9,327 research outputs found

    Spin precession in the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld scenario

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    In this letter we work out the secular precession of the spin of a gyroscope in geodesic motion around a central mass in the framework of the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati multidimensional gravity model. Such an effect, which depends on the mass of the central body and on the orbit radius of the gyroscope, contrary to the precessions of the orbital elements of the orbit of a test body, is far too small to be detected.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, no figures, no tables, 10 reference

    A critical approach to the concept of a polar, low-altitude LARES satellite

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    According to very recent developments of the LARES mission, which would be devoted to the measurement of the general relativistic Lense--Thirring effect in the gravitational field of the Earth with Satellite Laser Ranging, it seems that the LARES satellite might be finally launched in a polar, low--altitude orbit by means of a relatively low--cost rocket. The observable would be the node only. In this letter we critically analyze this scenario.Comment: LaTex2e, 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The dynamical nature of time

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    It is usually assumed that the "tt" parameter in the equations of dynamics can be identified with the indication of the pointer of a clock. Things are not so easy, however. In fact, since the equations of motion can be written in terms of tt but also of t=f(t)t'=f(t), ff being any well behaved function, each one of those infinite parametric times tt' is as good as the Newtonian one to study classical dynamics. Here we show that the relation between the mathematical parametric time tt in the equations of dynamics and the physical dynamical time σ\sigma that is measured with clocks is more complex and subtle than usually assumed. These two times, therefore, must be carefully distinguished since their difference may have significant consequences. Furthermore, we show that not all the dynamical clock-times are necessarily equivalent and that the observational fingerprint of this non-equivalence has the same form as that of the Pioneer anomaly.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    The impact of tidal errors on the determination of the Lense-Thirring effect from satellite laser ranging

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    The general relativistic Lense-Thirring effect can be detected by means of a suitable combination of orbital residuals of the laser-ranged LAGEOS and LAGEOS II satellites. While this observable is not affected by the orbital perturbation induced by the zonal Earth solid and ocean tides, it is sensitive to those generated by the tesseral and sectorial tides. The assessment of their influence on the measurement of the parameter mu, with which the gravitomagnetic effect is accounted for, is the goal of this paper. After simulating the combined residual curve by calculating accurately the mismodeling of the more effective tidal perturbations, it has been found that, while the solid tides affect the recovery of mu at a level always well below 1%, for the ocean tides and the other long-period signals Delta mu depends strongly on the observational period and the noise level: Delta mu(tides) amounts to almost 2% after 7 years. The aliasing effect of K1 l=3 p=1 tide and SRP(4241) solar radiation pressure harmonic, with periods longer than 4 years, on the perigee of LAGEOS II yield to a maximum systematic uncertainty on \m_{LT} of less than 4% over different observational periods. The zonal 18.6-year tide does not affect the combined residuals.Comment: 24 pages, 4 tables, 6 figures, submitted to Int. Journal of Mod. Phys. D. Changes in auctorship, references and conten

    On the possibility of measuring the Earth's gravitomagnetic force in a new laboratory experiment

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    In this paper we propose, in a preliminary way, a new Earth-based laboratory experiment aimed to the detection of the gravitomagnetic field of the Earth. It consists of the measurement of the difference of the circular frequencies of two rotators moving along identical circular paths, but in opposite directions, on a horizontal friction-free plane in a vacuum chamber placed at South Pole. The accuracy of our knowledge of the Earth's rotation from VLBI and the possibility of measuring the rotators'periods over many revolutions should allow for the feasibility of the proposed experiment.Comment: Latex2e, 8 pages, no figures, no tables, accepted for publication by Classical and Quantum Gravity. Typo corrected in the formula of the error in the difference of the orbital period

    The stellar mass-halo mass relation of isolated field dwarfs: a critical test of Λ\LambdaCDM at the edge of galaxy formation

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    We fit the rotation curves of isolated dwarf galaxies to directly measure the stellar mass-halo mass relation (MM200M_*-M_{200}) over the mass range 5×105<M/M<1085 \times 10^5 < M_{*}/{\rm M}_\odot < 10^{8}. By accounting for cusp-core transformations due to stellar feedback, we find a monotonic relation with little scatter. Such monotonicity implies that abundance matching should yield a similar MM200M_*-M_{200} if the cosmological model is correct. Using the 'field galaxy' stellar mass function from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the halo mass function from the Λ\Lambda Cold Dark Matter Bolshoi simulation, we find remarkable agreement between the two. This holds down to M2005×109M_{200} \sim 5 \times 10^9M_\odot, and to M2005×108M_{200} \sim 5 \times 10^8M_\odot if we assume a power law extrapolation of the SDSS stellar mass function below M107M_* \sim 10^7M_\odot. However, if instead of SDSS we use the stellar mass function of nearby galaxy groups, then the agreement is poor. This occurs because the group stellar mass function is shallower than that of the field below M109M_* \sim 10^9M_\odot, recovering the familiar 'missing satellites' and 'too big to fail' problems. Our result demonstrates that both problems are confined to group environments and must, therefore, owe to 'galaxy formation physics' rather than exotic cosmology. Finally, we repeat our analysis for a Λ\Lambda Warm Dark Matter cosmology, finding that it fails at 68% confidence for a thermal relic mass of mWDM<1.25m_{\rm WDM} < 1.25keV, and mWDM<2m_{\rm WDM} < 2keV if we use the power law extrapolation of SDSS. We conclude by making a number of predictions for future surveys based on these results.Comment: 22 pages; 2 Tables; 10 Figures. This is the version accepted for publication in MNRAS. Key changes: (i) added substantially more information on the surveys used to measure the stellar mass functions; (ii) added tests of the robustness of our results. Results and conclusions unchanged from previously. Minor typos corrected from previous versio

