58 research outputs found
The Allegorical Matrices in Ivan KuŔan's Toranj (The Tower) and Slobodan Novak's Izvanbrodski dnevnik (Three Journeys)
Zbivanja u hrvatskoj književnosti nakon Drugog svjetskog rata odvijala su se u neposrednoj vezi sa zbivanjima na politiÄkoj sceni. UvoÄenjem socijalistiÄkog ureÄenja, umjetnost je postala oruÄe ideologije, a književnosti je pripala agitacijska funkcija. Slobodnije umjetniÄko stvaranje i odmak od socrealistiÄke prakse zapoÄinje sredinom 50-ih godina 20. stoljeÄa. Na književnoj sceni dominira krugovaÅ”ka proza koja osporava postojeÄe druÅ”tvene i kulturne strukture. Književni život Hrvatske u tom je razdoblju obilježen istovremenim djelovanjem razliÄitih književnih generacija i praksi pa tako i u romanesknoj praksi krugovaÅ”kog naraÅ”taja prevladava simultanizam modela, od socijalnog mimetizma do alegorijske interpretativne Å”ifre. Ivan KuÅ”an i Slobodan Novak autori su koji su naraÅ”tajno i poetiÄki bliski. Njihovi romani Toranj i Izvanbrodski dnevnik alegorijski su romani koji problematiziraju jugoslavensku druÅ”tvenu stvarnost 60-ih i 70-ih godina. Glavni smisao Tornja i Izvanbrodskoga dnevnika ostvaruje se na nedoslovnoj razini na koju upuÄuju razliÄiti postupci kao Å”to su ironija, humor, jeziÄni ludizam, intertekstualni pasaži i literarne aluzije. Jezik je u romanima poslužio kao sredstvo pomoÄu kojega je demaskirana lažna zbilja. Pisci su se u analizi (kritici) konkretnoga politiÄkoga sistema i nosioca vlasti u tome sistemu poslužili alegorijskim matricama koje su vezane uz gradnju i plovidbu (toranj i brod). Toranj i brod alegorija su ideologije koja bezglavo nameÄe svoje ciljeve, a oni koji grade toranj i oni koji upravljaju brodom predstavljaju samovolju moÄnika. U Izvanbrodskom dnevniku oÄituje se joÅ” jedna razina koju u Tornju ne nalazimo, a to je egzistencijalna. Oba romana zavrÅ”avaju porazom pojedinca u sukobu s ideologijom, iluzijama i kolektivnim mitovima
Distribution of ABO genotypes among patients with thromboembolism in Croatia
Brojna istraživanja u posljednjih desetak godina usmjerena su otkrivanju bioloŔke uloge sustava
krvnih grupa, te su i pokazala veÄu ili manju povezanost izmeÄu ABO sustava krvne grupe i nekih bolesti, kao
Ŕto su kardiovaskularne, gastrointestinalne, tumorske i infektivne. Tromboembolijske bolesti su veliki
javnozdravstveni problem i jedan od vodeÄih uzroka mortaliteta populacije. Zbog toga je od velikog znaÄenja
utvrditi Äimbenike rizika koji su ukljuÄeni u razvoj ovih bolesti, kako bi mogli sprijeÄiti nastanak, ponavljanje
trombotiÄkih epizoda i poboljÅ”ati lijeÄenje. Poznato je da nositelji ne-O krvne grupe ABO sustava imaju
poveÄani trombotiÄki rizik. Razlika izmeÄu O i ne-O KG je u razini glikoproteina von Willebrand u plazmi koja
je za 25-30% niža kod osoba s O krvnom grupom, u odnosu na ne-O krvne grupe. Smatra se da je to posljedica
izravnog funkcionalnog utjecaja ABO genskog !okusa, ali mehanizam nije razjaŔnjen.
