8 research outputs found

    Closing the Knowledge Gap on Circularity: the CBE Hub Lifelong Education Programmes

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    This paper discusses the relevance of academia in addressing complex contemporary issues and more specifically, its potential to help society transition to a circular built environment. Can academia provide society with a safe space for developing imaginaries and socially performing alternative political futures? Can it help reconnect the many knowledge domains that appear now to be dispersed and fragmented? And what is the role of adult learning in achieving this transition and in dealing with complex issues such as sustainability? The typology and goals of adult educational modules developed by the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft and in particular the Circular Built Environment (CBE) Hub are presented here as a response to the growing need of creating synergistic alliances between academia and the rest of society. Three different typologies are examined in this chapter for their specific contribution in raising awareness; inspiring professionals and instigating change in attitudes as well as contributing to the training of selected groups of stakeholders respectively. Authors reflect on the benefits of such interaction, its limitations as well as its future potential. Promoting the benefits of transitioning to a circular built environment and reaching the widest audience possible to assist with the transition requires that academia develops new educational formats. Attention should therefore be given not only to the content produced, but also to the modes of delivery; the effectiveness of the message that is ultimately delivered as well as the establishment of a continuous presence where different individuals or groups can return to when challenged by complex issues. Consolidating this relation can close the knowledge gap between the two: on the one hand society directly benefits from academic research, on the other hand, academia becomes more relevant for society.Building Product Innovatio

    Planning for Change: A Methodological Framework for Integrating Circularity at TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment Curricula.

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    This paper introduces a methodological framework to integrate circularity in architectural curricula and the building blocks that led to its conceptualisation. The first block (Part A) examines how complexity has affected learning and architectural education, in particular. The paper departs from the notion that knowledge produces further uncertainty in conditions of critical complexity. Moreover, the highest levels of complexity require the least scientific of approaches. It then examines the main challenges resulting from this shift: one is that learning identifies with individuals’ ability to make informed decisions and is now conceptualised as actionable knowledge. Second to that, education should opt for a pedagogy that can support learning through decision making. Architectural education, in particular, should be able to foster a new type of professionalism, where individuals assume accountability