    Conservative evaluation of the uncertainty in the LAGEOS-LAGEOS II Lense-Thirring test

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    We deal with the test of the general relativistic gravitomagnetic Lense-Thirring effect currently ongoing in the Earth's gravitational field with the combined nodes \Omega of the laser-ranged geodetic satellites LAGEOS and LAGEOS II. One of the most important source of systematic uncertainty on the orbits of the LAGEOS satellites, with respect to the Lense-Thirring signature, is the bias due to the even zonal harmonic coefficients J_L of the multipolar expansion of the Earth's geopotential which account for the departures from sphericity of the terrestrial gravitational potential induced by the centrifugal effects of its diurnal rotation. The issue addressed here is: are the so far published evaluations of such a systematic error reliable and realistic? The answer is negative. Indeed, if the difference \Delta J_L among the even zonals estimated in different global solutions (EIGEN-GRACE02S, EIGEN-CG03C, GGM02S, GGM03S, ITG-Grace02, ITG-Grace03s, JEM01-RL03B, EGM2008, AIUB-GRACE01S) is assumed for the uncertainties \delta J_L instead of using their more or less calibrated covariance sigmas \sigma_{J_L}, it turns out that the systematic error \delta\mu in the Lense-Thirring measurement is about 3 to 4 times larger than in the evaluations so far published based on the use of the sigmas of one model at a time separately, amounting up to 37% for the pair EIGEN-GRACE02S/ITG-Grace03s. The comparison among the other recent GRACE-based models yields bias as large as about 25-30%. The major discrepancies still occur for J_4, J_6 and J_8, which are just the zonals the combined LAGEOS/LAGOES II nodes are most sensitive to.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, 12 tables, no figures, 64 references. To appear in Central European Journal of Physics (CEJP

    Locally vascularized pelvic accessory spleen

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    Il polisplenismo e la milza accessoria sono anomalie congenite generalmente asintomatiche. Riportiamo un raro caso di polisplenismo con milza pelvica ectopica in una donna bianca di 67 anni. Nella pelvi di sinistra all’ecografia transvaginale è stata ritrovata una massa soffice, ben definita, omogenea e vascolarizzata. La paziente è stata quindi sottoposta a valutazione con RM e TC addominale con contrasto: sono state ottenute immagini con aspetto parenchimale simile alla milza. E’ stata eseguita una scintigrafia addominale con albumina umana colloidale radiomarcata con tecnezio sulla regione pelvica con scansioni planari e SPECT. I risultati hanno mostrato la presenza di un’area di captazione del radiofarmaco nella pelvi, mentre la milza è stata normalmente visualizzata. Questi ritrovamenti hanno confermato la presenza di una milza accessoria con una arteria originante dall’aorta ed una vena che si anastomizzava con la vena mesenterica superiore. Alla nostra conoscenza, nella letteratura, esiste solo un caso di vera milza ectopica localmente vascolarizzata nella pelvi.Polysplenism and accessory spleen are congenital, usually asymptomatic anomalies. A rare case of polysplenism with ectopic spleen in pelvis of a 67-year-old, Caucasian female is reported here. A transvaginal ultrasound found a soft well-defined homogeneous and vascularized mass in the left pelvis. Patient underwent MRI evaluation and contrast-CT abdominal scan: images with parenchymal aspect, similar to spleen were obtained. Abdominal scintigraphy with 99mTc-albumin nanocolloid was performed and pelvic region was studied with planar scans and SPECT. The results showed the presence of an uptake area of the radiopharmaceutical in the pelvis, while the spleen was normally visualized. These findings confirmed the presence of an accessory spleen with an artery originated from the aorta and a vein that joined with the superior mesenteric vein. To our knowledge, in the literature, there is just only one case of a true ectopic, locally vascularized spleen in the pelvis

    Will the recently approved LARES mission be able to measure the Lense-Thirring effect at 1%?

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    After the approval by the Italian Space Agency of the LARES satellite, which should be launched at the end of 2009 with a VEGA rocket and whose claimed goal is a about 1% measurement of the general relativistic gravitomagnetic Lense-Thirring effect in the gravitational field of the spinning Earth, it is of the utmost importance to reliably assess the total realistic accuracy that can be reached by such a mission. The observable is a linear combination of the nodes of the existing LAGEOS and LAGEOS II satellites and of LARES able to cancel out the impact of the first two even zonal harmonic coefficients of the multipolar expansion of the classical part of the terrestrial gravitational potential representing a major source of systematic error. While LAGEOS and LAGEOS II fly at altitudes of about 6000 km, LARES will be placed at an altitude of 1450 km. Thus, it will be sensitive to much more even zonals than LAGEOS and LAGEOS II. Their corrupting impact \delta\mu has been evaluated by using the standard Kaula's approach up to degree L=70 along with the sigmas of the covariance matrices of eight different global gravity solutions (EIGEN-GRACE02S, EIGEN-CG03C, GGM02S, GGM03S, JEM01-RL03B, ITG-Grace02s, ITG-Grace03, EGM2008) obtained by five institutions (GFZ, CSR, JPL, IGG, NGA) with different techniques from long data sets of the dedicated GRACE mission. It turns out \delta\mu about 100-1000% of the Lense-Thirring effect. An improvement of 2-3 orders of magnitude in the determination of the high degree even zonals would be required to constrain the bias to about 1-10%.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, 1 table, no figures. Final version matching the published one in General Relativity and Gravitation (GRG