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost ABO genotipova i genetiÄkih protrombotiÄkih Äimbenika
kao genetiÄkih Äimbenika rizika za razvoj tromboze (FV Leiden, protrombin 02021 OA i metilentetrahidrofolat
reduktaza C677T) u hrvatskoj populaciji.
Istraživanjem je obuhvaÄeno 164 bolesnika s venskom trombozom, 182 bolesnika s arterijskom trombozom i 303
asimptomatska dobrovoljna davatelja krvi koji su predstavljali kontrolnu skupinu.Genotipizacija na 5 osnovnih
alela i 15 genotipova bila je izvedena pomoÄu PCR-SSP metode, protrombotiÄke mutacije nac:injene su pomoÄu
Dobiveni rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju poveÄani trombotiÄki rizik kod ne-00 nositelja u odnosu
na 00 nositelje genotipova za razvoj tromboembolijskih bolesti. UtvrÄen je veÄi rizik za obolijevanje od
tromboembolijskih bolesti kod nositelja genotipova 01B/02B/BB i AB/ A2B tj. A i B alela, gdje bolesnici imaju
poveÄanu rizik za VTE u odnosu na nositelje 00 alela. Kod infarkta miokarda niti jedan ne-00 genotip ne
poveÄava trombotiÄki rizik. Mutacija FVL u skupini ne-00 nositelja poveÄava izglede za razvoj venske
tromboze oko 9 puta, za nositelje MTHFR 677TT poveÄava ih za oko 4 puta, dok mutacija FII 02021 OA kod ne-
00 nositelja kao Äimbenik rizika nema znaÄenje. ProtrombotiÄki genetiÄki Äimbenici niti u jednoj skupini ne
doprinose poveÄanju rizika za razvoj arterijske tromboembolije, tj. akutnog infarkta miokarda.
Rad predstavlja temelje za istraživanje ABO sustava krvnih grupa kao genetiÄkog Äimbenika rizika za
druge kardiovaskularne bolesti, kao i gastrointestinalne, tumorske i infektivne bolesti.These decades numerous researches were directed to detection of biological function of blood group systems.
There have been reports on a lower or higher association between ABO blood groups and cardiovascular,
tumour, gastrointestinal, and infectious diseases. Thromboembolic diseases are important public health problem
and one ofleading cause ofpopulation mortality. It is ofutmost importance to identify the risk factors implicated
in the disease development. Most studies performed to date have generally agreed that non-00 blood group
carriers have a higher risk of thrombosis than 00 blood group carriers. Differences between O and non-0
blood groups are in values of glycoprotein von Willebrand factor in plasma which is by 25-30% lower in O
blood group than in non-0 blood group. The hypothesis is that this occurs due to the direct functional impact of
ABO locus; however, the exact mechanism bas not yet been elucidated.
Aim of the study was to assess the association between ABO blood group genotypes and genetic risk
factors for thrombosis (FV Leiden, prothrombin G202 l OA, and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T
mutations) in the Croatian population. The study included 164 patients with VTE, 182 patients with CAD and
303 asymptomatic blood donors as a control group. Genotyping to 5 common alleles and 15 genotypes was
performed by PCR-SSP and prothrombotic mutations were determined by PCR-SSP, PCR-RFLP and RT-PCR
The results show higher thrombotic risk for non-00 carriers compared to 00 genotype carriers for the
development of thromboembolic diseases. The strongest association with thrombotic risk was recorded for
OIB/02B/BB andi AB/ A2B; carriers of A and B allele have highest VTE risk than 00 allele carriers. There
was no significant difference between genotypes in the risk of myocardial infarction. FV Leiden increased the
risk of thrombosis 9-fold in the group of non-00 carriers, and fourfold in the group of MTHFR 677TT
carriers, while there was no significant difference in the risk of thrombosis between 00 and non-00 blood
groups associated with prothrombin mutation. There was no contribution of prothrombotic genetic factors to
risk for development of myocardial infarction.