for their design decisions that extends beyond the aesthetic realm. But what can drive curricula to become more responsive to the current environmental, social, and political realities? The second block (Part B) looks into the issue of circularity. It examines its relevance to architectural education for its potential to function both as an operational scheme as well as a value system. Furthermore, being a concept in the making, circularity can benefit from academic research but can also support a pedagogy that focuses on helping students learn how to learn. The proposed methodological framework (Part C) builds on these two blocks and on the faculty’s research on circularity to develop a scheme of what constitutes content for teaching circularity, how the goals for integrating it into the curricula can be formulated, and what type of pedagogy is suited to support the integration.Building Product InnovationClimate Design and SustainabilityEnvironmental Technology and Desig

    Zero Waste Church: Education for Circular Reuse of Religious Buildings

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    While heritage conservation is usually associated with the action of “keeping”, circular approaches are often seen as focusing on flexibility, and disassembly. Both share the common goal of using existing resources efficiently and avoiding waste. The conservation of cultural heritage is a complex issue that requires a cautious balance between maintaining heritage values associated with tangible and intangible attributes and managing change to answer the challenges of future use. On the one hand, mining the urban environment for material resources, risks irreparable damage to the historic urban fabric. On the other hand, salvaging components from heritage buildings and re-purposing them can be a sustainable strategy to extend a buildings’ lifetime and minimize construction waste. In the case of buildings threatened by demolition, as several churches in the Netherlands, salvaging components might even be the only way to keep (some) of this heritage alive. In these cases, circular design approaches need to go beyond inventorying materials and components: the traceability of values and meanings to the involved communities become key factors driving reuse strategies. The Zero Waste Church graduation studio at TU Delft provides architecture students with the opportunity to discuss how heritage values might shift to integrate sustainability as a value to preserve. The students selected cases based on three key circularity principles: refuse, reduce, and value retention. By choosing vacant buildings, the students were prompted to refuse the notion of building new and to value space as a limited resource. Some of the selected buildings faced demolition, resulting in projects that have the potential to reduce material waste. Through a heritage value assessment, the students demonstrated that despite being under threat, these heritage buildings still add value to local communities. Students explored creative approaches to redesign from values related to tangible and intangible attributes. This approach aims at instigating awareness and transformative attitudes towards the built