infrastruktury na ekonomiku obcí, případně na život občanů v dotčených obcích? V následující rozpravě byly položeny tyto dotazy: Závěr: Funkční technická infrastruktura podporuje růst a je jeho nutnou podmínkou - jak jste tento závěr potvrdila? Zahrnovala jste měrnou jednotku výstupu