6 research outputs found

    A Study on necessary infrastructures used for breeding trout in Yasoj region

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    Rainbow trout is the main cultural species of coldwater fishes in iran. Often, aquaculturists intend to breeding in order to production of lines with higher growth rate potential and disease resistant. Nevertheless in the country, no trout breeding programs, has been performed yet and most of the farms focused on the cultivation of the first(unbred) race. While European countries progressed in trout breeding techniques and production lines with higher growth through genetic manipulation (chromosomal number and type changes of fish) and/or selection and their fish products derived from this technology, including eyed eggs and so on have sold to other regions of the world(eg: Iran). In this study, some biological parameters including survival, growth, feed conversion ratio (FCR.) and chromosomal number of two juvenile groups from imported( group 1) and native(group 2) eyed fish eggs were compared. For chromosomal investigation, blood smear test and flow cytometry were performed. sults showed a significant difference (P≤5%) in growth rate of native fishes and French group Native fish feed conversion ratio (0.9) was significantly difference (P≤5%) from that of French fishes (1.15). Chromosomal analysis showed no difference in chromosome number in treatments and two fish groups were 2n chromosome. Based on the results, the fishes of group 1 had faster grow potential and gain weight in less time than that of group 2 and this has been achieved to go through the process of selection and feminization without any change in number of ploidy. Whereas the ability of native fishes in food efficiency ( lower FCR.) was better. However, the reduction of rearing period is the benefit and preference of cultivation of imported or origionally foreign

    Aquaculture code of conduct and mechanization management

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    In this report rules and focal points about code of conduct for cold water farm, warm water establishment, mechanization management and oxygen generators are collected and discussed. One of the most important point difference between aquaculture engineering with mechanization. Mechanization is improvement of management level from ancient to better by some special tools but aquaculture engineering can do by any vessel in every management

    The survey of Khandaghloo dam reservoir of Mahneshan city of Zanjan province

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    Reservoirs are one of the most constructions for control and water supply for different usage that could have various social an economical effects. The Khandaghloo dam reservoir with area of 100 ha located in Mahneshan city of Zanjan province and related to Parichay river watershed. Khandaghloo reservoir is valuable water body that the aim of its establishment was supply of water for agriculture farms. The reservoir has been studied for responsible and sustainable fisheries exploitation proposes. Results showed that the reservoir categorizes as eutroph to super eutroph based on different indices.Also phosphorous is limiting factor of the water body.Totally 42 genera from 6 phyla including green-blue algae cyanophyta, diatoms (Bacillariophyta), green algae, chlorophyta, euglenophyta, pyrrophyta and xanthophyta has been identified and cyanophyta was the dominant group that comprise 74.3 % of phytoplankton population. The zooplankton of the reservoir comprised 4 phyla and 20 genera. 1 genera of the protozoa and rhizopoda, 1 genra of the ciliophora ,15 genera of rotatoria, 2 genera of cladocera has been identified in zooplankton communities. Tubificidae and chironomidae has been identified in all months of the survey. The mean total length of crayfish was 130.5±20.5 mm ( 636) and mean weight was measured as 69.4±34.1 g with maximum and minimum weight of 1.9 and 207.2 g respectively .Total biomass of crayfish in Khandaghloo reservoir estimated as 3.4 tones with a range of 1.1–5.7 tones. But it is recommended not to harvest for at least two year due to high mortality of the populations.The fishes of the reservoir comprised common carp Chinese carp (silver carp, big head and grass carp) (released), Caspian kutum (accidentally released by fishery sector) and some endemic species as Siamahii. The catch of the reservoir fluctuated between 8 to 26 tones during 2000-2010.The fish production of Khandaghloo reservoir ranged from 167 to 324 kg/ha based on different methods that by consideration of 100 ha area of the reservoir, the total production of fish fluctuated between 16.7 to 32.4 tones. The fingerling restocking of Chinese carp in Khandaghloo reservoir with density of 1500 fingerling/ha recommended as 68% of phytoplanktonivorous fish (silver carp) ,12% zooplanktonivorous fish (big head), 6.6% of Crass carp and 10% of benthophagous fish (common carp)