environment. Individual students approach the challenge from different perspectives, contributing to a multitude of readings and strategies to deal with the complexity of bridging heritage and circularity. The implementation of the first edition of the Zero Waste studio faced challenges when conflicts arose in determining what to keep, add or transform. A key learning from this experience is that circularity needs to be an integrated part of a design project from the earliest stages. While a fully zero waste heritage may be an unachievable ambition, the aim is to trigger reflection and adopt an explorative approach towards a project.The organization of this international colloquium was made possible through the generous fi nancial support of the DIOS Incentive Fund (UHasselt), the Doctoral School of Behavioral Sciences and Humanities (UHasselt), and the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), as well as the invaluable practical assistance provided by the Faculty of Architecture and Arts of UHasselt and the Flanders Architecture Institute. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to all our esteemed colleagues whose dedicated efforts contributed to the seamless execution of this event. This colloquium is organized as an extension of the exhibition As Found: Experiments in Preservation by the Flanders Architecture Institute. Curated by Sofie De Caigny, Hulya Ertas and Bie Plevoets, the exhibition is on show at De Singel, Antwerp, from 6 September 2023 to 17 March 2024. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue, available in English (ISBN: 9789492567321) and Dutch (ISBN: 9789492567338).Heritage & ArchitectureArchitectural Technolog

    Áreas periurbanas en transformación: Estrategias para la resiliencia de los paisajes periurbanos en ciudades europeas y españolas

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    In recent decades, the international debate on suburban sprawl and peri-urban growth in European cities has intensified. The decentralization of industrial, tertiary and residential activities, as well as the proliferation of road infrastructures have given rise to the fragmentation of the agricultural fabric with the formation of mixed-use, empty or residual spaces. On the other hand, the growing interest in the cultural, ecological and landscape values ​​of peri-urban landscapes is evident.Building Product Innovatio

    Hyperpolarization of nuclear spins: Polarization blockade

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    Efficient hyperpolarization of nuclear spins via optically active defect centers, such as the nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond, has great potential for enhancing NMR-based quantum information processing and nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging. Recently, pulse-based protocols have been shown to efficiently transfer optically induced polarization of the electron defect spin to surrounding nuclear spins - at particular resonant pulse intervals. In this work, we investigate the performance of these protocols, both analytically and experimentally, with the electronic spin of a single NV defect. We find that whenever polarization resonances of nuclear spins are near