Study represents a basis for research of ABO blood group system as genetic risk factors for other
cardiovascular diseases, as well as gastrointestinal, cancer and infectious diseases
Air Transport and Logistics in Pandemic Outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1) virus
In April 2009, the WHO, (World Health Organization) evaluated the available data on the swine influenza A (H1N1), confirmed the outbreak and declared decision on raising the pandemic phase from five to six. IATA, (International Air Transport Association) invited the airlines to support WHOās reference laboratories around the world in handling specimens should the outbreak expand further. The specimens shall be transported according to the regulations stipulated for acceptance and transportation of dangerous goods by air. The paper analyses the current infrastructural situation at the airports in Croatia, predispositions related to the trained staff and coordination procedures with the relevant institutions. The implementation of activities complying with the international regulations are suggested in order to conduct measures fighting the pandemic in Croatia.
KEY WORDS: pandemic outbreak, regulation, recommendation, specimen, responsibilities, transportation and logistic for biological substance
Artroskopsko lijeÄenje ozljeda meniska u adolescenata: usporedba tehnike Å”ivanja izvana-unutra i meniskealnih strelica
The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and subjective outcomes of the meniscal dart technique in patients having undergone arthroscopic meniscal repair by comparing it with the outside-in suturing technique. From January 2006 until June 2017, case records of 37 patients having undergone arthroscopic meniscal repair were retrospectively reviewed. The patients were divided into two groups based on the technique used for meniscal repair, as follows: 18 patients in suture technique group and 19 patients in meniscal dart group. Each patient was analyzed for the following parameters: age, gender, mechanism of injury, side of injury and injured meniscus, injury
localization regarding anatomic position, injury type and associated injuries. The patients that underwent meniscal repair were analyzed for type of repair technique, operating results and results of follow-up (Lysholm and International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score). There were no statistically significant differences between the groups according to clinical outcomes except for anatomic injury localization (p=0.035). Median of operation time was 62.5 min in suture technique group and 70 min in meniscal dart group (p=0.184); median of hospital stay was 2 days for both groups (p=0.951); median of Lysholm score was 86.5 and 84.5 (p=0.651); and median of IKDC score
was 81.05 and 81.6, respectively (p=0.986). Understanding the harmful impact of meniscectomy, arthroscopic meniscal repair should be attempted whenever possible. Our data support arthroscopic repair of meniscal tears, since both the suture technique and the meniscal dart technique are safe and successful in meniscal repair in children, with good long-term results and without important complications.Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio analizirati kliniÄke i subjektivne ishode lijeÄenja u bolesnika operiranih zbog ozljeda meniska te usporediti dvije skupine bolesnika operiranih razliÄitim tehnikama popravka meniska. Od sijeÄnja 2006. do lipnja 2017. godine u studiju je ukljuÄeno 37 bolesnika koji su lijeÄeni artroskopski zbog rupture meniska. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine ovisno o vrsti kirurÅ”kog zahvata: jednu skupinu skupinu Äinilo je 18 bolesnika u kojih je meniskus Å”ivan tehnikom postavljanja Å”avova, a drugu 19 bolesnika u kojih su upotrebljene strelice za fiksaciju meniska. Svakom ispitaniku analizirani su sljedeÄi parametri: dob, spol, mehanizam nastanka ozljede, lateralizacija ozljede i meniska, anatomska lokalizacija ozljede i pridružene ozljede. Ispitanicima koji su podvrgnuti tehnikama popravka meniska analizirani su joÅ” i vrsta kirurÅ”ke tehnike popravka meniska, rezultati subjektivne evaluacije 4 tjedna nakon operacije putem upitnika Lysholm i IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee) te komplikacije nakon operacije. IzmeÄu skupina bolesnika operiranih tehnikom postavljanja Å”avova i tehnikom fiksacije meniska strelicama nije bilo znaÄajne razlike u promatranim ishodima lijeÄenja, osim za anatomsku lokalizaciju ozljede (p=0,035). Medijani operacijskog vremena u skupini bolesnika operiranih tehnikom postavljanja Å”avova iznosio je 62,5 min, dok je u skupini fiksacije meniska strelicama medijan operacijskog vremena iznosio 70 minuta (p=0,184). Medijan duljine hospitalizacije bio je 2 dana za obje skupine (p=0,951). Medijan vrijednosti ljestvice Lysholm za promatrane skupine bio je 86,5 i 84,5 (p=0,651), a ljestvice IKDC 81,05 i 81,6 (p=0,986). PoznavajuÄi Å”tetne
