248 research outputs found

    Deuterium enrichment of ammonia produced by surface N+H/D addition reactions at low temperature

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    The surface formation of NH3 and its deuterated isotopologues – NH_2D, NHD_2, and ND_3 – is investigated at low temperatures through the simultaneous addition of hydrogen and deuterium atoms to nitrogen atoms in CO-rich interstellar ice analogues. The formation of all four ammonia isotopologues is only observed up to 15 K, and drops below the detection limit for higher temperatures. Differences between hydrogenation and deuteration yields result in a clear deviation from a statistical distribution in favour of deuterium enriched species. The data analysis suggests that this is due to a higher sticking probability of D atoms to the cold surface, a property that may generally apply to molecules that are formed in low temperature surface reactions. The results found here are used to interpret ammonia–deuterium fractionation as observed in pre-protostellar cores

    Solid CO_2 in low-mass young stellar objects: Comparison between Spitzer and laboratory spectra

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    Context. Solid interstellar CO_2 is an abundant component of ice dust mantles. Its ubiquity towards quiescent molecular clouds, as well as protostellar envelopes, has recently been confirmed by the IRS (InfraRed Spectrograph) aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. Although it has been shown that CO_2 cannot be efficiently formed in the gas phase, the CO_2 surface formation pathway is still unclear. To date several CO_2 surface formation mechanisms induced by energetic (e.g., UV photolysis and cosmic ray irradiation) and non-energetic (e.g., cold atom addition) input have been proposed. Aims. Our aim is to investigate the contribution of cosmic ray irradiation to the formation of CO_2 in different regions of the interstellar medium (ISM). To achieve this goal we compared quantitatively laboratory data with the CO_2 bending mode band profile observed towards several young stellar objects (YSOs) and a field star by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Methods. All the experiments presented here were performed at the Laboratory for Experimental Astrophysics in Catania (Italy). The interstellar relevant samples were all irradiated with fast ions (30−200 keV) and subsequently annealed in a stainless steel high vacuum chamber (P < 10^(-7) mbar). Chemical and structural modifications of the ice samples were monitored by means of infrared spectroscopy. Laboratory spectra were then used to fit some thirty observational spectra. Results. A qualitative analysis shows that a good fit can be obtained with a minimum of two components. The choice of the laboratory components is based on the chemical-physical condition of each source. A quantitative analysis of the sources with known visual extinction (A_V) and methanol abundances highlights that the solid carbon dioxide can be efficiently and abundantly formed after ion irradiation of interstellar ices in all the selected YSOs in a time compatible with cloud lifetimes (3 × 10^7 years). Only in the case of field stars can the expected CO_2 column density formed upon energetic input not explain the observed abundances. This result, to be confirmed along the line of sight to different quiescent clouds, gives an indirect indication that CO_2 can also be formed in an early cloud stage through surface reactions induced by non-energetic mechanisms. In a later stage, when ices are exposed to higher UV and cosmic ray doses, the CO_2 total abundance is strongly affected by energetic formation mechanisms. Conclusions. Our results indicate that energetic processing of icy grain mantles significantly contribute to the formation of solid phase interstellar CO_2

    H-atom addition and abstraction reactions in mixed CO, H2CO and CH3OH ices: an extended view on complex organic molecule formation

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    Complex organic molecules (COMs) have been observed not only in the hot cores surrounding low- and high- mass protostars, but also in cold dark clouds. Therefore, it is interesting to understand how such species can be formed without the presence of embedded energy sources. We present new laboratory experiments on the low-temperature solid state formation of three complex molecules: methyl formate (HC(O)OCH3), glycolaldehyde (HC(O)CH2OH) and ethylene glycol (H2C(OH)CH2OH), through recombination of free radicals formed via H-atom addition and abstraction reactions at different stages in the CO-H2CO-CH3OH hydrogenation network at 15 K. The experiments extend previous CO hydrogenation studies and aim at resembling the physical&chemical conditions typical of the CO freeze-out stage in dark molecular clouds, when H2CO and CH3OH form by recombination of accreting CO molecules and H-atoms on ice grains. We confirm that H2CO, once formed through CO hydrogenation, not only yields CH3OH through ongoing H-atom addition reactions, but is also subject to H-atom-induced abstraction reactions, yielding CO again. In a similar way, H2CO is also formed in abstraction reactions involving CH3OH. The dominant methanol H-atom abstraction product is expected to be CH2OH, while H-atom additions to H2CO should at least partially proceed through CH3O intermediate radicals. The occurrence of H-atom abstraction reactions in ice mantles leads to more reactive intermediates (HCO, CH3O and CH2OH) than previously thought, when assuming sequential H-atom addition reactions only. This enhances the probability to form COMs through radical-radical recombination without the need of UV photolysis or cosmic rays as external triggers.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Relevance of the H_2 + O reaction pathway for the surface formation of interstellar water. Combined experimental and modeling study