degenerate with a "blocking"spin, which is single spin with stronger off-diagonal coupling to the electronic central spin, they are displaced out of the central resonant region - without, in general, significant weakening in the rate of polarization. We analyze the underlying physical mechanism and obtain a closed-form expression for the displacement. We propose that spin blocking represents a common but overlooked effect in hyperpolarization of nuclear spins and suggest solutions for improved protocol performance in the presence of (naturally occurring) blocking nuclear spins.QID/Taminiau La

    Search for anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking with the ATLAS detector based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7TeV$

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    none3019G. Aad;B. Abbott;J. Abdallah;A. A. Abdelalim;A. Abdesselam;O. Abdinov;B. Abi;M. Abolins;H. Abramowicz;H. Abreu;E. Acerbi;B. S. Acharya;D. L. Adams;T. N. Addy;J. Adelman;M. Aderholz;S. Adomeit;P. Adragna;T. Adye;S. Aefsky;J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra;M. Aharrouche;S. P. Ahlen;F. Ahles;A. Ahmad;M. Ahsan;G. Aielli;T. Akdogan;T. P. A. Åkesson;G. Akimoto;A. V. Akimov;A. Akiyama;M. S. Alam;M. A. Alam;J. Albert;S. Albrand;M. Aleksa;I. N. Aleksandrov;F. Alessandria;C. Alexa;G. Alexander;G. Alexandre;T. Alexopoulos;M. Alhroob;M. Aliev;G. Alimonti;J. Alison;M. Aliyev;P. P. Allport;S. E. Allwood-Spiers;J. Almond;A. Aloisio;R. Alon;A. Alonso;B. Alvarez Gonzalez;M. G. Alviggi;K. Amako;P. Amaral;C. Amelung;V. V. Ammosov;A. Amorim;G. Amorós;N. Amram;C. Anastopoulos;L. S. Ancu;N. Andari;T. Andeen;C. F. Anders;G. Anders;K. J. Anderson;A. Andreazza;V. Andrei;M-L. Andrieux;X. S. Anduaga;A. Angerami;F. Anghinolfi;A. Anisenkov;N. Anjos;A. Annovi;A. Antonaki;M. Antonelli;A. Antonov;J. Antos;F. Anulli;S. Aoun;L. Aperio Bella;R. Apolle;G. Arabidze;I. Aracena;Y. Arai;A. T. H. Arce;J. P. Archambault;S. Arfaoui;J-F. Arguin;E. Arik;M. Arik;A. J. Armbruster;O. Arnaez;C. Arnault;A. Artamonov;G. Artoni;D. Arutinov;S. Asai;R. Asfandiyarov;S. Ask;B. Åsman;L. Asquith;K. Assamagan;A. Astbury;A. Astvatsatourov;B. Aubert;E. Auge;K. Augsten;M. Aurousseau;G. Avolio;R. Avramidou;D. Axen;C. Ay;G. Azuelos;Y. Azuma;M. A. Baak;G. Baccaglioni;C. Bacci;A. M. Bach;H. Bachacou;K. Bachas;G. Bachy;M. Backes;M. Backhaus;E. Badescu;P. Bagnaia;S. Bahinipati;Y. Bai;D. C. Bailey;T. Bain;J. T. Baines;O. K. Baker;M. D. Baker;S. Baker;E. Banas;P. Banerjee;Sw. Banerjee;D. Banfi;A. Bangert;V. Bansal;H. S. Bansil;L. Barak;S. P. Baranov;A. Barashkou;A. Barbaro Galtieri;T. Barber;E. L. Barberio;D. Barberis;M. Barbero;D. Y. Bardin;T. Barillari;M. Barisonzi;T. Barklow;N. Barlow;B. M. Barnett;R. M. Barnett;A. Baroncelli;G. Barone;A. J. Barr;F. Barreiro;J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa;P. Barrillon;R. Bartoldus;A. E. Barton;V. Bartsch;R. L. Bates;L. Batkova;J. R. Batley;A. Battaglia;M. Battistin;G. Battistoni;F. Bauer;H. S. Bawa;S. Beale;B. Beare;T. Beau;P. H. Beauchemin;R. Beccherle;P. Bechtle;H. P. Beck;S. Becker;M. Beckingham;K. H. Becks;A. J. Beddall;A. Beddall;S. Bedikian;V. A. Bednyakov;C. P. Bee;M. Begel;S. Behar