uÄinke meniskektomije, tehnika popravka meniska je dugoroÄnije bolji odabir i trebala bi se provoditi kadgod je to moguÄe. Obje tehnike (tehnika postavljanja Å”avova i tehnika fiksacije meniska strelicama) su sigurne i uspjeÅ”ne u lijeÄenju ruptura meniska u djece, bez znaÄajnijih komplikacija te s dobrim dugoroÄnim rezultatima
Background: Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Obesity is the most common comorbidity of
asthma and is connected to incidence and course of the disease. Obesity is associated with non-allergic asthma phenotype, but t his
relation could be influenced by gender. The aim of our study was to determine the relationship between BMI and asthma and to
explore possible gender differences.
Subjects and methods: Study included 149 patients with asthma (examined group) and 153 healthy blood donors (control
group). Data from the medical records of patients with asthma were used, and all included subjects had their BMI calculated usi ng
standard formula. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics methods. Data with non-parametric distribution were analysed
with Mann-Whitney U test and showed through medians with corresponding interquartile ranges. Statistical significance of BMI
differences between non-allergic asthma, allergic asthma and control groups were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance -
ANOVA. The results were interpreted at a significance level of P<0.05.
Results: The comparison between median BMI values of two groups shows that examined group of patients with astma has
significantly higher median BMI value in comparison with control group (P=0.035). Correlation was stronger for women than men
(P=0.002 vs P=0.898). Incresed BMI of the examined group of patients with asthma was not asociated with non-allergic asthma
(P=0.085). However, when stratified according to gender, there was a strong association of increased BMI with non-allergic asth ma
in women (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Patients with asthma in our study have higher BMI in comparison to healthy individuals, which contributes to
hypothesis that BMI is a risk factor for development of asthma. We found that possible effect that BMI has on asthma is stronge r in
women, since there was a strong association between increased BMI and non-allergic asthma only in women
Tobacco consumption is one of the most common preventable cause of premature deaths worldwide. Persisting effects of exposure to tobacco smoke on children and adolescents are apparent during pregnancy and in early infancy, passive exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in home and elsewhere, and active smoking during adolescence. While, lung development in these stages of growth is not complete, tobacco smoke puts children and adolescents in danger of severe respiratory diseases and may interfere with the growth of their lungs. Active tobacco consumption by adolescents may have immediate adverse health outcomes such as addiction, impaired lung growth or reduced lung function. Much of the current evidence comes from longitudinal and cross-sectional longitudinal observational studies and propose that the strongest associations with smoke exposure are in the pregnancy and early childhood. The association of nicotine with respiratory system among children and adolescents is less clearly understood and the evidence primarily comes from in vitro and animal studies
Research of the Influence of Air Transportation on Blood Sample Quality
In air freight industry, blood samples are classified as time and temperature sensitive biologically produced pharmaceuticals. To determine the level of influence that the handling processes and air transportation have on blood sample quality, a research has been conducted through transportation of whole blood samples on two European scheduled routes. Two shipping models were defined: the standard one without defined transportation temperature regime and the controlled one, where transportation is conducted under appropriate temperature regime. The blood samples were packed and transported respecting all relevant national and international regulations. The analysis was conducted and the results compared to control sample kept in the laboratory. Significant changes were identified on all components analyzed after crosschecking with the control sample.
KEY WORDS: regulatory issues, blood sample quality, shipping model, packaging instruction, temperature profile
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