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    The formation of interstellar water is commonly accepted to occur on the surfaces of icy dust grains in dark molecular clouds at low temperatures (10–20 K), involving hydrogenation reactions of oxygen allotropes. As a result of the large abundances of molecular hydrogen and atomic oxygen in these regions, the reaction H_2 + O has been proposed to contribute significantly to the formation of water as well. However, gas-phase experiments and calculations, as well as solid-phase experimental work contradict this hypothesis. Here, we use precisely executed temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments in an ultra-high vacuum setup combined with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to establish an upper limit of the water production starting from H_2 and O. These reactants were brought together in a matrix of CO_2 in a series of (control) experiments at different temperatures and with different isotopological compositions. The water detected with the quadrupole mass spectrometer upon TPD was found to originate mainly from contamination in the chamber itself. However, if water is produced in small quantities on the surface through H_2 + O, this can only be explained by a combined classical and tunneled reaction mechanism. An absolutely conservative upper limit for the reaction rate was derived with a microscopic kinetic Monte Carlo model that converts the upper limit into the highest possible reaction rate. Incorporating this rate into simulation runs for astrochemically relevant parameters shows that the upper limit to the contribution of the reaction H_2 + O in OH, and hence water formation, is 11% in dense interstellar clouds. Our combined experimental and theoretical results indicate, however, that this contribution is most likely much lower

    Sustainable local development and environmental governance: a strategic planning experience

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    The emphasis on learning and adaptation among different actors at various political administrative levels and on various geographic scales has become a precondition for the emergence of sustainable development. It is possible to find the essential form of collaborative management by using a Strategic Plan, designed to determine a local model of sustainable competitiveness in economic, social and environmental terms. The adoption of a Strategic Plan stimulates a process of shared knowledge, through which it is possible to generate a new environmental governance (EG) that is truly representative of a local system. This paper presents, as a case study representative of the Italian context, the Strategic Plan of the Nebrodi area (SP), and assesses the structure of a new form of public and private environmental governance focused on sustainable concern. Finally, the SP could be considered a guideline for managing the local territorial and environmental system from a long-term perspective

    Thermal H/D exchange in polar ice - deuteron scrambling in space

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    Laboratory astrophysics and astrochemistr

    SURFRESIDE2: An ultrahigh vacuum system for the investigation of surface reaction routes of interstellar interest

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    A new ultrahigh vacuum experiment is described to study atom and radical addition reactions in interstellar ice analogues for astronomically relevant temperatures. The new setup – SURFace REaction SImulation DEvice (SURFRESIDE2) – allows a systematic investigation of solid state pathways resulting in the formation of molecules of astrophysical interest. The implementation of a double beam line makes it possible to expose deposited ice molecules to different atoms and/or radicals sequentially or at the same time. Special efforts are made to perform experiments under fully controlled laboratory conditions, including precise atom flux determinations, in order to characterize reaction channels quantitatively. In this way, we can compare and combine different surface reaction channels with the aim to unravel the solid state processes at play in space. Results are constrained in situ by means of a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and a quadrupole mass spectrometer using reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy and temperature programmed desorption, respectively. The performance of the new setup is demonstrated on the example of carbon dioxide formation by comparing the efficiency through two different solid state channels (CO + OH → CO_2 + H and CO + O → CO_2) for which different addition products are needed. The potential of SURFRESIDE2 to study complex molecule formation, including nitrogen containing (prebiotic) compounds, is discussed
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