Harpaz;P. K. Behera;M. Beimforde;C. Belanger-Champagne;P. J. Bell;W. H. Bell;G. Bella;L. Bellagamba;F. Bellina;M. Bellomo;A. Belloni;O. Beloborodova;K. Belotskiy;O. Beltramello;S. Ben Ami;O. Benary;D. Benchekroun;C. Benchouk;M. Bendel;N. Benekos;Y. Benhammou;J. A. Benitez Garcia;D. P. Benjamin;M. Benoit;J. R. Bensinger;K. Benslama;S. Bentvelsen;D. Berge;E. Bergeaas Kuutmann;N. Berger;F. Berghaus;E. Berglund;J. Beringer;P. Bernat;R. Bernhard;C. Bernius;T. Berry;C. Bertella;A. Bertin;F. Bertinelli;F. Bertolucci;M. I. Besana;N. Besson;S. Bethke;W. Bhimji;R. M. Bianchi;M. Bianco;O. Biebel;S. P. Bieniek;K. Bierwagen;J. Biesiada;M. Biglietti;H. Bilokon;M. Bindi;S. Binet;A. Bingul;C. Bini;C. Biscarat;U. Bitenc;K. M. Black;R. E. Blair;J.-B. Blanchard;G. Blanchot;T. Blazek;C. Blocker;J. Blocki;A. Blondel;W. Blum;U. Blumenschein;G. J. Bobbink;V. B. Bobrovnikov;S. S. Bocchetta;A. Bocci;C. R. Boddy;M. Boehler;J. Boek;N. Boelaert;S. Böser;J. A. Bogaerts;A. Bogdanchikov;A. Bogouch;C. Bohm;V. Boisvert;T. Bold;V. Boldea;N. M. Bolnet;M. Bona;V. G. Bondarenko;M. Bondioli;M. Boonekamp;G. Boorman;C. N. Booth;S. Bordoni;C. Borer;A. Borisov;G. Borissov;I. Borjanovic;S. Borroni;K. Bos;D. Boscherini;M. Bosman;H. Boterenbrood;D. Botterill;J. Bouchami;J. Boudreau;E. V. Bouhova-Thacker;C. Bourdarios;N. Bousson;A. Boveia;J. Boyd;I. R. Boyko;N. I. Bozhko;I. Bozovic-Jelisavcic;J. Bracinik;A. Braem;P. Branchini;G. W. Brandenburg;A. Brandt;G. Brandt;O. Brandt;U. Bratzler;B. Brau;J. E. Brau;H. M. Braun;B. Brelier;J. Bremer;R. Brenner;S. Bressler;D. Breton;D. Britton;F. M. Brochu;I. Brock;R. Brock;T. J. Brodbeck;E. Brodet;F. Broggi;C. Bromberg;J. Bronner;G. Brooijmans;W. K. Brooks;G. Brown;H. Brown;P. A. Bruckman de Renstrom;D. Bruncko;R. Bruneliere;S. Brunet;A. Bruni;G. Bruni;M. Bruschi;T. Buanes;Q. Buat;F. Bucci;J. Buchanan;N. J. Buchanan;P. Buchholz;R. M. Buckingham;A. G. Buckley;S. I. Buda;I. A. Budagov;B. Budick;V. Büscher;L. Bugge;D. Buira-Clark;O. Bulekov;M. Bunse;T. Buran;H. Burckhart;S. Burdin;T. Burgess;S. Burke;E. Busato;P. Bussey;C. P. Buszello;F. Butin;B. Butler;J. M. Butler;C. M. Buttar;J. M. Butterworth;W. Buttinger;S. Cabrera Urbán;D. Caforio;O. Cakir;P. Calafiura;G. Calderini;P. Calfayan;R. Calkins;L. P. Caloba;R. Caloi;D. Calvet;S. Calvet;R. Camacho Toro;P. Camarri;M. Cambiaghi;D. Cameron;L. M. Caminada;S. Campana;M. Campanelli;V. Canale;F. Canelli;A. Canepa;J. Cantero;L. Capasso;M. D. M. Capeans Garrido;I. Caprini;M. Caprini;D. Capriotti;M. Capua;R. Caputo;C. Caramarcu;R. Cardarelli;T. Carli;G. Carlino;L. Carminati;B. Caron;S. Caron;G. D. Carrillo Montoya;A. A. Carter;J. R. Carter;J. Carvalho;D. Casadei;M. P. Casado;M. Cascella;C. Caso;A. M. Castaneda Hernandez;E. Castaneda-Miranda;V. Castillo Gimenez;N. F. Castro;G. Cataldi;F. Cataneo;A. Catinaccio;J. R. Catmore;A. Cattai;G. Cattani;S. Caughron;D. Cauz;P. Cavalleri;D. Cavalli;M. Cavalli-Sforza;V. Cavasinni;F. Ceradini;A. S. Cerqueira;A. Cerri;L. Cerrito;F. Cerutti;S. A. Cetin;F. Cevenini;A. Chafaq;D. Chakraborty;K. Chan;B. Chapleau;J. D. Chapman;J. W. Chapman;E. Chareyre;D. G. Charlton;V. Chavda;C. A. Chavez Barajas;S. Cheatham;S. Chekanov;S. V. Chekulaev;G. A. Chelkov;M. A. Chelstowska;C. Chen;H. Chen;S. Chen;T. Chen;X. Chen;S. Cheng;A. Cheplakov;V. F. Chepurnov;R. Cherkaoui El