2,356 research outputs found

    Impact of Famine of 1924—1925 on Social and Political Mood of Peasantry in Tambov Province

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    The causes and consequences of the famine in the Tambov province in 1924—1925 are examined in the article. The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the Russian peasantry of the “revolutionary breakthrough generation” (born at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries). The main attention is paid to the impact of famine on the social and political moods of the peasantry. In order to determine the factors that influenced the self-awareness of the villagers, the documents of the funds of the Russian Archive of Social and Political History and the State Archive of Social and Political History of the Tambov Region were studied. A wide range of documents of central and local party organizations and state security bodies are used in the article. The social practices resorted to by rural society for survival in extreme crop failure conditions are considered. Relations between the main social groups of the village are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of state aid to the starving. As a result of the conducted research, an increase in oppositional attitudes among the peasantry has been proven. An increase in religiosity and egalitarian tendencies in rural areas is considered characteristic. It was established that significant state aid contributed to the spread of peasant loyalty to the government

    A study of the energy performance of variable frequency drives sucker rod deep pump installations

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    The results of studies of power losses and specific energy costs in asynchronous frequency-controlled electric drive of rocking machines, obtained on the basis of a complete mathematical model, electric machine complex, are discussedОбсуждены результаты исследований потерь мощности и удельных затрат энергии в асинхронном частотно-регулируемом электроприводе станков-качалок, полученные на основе полной математической модели, электромашинного комплекс

    β2-adrenoretseptry arteries of back finiteness at adaptation to a cold

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    At adaptation to a cold of rabbits for 30th day the quantity, but not sensitivity β2-adrenoretseptorov arteries changes

    Youth in System of Implementation of Policy of State and Social Control in USSR (1927-1929)

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    The article studies the experience of the organization of youth associations created to implement the functions of social and state control in the USSR. It is shown that in the late 1920s, the youth movement has developed from a few groups of Komsomol control to the mass participation of boys and girls in the implementation of control functions. The authors focus on the participation of young people in the sections of the Worker-Peasant Inspection and creation of “light cavalry” units, which directed their activities to rationalize the work of state institutions, prompt consideration of complaints of the population, self-identification of shortcomings. The basic forms of organizational structure of youth control units, the causes of organizational difficulties at the initial stage of their operation are revealed. Having made a conclusion about expediency of inclusion of youth in activity on improvement of public administration, the authors nevertheless note that already at the initial stage of activity of “light cavalry” in the organizational sphere opposite tendencies were shown: development of self-government and work pro bono was opposed by bureaucracy of the Komsomol asset duplicating the negative moments in style of work of mentors from party-state apparatus. The materials of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History are widely used in the study, the evidence of contemporaries is involved

    Analysis of a variant of current regulation with two regulators in high-power thyristor electric drives of rolling mills

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    Представленный материал посвящен анализу качества регулирования координат (тока, момента, скорости) в мощных тиристорных электроприводах постоянного тока (мощностью более 2000 кВт), выполненных с использованием эквивалентных 12-пульсных тиристорных преобразователей при параллельном включении вентильных секций через токоограничивающие дроссели и трехобмоточный силовой трансформатор. Рассмотрен вариант с индивидуальными регуляторами тока для каждой вентильной секции. В результате моделирования в среде Simulink и анализа, приведена оценка динамических показателей рассматриваемой системы. Даны рекомендации по применению варианта с индивидуальными регуляторами для каждой вентильной секции контуров регулирования тока (момента) электроприводов для прокатных станов.The presented material is devoted to the analysis of the quality of coordinate regulation (current, torque, speed) in high-power DC thyristor electric drives (with a capacity of more than 2000 kW), made using equivalent 12-pulse thyristor converters with parallel switching of valve sections through current-limiting chokes and a three-winding power transformer. A variant with individual current regulators for each valve section is considered. As a result of Simulink modeling and analysis, an assessment of the dynamic indicators of the system under consideration is given. Recommendations are given on the use of a variant with individual regulators for each valve section of the current (torque) control circuits of electric drives for rolling mills

    Adrenoreactance of arteries of intestines and back finiteness at adaptation to a cold

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    At adaptation to a cold of rabbits for 1st, 5th, 10th, 30th day the quantity and sensitivity adrenoreceptors changes

    State and prospects using hardware-software simulator electrical complex in educational process

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    The problems of the use of real-time simulation in the educational process in the study of subjects related to the development of electric systemsРассматриваются вопросы использования симуляторов реального времени в учебном процессе при изучении дисциплин, связанных с освоением систем электроприводо

    Effect of Exo/Endogenous Prophylaxis Dentifrice/Drug and Cariogenic Conditions of Patient on Molecular Property of Dental Biofilm: Synchrotron FTIR Spectroscopic Study

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    (1) Objectives: This study is the first one to investigate the molecular composition of the dental biofilm during the exogenous and endogenous prophylaxis stages (use of dentifrice/drug) of individuals with different cariogenic conditions using molecular spectroscopy methods. (2) Materials and Methods: The study involved 100 participants (50 males and 50 females), aged 18–25 years with different caries conditions. Biofilm samples were collected from the teeth surface of all participants. The molecular composition of biofilms was investigated using synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy. Changes in the molecular composition were studied through calculation and analysis of ratios between organic and mineral components of biofilm samples. (3) Results: Based on the data obtained by synchrotron FTIR, calculations of organic and mineral component ratios, and statistical analysis of the data, we were able to assess changes occurring in the molecular composition of the dental biofilm. Variations in the phosphate/protein/lipid, phosphate/mineral, and phospholipid/lipid ratios and the presence of statistically significant intra-and inter-group differences in these ratios indicate that the mechanisms of ion adsorption, compounds and complexes arriving from oral fluid into dental biofilm during exo/endogenous prophylaxis, differ for patients in norm and caries development. (4) Conclusions: The conformational environment and charge interaction in the microbiota and the electrostatic state of the biofilm protein network in patients with different cariogenic conditions play an important role. (5) Clinical Significance: Understanding the changes that occur in the molecular composition of the dental biofilm in different oral homeostasis conditions will enable successful transition to a personalised approach in dentistry and high-tech healthcare. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 21-15-00026; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: N 075-15-2021-1351This work was funded by the grant of Russian Science Foundation, grant number 21-15-00026. The access to scientific equipment and methodology was provided under support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, Agreement N 075-15-2021-1351

    Mechanism of interaction among nanocrystalline carbonate-substituted hydroxyapatite and polar amino-acids for the biomimetic composite technology: Spectroscopic and structural study

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    This study investigated changes in the interaction of B-type non-stoichiometric nanocrystalline carbonate-substituted hydroxyapatite (nano-CHAP) with polar amino acids (AA) with respect to CHAP-AA linking. Molecular vibrational spectroscopy revealed for the first time that the surface interaction of polar amino acids with defective nano-CHAP is determined not only by the charge state of AA but can be mediated by a foreign ion conjugated with the lateral bonds of amino acids. Understanding this mechanism of CHAP-AA interaction is required for the development of the new generation of dental biomimetic materials based on HAP as well as for their qualitative integration with the amino acid matrix of the dental tissues. © 2020Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: MK-419.2019.2, 18-29-11008The study was performed under support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grant №18-29-11008 mk and grant of the President of Russian Federation №MK-419.2019.2