117 research outputs found

    Saint-Venant's principle in dynamical porous thermoelastic media with memory for heat flux

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    In the present paper, we study a linear thermoelastic porous material with a constitutive equation for heat flux with memory. An approximated theory of thermodynamics is presented for this model and a maximal pseudo free energy is determined. We use this energy to study the spatial behaviour of the thermodynamic processes in porous materials. We obtain the domain of influence theorem and establish the spatial decay estimates inside of the domain of influence. Further, we prove a uniqueness theorem valid for finite or infinite body. The body is free of any kind of a priori assumptions concerning the behaviour of solutions at infinity.Comment: 18 pages, accepted on Journal of Thermal Stresse

    Metodi, modelli e tecnologie avanzate per l'innovazione di sistemi di supporto alle decisioni in scenari ad alta complessità

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    2010 - 2011Oggi le metodologie matematiche innovative, proprie della teoria della complessità e le tecnologie informatiche, nel contesto del softcomputing, possono fornire un utile supporto per lo studio, la definizione e successiva realizzazione di strumenti di supporto alle decisioni. Tali sistemi di supporto alle decisioni possono essere in grado di fornire non soltanto, come accadeva nel passato, la migliore decisione relativa ad una data tematica, ma soprattutto una strategia decisionale in grado di permettere il raggiungimento di un prefissato obiettivo, utilizzando traiettorie decisionali ottime. Mentre nel passato, l’informatica era in grado di fornire un decisore elettronico, oggi grazie alla teoria della complessità opportunamente impiegata in infrastrutture tecnologiche di softcomputing è possibile ottenere strumenti innovativi utili alla pianificazione; fornendo, altresì, non solo una decisione, che normalmente è già nota all’esperto di un dato settore, ma anche e soprattutto una strategia decisionale frutto della competizione di un grande numero di soluzioni possibili simulate just in time. Inoltre, molto spesso, il decisore deve condividire le sue scelte con altri enti o entità deputate ad altre funzioni, quindi la soluzione innovativa qui proposta permette la costruzione di strategie decisionali ottime sia singolarmente che rispetto ad un decisore di governance, di management ed operational, che sia in un dato ente o che sia distribuito su più enti. Il risultato è uno studio che dopo aver inquadrato le tematiche generali sulla teoria dei giochi, i modelli di descrizione della complessità ed i processi stocastici self-similari, la teoria della decisione, i sistemi di supporto alle decisioni, le diverse metodologie e tecnologie del soft-computing, analizza gli aspetti salienti e di dettaglio per la realizzazione di un motore computazionale innovativo ed avanzato di supporto alle decisioni in ambito complesso per fornire specifica risposta all’obiettivo offrendo elementi di dettaglio e di esempio per una specifica realizzazione in diversi ambiti applicativi, grazie al suo potere di astrazione. [a cura dell'autore]X n.s

    MEDEA: a real time imaging pipeline for pixel lensing

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    Pixel lensing is a technique used to search for baryonic components of dark matter (MACHOs) and allows to detect microlensing events even when the target galaxies are not resolved into individual stars. Potentially, it has the advantage to provide higher statistics than other methods but, unfortunately, traditional approaches to pixel lensing are very demanding in terms of computing time. We present the new, user friendly, tool MEDEA (Microlensing Experiment Data-Analysis Software for Events with Amplification). The package can be used either in a fully automatic or in a semi-automatic mode and can perform an on-line identification of events by means of a two levels trigger and a quasi-on-line data analysis. The package will find application in the exploration of large databases as well as in the exploitation of specifically tailored future surveys.Comment: To appear in New Astronom

    Analysis of the Properties of the Solutions of Impulsive Systems of Differential and Integro-Differential Equations (Part I)

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    This article is devoted to the investigation of nonlinear systems of differential and integro-differential equations with various nonlinearities and impulse influence in fixed moments of time. The conditions of boundedness solutions, attraction, Lyapunov stability (uniform, asymptotical), practical Chetaev stability (uniform, attractive) of non-disturbed solutions of perturbed impulsive systems are obtained

    Cantorian spacetime and Hilbert space: part II - Relevant Consequences

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    In this paper, we will show the consequences of the link between epsilon((infinity))and H-(infinity). Starting from El Naschie's epsilon((infinity)) nature shows itself as an arena where the laws of physics appear at each scale in a self-similar way, linked to the resolution of the observations; while Hilbert's space H-(infinity) is the mathematical support to describe the interaction between the observer and dynamical systems. The present formulation of space-time, based on the non-classical, Cantorian geometry and topology of the space-time, automatically solves the paradoxical outcome of the two-slit experiment and duality. The experimental fact that a wave-particle duality exists is an indirect confirmation of the existence of epsilon((infinity)). Another direct consequence of the fact that real space-time is the infinite dimensional hierarchical epsilon((infinity)) is the existence of the scaling law R(N). The present author proposed it as a generalization of the Compton wavelength. This rule gives an answer to segregation of matter at different scales; it shows the role of fundamental constants like the speed of light and Plank's constant h in the fundamental lengths scale without invoking the methodology of quantum mechanics. In addition, we consider the genesis of E-Infinity. A Cantorian potential theory can be formulated to take into account the geometry and topology of epsilon((infinity)) in the context of gravitational theories. Consequently, we arrive at the result of the existence of gravitational channels

    The Distribution of Prime Numbers: the Solution comes from Dynamical Processes and Genetic Algorithms.

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    In this work, we show that the set of primes can be obtained through dynamical processes. Indeed, we see that behind their generation there is an apparent stochastic process; this is obtained with the combination of two processes: a "zig-zag" between two classes of primes and an intermittent process (that is a selection rule to exclude some prime candidates of the classes). Although we start with a stochastic process, the knowledge of its inner properties in terms of zig-zagging and intermittent processes gives us a deterministic and analytic way to generate the distribution of prime numbers. Thanks to genetic algorithms and evolution systems, as we will see, we answer some of most relevant questions of the last two centuries, that is "How can we know a priori if a number is prime or not? Or similarly, does the generation of number primes follow a specific rule and if yes what is its form? Moreover, has it a deterministic or stochastic form?" To reach these results we start to analyze prime numbers by using binary representation and building a hierarchy among derivative classes
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