Moursli;V. Chernyatin;E. Cheu;S. L. Cheung;L. Chevalier;G. Chiefari;L. Chikovani;J. T. Childers;A. Chilingarov;G. Chiodini;M. V. Chizhov;G. Choudalakis;S. Chouridou;I. A. Christidi;A. Christov;D. Chromek-Burckhart;M. L. Chu;J. Chudoba;G. Ciapetti;K. Ciba;A. K. Ciftci;R. Ciftci;D. Cinca;V. Cindro;M. D. Ciobotaru;C. Ciocca;A. Ciocio;M. Cirilli;M. Citterio;M. Ciubancan;A. Clark;P. J. Clark;W. Cleland;J. C. Clemens;B. Clement;C. Clement;R. W. Clifft;Y. Coadou;M. Cobal;A. Coccaro;J. Cochran;P. Coe;J. G. Cogan;J. Coggeshall;E. Cogneras;C. D. Cojocaru;J. Colas;A. P. Colijn;N. J. Collins;C. Collins-Tooth;J. Collot;G. Colon;P. Conde Muiño;E. Coniavitis;M. C. Conidi;M. Consonni;V. Consorti;S. Constantinescu;C. Conta;F. Conventi;J. Cook;M. Cooke;B. D. Cooper;A. M. Cooper-Sarkar;K. Copic;T. Cornelissen;M. Corradi;F. Corriveau;A. Cortes-Gonzalez;G. Cortiana;G. Costa;M. J. Costa;D. Costanzo;T. Costin;D. Côté;R. Coura Torres;L. Courneyea;G. Cowan;C. Cowden;B. E. Cox;K. Cranmer;F. Crescioli;M. Cristinziani;G. Crosetti;R. Crupi;S. Crépé-Renaudin;C.-M. Cuciuc;C. Cuenca Almenar;T. Cuhadar Donszelmann;M. Curatolo;C. J. Curtis;C. Cuthbert;P. Cwetanski;H. Czirr;Z. Czyczula;S. D’Auria;M. D’Onofrio;A. D’Orazio;P. V. M. Silva;C. Via;W. Dabrowski;T. Dai;C. Dallapiccola;M. Dam;M. Dameri;D. S. Damiani;H. O. Danielsson;D. Dannheim;V. Dao;G. Darbo;G. L. Darlea;C. Daum;W. Davey;T. Davidek;N. Davidson;R. Davidson;E. Davies;M. Davies;A. R. Davison;Y. Davygora;E. Dawe;I. Dawson;J. W. Dawson;R. K. Daya-Ishmukhametova;K. De;R. Asmundis;S. Castro;P. E. Castro Faria Salgado;S. Cecco;J. Graat;N. Groot;P. Jong;C. Taille;H. Torre;B. Lotto;L. Mora;L. Nooij;D. Pedis;A. Salvo;U. Sanctis;A. Santo;J. B. Vivie De Regie;S. Dean;W. J. Dearnaley;R. Debbe;C. Debenedetti;D. V. Dedovich;J. Degenhardt;M. Dehchar;C. Papa;J. Peso;T. Prete;T. Delemontex;M. Deliyergiyev;A. Dell’Acqua;L. Dell’Asta;M. Pietra;D. Volpe;M. Delmastro;N. Delruelle;P. A. Delsart;C. Deluca;S. Demers;M. Demichev;B. Demirkoz;J. Deng;S. P. Denisov;D. Derendarz;J. E. Derkaoui;F. Derue;P. Dervan;K. Desch;E. Devetak;P. O. Deviveiros;A. Dewhurst;B. DeWilde;S. Dhaliwal;R. Dhullipudi;A. Ciaccio;L. Ciaccio;A. Girolamo;B. Girolamo;S. Luise;A. Mattia;B. Micco;R. Nardo;A. Simone;R. Sipio;M. A. Diaz;F. Diblen;E. B. Diehl;J. Dietrich;T. A. Dietzsch;S. Diglio;K. Dindar Yagci;J. Dingfelder;C. Dionisi;P. Dita;S. Dita;F. Dittus;F. Djama;T. Djobava;M. A. B. Vale;A. Valle Wemans;T. K. O. Doan;M. Dobbs;R. Dobinson;D. Dobos;E. Dobson;J. Dodd;C. Doglioni;T. Doherty;Y. Doi;J. Dolejsi;I. Dolenc;Z. Dolezal;B. A. Dolgoshein;T. Dohmae;M. Donadelli;M. Donega;J. Donini;J. Dopke;A. Doria;A. Anjos;M. Dosil;A. Dotti;M. T. Dova;J. D. Dowell;A. D. Doxiadis;A. T. Doyle;Z. Drasal;J. Drees;N. Dressnandt;H. Drevermann;C. Driouichi;M. Dris;J. Dubbert;S. Dube;E. Duchovni;G. Duckeck;A. Dudarev;F. Dudziak;M. Dührssen;I. P. Duerdoth;L. Duflot;M-A. Dufour;M. Dunford;H. Duran Yildiz;R. Duxfield;M. Dwuznik;F. Dydak;M. Düren;W. L. Ebenstein;J. Ebke;S. Eckweiler;K. Edmonds;C. A. Edwards;N. C. Edwards;W. Ehrenfeld;T. Ehrich;T. Eifert;G. Eigen;K. Einsweiler;E. Eisenhandler;T. Ekelof;M. Kacimi;M. Ellert;S. Elles;F. Ellinghaus;K. Ellis;N. Ellis;J. Elmsheuser;M. Elsing;D. Emeliyanov;R. Engelmann;A. Engl;B. Epp;A. Eppig;J. Erdmann;A. Ereditato;D. Eriksson;J. Ernst;M. Ernst;J. Ernwein;D. Errede;S. Errede;E. Ertel;M. Escalier;C. Escobar;X. Espinal