27 research outputs found

    Cellular Factors That Shape the Activity or Function of Nitric Oxide-Stimulated Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase

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    NO-stimulated guanylyl cyclase (SGC) is a hemoprotein that plays key roles in various physiological functions. SGC is a typical enzyme-linked receptor that combines the functions of a sensor for NO gas and cGMP generator. SGC possesses exclusive selectivity for NO and exhibits a very fast binding of NO, which allows it to function as a sensitive NO receptor. This review describes the effect of various cellular factors, such as additional NO, cell thiols, cell-derived small molecules and proteins on the function of SGC as cellular NO receptor. Due to its vital physiological function SGC is an important drug target. An increasing number of synthetic compounds that affect SGC activity via different mechanisms are discovered and brought to clinical trials and clinics. Cellular factors modifying the activity of SGC constitute an opportunity for improving the effectiveness of existing SGC-directed drugs and/or the creation of new therapeutic strategies

    Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase: Molecular Basis for Ligand Selectivity and Action In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), oxygen (O2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are gaseous molecules that play important roles in the physiology and pathophysiology of eukaryotes. Tissue concentrations of these physiologically relevant gases vary remarkable from nM range for NO to high μM range of O2. Various hemoproteins play a significant role in sensing and transducing cellular signals encoded by gaseous molecules or in transporting them. Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is a hemoprotein that plays vital roles in a wide range of physiological functions and combines the functions of gaseous sensor and signal transducer. sGC uniquely evolved to sense low non-toxic levels of NO and respond to elevated NO levels by increasing its catalytic ability to generate the secondary signaling messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This review discusses sGC\u27s gaseous ligand selectivity and the molecular basis for sGC function as high-affinity and selectivity NO receptor. The effects of other gaseous molecules and small molecules of cellular origin on sGC\u27s function are also discussed

    Homogeneous single-label cGMP detection platform for the functional study of nitric oxide-sensitive (soluble) guanylyl cyclases and cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the number one death worldwide. Nitric oxide (NO)-NO-sensitive (soluble) guanylyl cyclase (sGC)-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway regulates diverse set of important physiological functions, including maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis. Resting and activated sGC enzyme converts guanosine triphosphate to an important second messenger cGMP. In addition to traditional NO generators, a number of sGC activators and stimulators are currently in clinical trials aiming to support or increase sGC activity in various pathological conditions. cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases (PDEs), which degrade cGMP to guanosine monophosphate, play key role in controlling the cGMP level and the strength or length of the cGMP-dependent cellular signaling. Thus, PDE inhibitors also have clear clinical applications. Here, we introduce a homogeneous quenching resonance energy transfer (QRET) for cGMP to monitor both sGC and PDE activities using high throughput screening adoptable method. We demonstrate that using cGMP-specific antibody, sGC or PDE activity and the effect of small molecules modulating their function can be studied with sub-picomole cGMP sensitivity. The results further indicate that the method is suitable for monitoring enzyme reactions also in complex biological cellular homogenates and mixture

    Cellular Factors That Shape the Activity or Function of Nitric Oxide-Stimulated Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase

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    NO-stimulated guanylyl cyclase (SGC) is a hemoprotein that plays key roles in various physiological functions. SGC is a typical enzyme-linked receptor that combines the functions of a sensor for NO gas and cGMP generator. SGC possesses exclusive selectivity for NO and exhibits a very fast binding of NO, which allows it to function as a sensitive NO receptor. This review describes the effect of various cellular factors, such as additional NO, cell thiols, cell-derived small molecules and proteins on the function of SGC as cellular NO receptor. Due to its vital physiological function SGC is an important drug target. An increasing number of synthetic compounds that affect SGC activity via different mechanisms are discovered and brought to clinical trials and clinics. Cellular factors modifying the activity of SGC constitute an opportunity for improving the effectiveness of existing SGC-directed drugs and/or the creation of new therapeutic strategies

    RNA splicing in regulation of nitric oxide receptor soluble guanylyl cyclase

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    Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is a key protein in the nitric oxide (NO)/-cGMP signaling pathway. sGC activity is involved in a number of important physiological processes including smooth muscle relaxation, neurotransmission and platelet aggregation and adhesion. Regulation of sGC expression and activity emerges as a crucial factor in control of sGC function in normal and pathological conditions. Recently accumulated evidence strongly indicates that the regulation of sGC expression is a complex process modulated on several levels including transcription, post-transcriptional regulation, translation and protein stability. Presently our understanding of mechanisms governing regulation of sGC expression remains very limited and awaits systematic investigation. Among other ways, the expression of sGC subunits is modulated at the levels of mRNA abundance and transcript diversity. In this review we summarize available information on different mechanisms (including transcriptional activation, mRNA stability and alternative splicing) involved in the modulation of mRNA levels of sGC subunits in response to various environmental clues. We also summarize and cross-reference the information on human sGC splice forms available in the literature and in genomic databases. This review highlights the fact that the study of the biological role and regulation of sGC splicing will bring new insights to our understanding of NO/cGMP biology

    Mechanism of Binding of NO to Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase: Implication for the Second NO Binding to the Heme Proximal Site

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    Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC), the key enzyme for the formation of second messenger cyclic GMP, is an authentic sensor for nitric oxide (NO). Binding of NO to sGC leads to strong activation of the enzyme activity. Multiple molecules and steps of binding of NO to sGC have been implicated, but the target of the second NO and the detailed binding mechanism remain controversial. In this study, we used <sup>15</sup>NO and <sup>14</sup>NO and anaerobic sequential mixing–freeze-quench electron paramagnetic resonance to unambiguously confirm that the heme Fe is the target of the second NO. The linear dependence on NO concentration up to 600 s<sup>–1</sup> for the observed rate of the second step of NO binding not only indicates that the binding site of the second NO is different from that in the first step, i.e., the proximal site of the heme, but also supports a concerted mechanism in which the dissociation of the His105 proximal ligand occurs simultaneously with the binding of the second NO molecule. Computer modeling successfully predicts the kinetics of formation of a set of five-coordinate NO complexes with the ligand on either the distal or proximal site and supports the selective release of NO from the distal side of the transient bis-NO–sGC complex. Thus, as has been demonstrated with cytochrome <i>c</i>′, a five-coordinate NO–sGC complex containing a proximal NO is formed after the binding of the second NO