    Study of Golabar dam reservoir in Zanjan province (Zanjan Province)

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    The limnological study of the Golabar dam showed that in the Glabar dam inspite of bing its early establishment due to high nutrient and organic matter is located in eutrophic stage. the pH as well as bicarbonate levels shows that buffering capacity of the lake is high and the value of inorganic and organic matter measured are not considered as limiting factor for warme and cold water aquaculture. In the plankton survey 44 species of phytoplankton and 25 species of zooplankton were identified. Cyclotella , Nitzschia, Synedra and Trachelomona from phytoplankton and Polyarthera , Keratella , Filinia , Pompholyx from zooplankton were the dominant spicies.the Bacillariophyta from phytoplankton with 76.5 percent and Rotatoria zooplankton to with 76.2 percent considered the highest abundant . The average frequency of phytoplankton and zooplankton were 5*106 and 723 individual per litter. The Shironomide and Tobificide were the only two bentic group were identified in reservoir wehre their mean frequced were 293.75 and 224.30 respectively. The average biomass of bentic organism were 1.44±0.97 gr/m2.In the survey 12 species of fishes were identified. The potential natural production have been estimated to be 2.8 to 15.5 kg for bentivorous fish and varied from 53 to 175 kg /hec for plankton consumer fishes .The low temperature in several months as well as ice covered of the lake surface in particular in the months of duty and Bahman are the limiting factor of either warm or cold water fish production

    Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius) broodstock supply in south western of the Caspian Sea (Guilan province)

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    Caspian trout (Salmo trutta caspius ) is one of the migratory fish species which lives and feeds in the Caspian Sea .This species distributed in south and western of the Caspian Sea . In order to rehabilitation of the Caspian trout in western area, the operation of the project started from the beginning of the fishing season of the 20112012. Specimens of the Caspian trout obtained from beach seine cooperatives and have been transferred to the fish farm in Asalem region .Totally, 44 specimens of the Caspian trout has been caught in two month period .Most of the fishes was from Kargan roud river . The mean length and weight of the brood fishes were 67.7 cm and 3122.7 g respectively .As at present Shilat uses just the broods of the Tonekaboon region for restocking of this species ,we recommend to use the broods of the western region separately for rehabilitation of the stocks of this region

    Genetic improvement of rainbow trout in Iran

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    Inthisstudy, Iranian and French male and female Oncorhynchus mykiss broodstocks were invided into two groups 50 and 24 respectivelyin Research center of genetic and breeding of coldwater fishers, Yasouj,Iran and the genetic structure of them was investigated using 6 microsatellite markers. Along with broodstock maturation, fertilization 1:1(female:male) were randomly assigned and occurred in25 of12Iranian andFrench treatment respectively. Reproductive parameters were recordedfor the whole family.Average number of observed alleles in Iranian and French stocks was 6.68 and 6.83, respectively.Average number of effective alleles in Iranian and French stocks was 3.13 and 3.45 respectively.Fixation index Fstwas calculated based on allelic frequency between two stocks was 0.058 with significant difference between 2 stocks. Eyed percentage for french broodstock calaulated zero and deleted. Fertilization rate(100-0), the eyed percentage (98-0), The hatch rate(98- 0),the averagefecundity4114.708, the average eggs size 4.88 mm, Survivalinthe first three months 19-73% calculated for Iranian broodstocks. Considering the quality of eggs and larvaeat different stages and selection between the different family and the within family remained 10 treatments and are keptas future broodstocks. Therelationship between fecundity-egg size, fecundity-weight, fecundity-length, egg sizeweightwas performed using regression. The results showed that Fecundity wasinfluenced more byweight and productivelength. The research is beginning to IDthe broodstockin our country