Curull;B. Esposito;F. Etienne;A. I. Etienvre;E. Etzion;D. Evangelakou;H. Evans;L. Fabbri;C. Fabre;R. M. Fakhrutdinov;S. Falciano;Y. Fang;M. Fanti;A. Farbin;A. Farilla;J. Farley;T. Farooque;S. M. Farrington;P. Farthouat;P. Fassnacht;D. Fassouliotis;B. Fatholahzadeh;A. Favareto;L. Fayard;S. Fazio;R. Febbraro;P. Federic;O. L. Fedin;W. Fedorko;M. Fehling-Kaschek;L. Feligioni;D. Fellmann;C. Feng;E. J. Feng;A. B. Fenyuk;J. Ferencei;J. Ferland;W. Fernando;S. Ferrag;J. Ferrando;V. Ferrara;A. Ferrari;P. Ferrari;R. Ferrari;A. Ferrer;M. L. Ferrer;D. Ferrere;C. Ferretti;A. Ferretto Parodi;M. Fiascaris;F. Fiedler;A. Filipčič;A. Filippas;F. Filthaut;M. Fincke-Keeler;M. C. N. Fiolhais;L. Fiorini;A. Firan;G. Fischer;P. Fischer;M. J. Fisher;M. Flechl;I. Fleck;J. Fleckner;P. Fleischmann;S. Fleischmann;T. Flick;L. R. Flores Castillo;M. J. Flowerdew;M. Fokitis;T. Fonseca Martin;J. Fopma;D. A. Forbush;A. Formica;A. Forti;D. Fortin;J. M. Foster;D. Fournier;A. Foussat;A. J. Fowler;K. Fowler;H. Fox;P. Francavilla;S. Franchino;D. Francis;T. Frank;M. Franklin;S. Franz;M. Fraternali;S. Fratina;S. T. French;F. Friedrich;R. Froeschl;D. Froidevaux;J. A. Frost;C. Fukunaga;E. Fullana Torregrosa;J. Fuster;C. Gabaldon;O. Gabizon;T. Gadfort;S. Gadomski;G. Gagliardi;P. Gagnon;C. Galea;E. J. Gallas;V. Gallo;B. J. Gallop;P. Gallus;K. K. Gan;Y. S. Gao;V. A. Gapienko;A. Gaponenko;F. Garberson;M. Garcia-Sciveres;C. García;J. E. García Navarro;R. W. Gardner;N. Garelli;H. Garitaonandia;V. Garonne;J. Garvey;C. Gatti;G. Gaudio;O. Gaumer;B. Gaur;L. Gauthier;I. L. Gavrilenko;C. Gay;G. Gaycken;J-C. Gayde;E. N. Gazis;P. Ge;C. N. P. Gee;D. A. A. Geerts;Ch. Geich-Gimbel;K. Gellerstedt;C. Gemme;A. Gemmell;M. H. Genest;S. Gentile;M. George;S. George;P. Gerlach;A. Gershon;C. Geweniger;H. Ghazlane;N. Ghodbane;B. Giacobbe;S. Giagu;V. Giakoumopoulou;V. Giangiobbe;F. Gianotti;B. Gibbard;A. Gibson;S. M. Gibson;L. M. Gilbert;V. Gilewsky;D. Gillberg;A. R. Gillman;D. M. Gingrich;J. Ginzburg;N. Giokaris;M. P. Giordani;R. Giordano;F. M. Giorgi;P. Giovannini;P. F. Giraud;D. Giugni;M. Giunta;P. Giusti;B. K. Gjelsten;L. K. Gladilin;C. Glasman;J. Glatzer;A. Glazov;K. W. Glitza;G. L. Glonti;J. Godfrey;J. Godlewski;M. Goebel;T. Göpfert;C. Goeringer;C. Gössling;T. Göttfert;S. Goldfarb;T. Golling;S. N. Golovnia;A. Gomes;L. S. Gomez Fajardo;R. Gonçalo;J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa;L. Gonella;A. Gonidec;S. Gonzalez;S. González de la Hoz;G. Gonzalez Parra;M. L. Gonzalez Silva;S. Gonzalez-Sevilla;J. J. Goodson;L. Goossens;P. A. Gorbounov;H. A. Gordon;I. Gorelov;G. Gorfine;B. Gorini;E. Gorini;A. Gorišek;E. Gornicki;S. A. Gorokhov;V. N. Goryachev;B. Gosdzik;M. Gosselink;M. I. Gostkin;I. Gough Eschrich;M. Gouighri;D. Goujdami;M. P. Goulette;A. G. Goussiou;C. Goy;S. Gozpinar;I. Grabowska-Bold;P. Grafström;K-J. Grahn;F. Grancagnolo;S. Grancagnolo;V. Grassi;V. Gratchev;N. Grau;H. M. Gray;J. A. Gray;E. Graziani;O. G. Grebenyuk;T. Greenshaw;Z. D. Greenwood;K. Gregersen;I. M. Gregor;P. Grenier;J. Griffiths;N. Grigalashvili;A. A. Grillo;S. Grinstein;Y. V. Grishkevich;J.-F. Grivaz;M. Groh;E. Gross;J. Grosse-Knetter;J. Groth-Jensen;K. Grybel;V. J. Guarino;D. Guest;C. Guicheney;A. Guida;S. Guindon;H. Guler;J. Gunther;B. Guo;J. Guo;A. Gupta;Y. Gusakov;V. N. Gushchin;A. Gutierrez;P. Gutierrez;N. Guttman;O. Gutzwiller;C. Guyot;C. Gwenlan;C. B. Gwilliam;A. Haas;S. Haas;C. Haber;H. K. Hadavand;D. R. Hadley;P. Haefner;F. Hahn;S. Haider;Z. Hajduk;H. Hakobyan;D. Hall;J. Haller;K. Hamacher;P. Hamal;M. Hamer;A. Hamilton;S. Hamilton;H. Han;L. Han;K. Hanagaki;K. Hanawa;M. Hance;C. Handel;P. Hanke;J. R. Hansen;J. B. Hansen;J. D. Hansen;P. H. Hansen;P. Hansson;K. Hara;G. A. Hare;T. Harenberg;S. Harkusha;D. Harper;R. D. Harrington;O. M. Harris;K. Harrison;J. Hartert;F. Hartjes;T. Haruyama;A. Harvey;S. Hasegawa;Y. Hasegawa;S. Hassani;M. Hatch;D. Hauff;S. Haug;M. Hauschild;R. Hauser;M. Havranek;B. M. Hawes;C. M. Hawkes;R. J. Hawkings;D. Hawkins;T. Hayakawa;T. Hayashi;D. Hayden;H. S. Hayward;S. J. Haywood;E. Hazen;M. He;S. J. Head;V. Hedberg;L. Heelan;S. Heim;B. Heinemann;S. Heisterkamp;L. Helary;C. Heller;M. Heller;S. Hellman;D. Hellmich;C. Helsens;R. C. W. Henderson;M. Henke;A. Henrichs;A. M. Henriques Correia;S. Henrot-Versille;F. Henry-Couannier;C. Hensel;T. Henß;C. M. Hernandez;Y. Hernández Jiménez;R. Herrberg;A. D. Hershenhorn;G. Herten;R. Hertenberger;L. Hervas;N. P. Hessey;E. Higón-Rodriguez;D. Hill;J. C. Hill;N. Hill;K. H. Hiller;S. Hillert;S. J. Hillier;I. Hinchliffe;E. Hines;M. Hirose;F. Hirsch;D. Hirschbuehl;J. Hobbs;N. Hod;M. C. Hodgkinson;P. Hodgson;A. Hoecker;M. R. Hoeferkamp;J. Hoffman;D. Hoffmann;M. Hohlfeld;M. Holder;S. O. Holmgren;T. Holy;J. L. Holzbauer;Y. Homma;T. M. Hong;L. Hooft van Huysduynen;T. Horazdovsky;C. Horn;S. Horner;J-Y. Hostachy;S. Hou;M. A. Houlden;A. Hoummada;J. Howarth;D. F. Howell;I. Hristova;J. Hrivnac;I. Hruska;T. Hryn’ova;P. J. Hsu;S.-C. Hsu;G. S. Huang;Z. Hubacek;F. Hubaut;F. Huegging;T. B. Huffman;E. W. Hughes;G. Hughes;R. E. Hughes-Jones;M. Huhtinen;P. Hurst;M. Hurwitz;U. Husemann;N. Huseynov;J. Huston;J. Huth;G. Iacobucci;G. Iakovidis;M. Ibbotson;I. Ibragimov;R. Ichimiya;L. Iconomidou-Fayard;J. Idarraga;P. Iengo;O. Igonkina;Y. Ikegami;M. Ikeno;Y. Ilchenko;D. Iliadis;N. Ilic;D. Imbault;M. Imori;T. Ince;J. Inigo-Golfin;P. Ioannou;M. Iodice;A. Irles Quiles;C. Isaksson;A. Ishikawa;M. Ishino;R. Ishmukhametov;C. Issever;S. Istin;A. V. Ivashin;W. Iwanski;H. Iwasaki;J. M. Izen;V. Izzo;B. Jackson;J. N. Jackson;P. Jackson;M. R. Jaekel;V. Jain;K. Jakobs;S. Jakobsen;J. Jakubek;D. K. Jana;E. Jankowski;E. Jansen;H. Jansen;A. Jantsch;M. Janus;G. Jarlskog;L. Jeanty;K. Jelen;I. Jen-La Plante;P. Jenni;A. Jeremie;P. Jež;S. Jézéquel;M. K. Jha;H. Ji;W. Ji;J. Jia;Y. Jiang;M. Jimenez Belenguer;G. Jin;S. Jin;O. Jinnouchi;M. D. Joergensen;D. Joffe;L. G. Johansen;M. Johansen;K. E. Johansson;P. Johansson;S. Johnert;K. A. Johns;K. Jon-And;G. Jones;R. W. L. Jones;T. W. Jones;T. J. Jones;O. Jonsson;C. Joram;P. M. Jorge;J. Joseph;T. Jovin;X. Ju;C. A. Jung;V. Juranek;P. Jussel;A. Juste Rozas;V. V. Kabachenko;S. Kabana;M. Kaci;A. Kaczmarska;P. Kadlecik;M. Kado;H. Kagan;M. Kagan;S. Kaiser;E. Kajomovitz;S. Kalinin;L. V. Kalinovskaya;S. Kama;N. Kanaya;M. Kaneda;T. Kanno;V. A. Kantserov;J. Kanzaki;B. Kaplan;A. Kapliy;J. Kaplon;D. Kar;M. Karagounis;M. Karagoz;M. Karnevskiy;K. Karr;V. Kartvelishvili;A. N. Karyukhin;L. Kashif;G. Kasieczka;R. D. Kass;A. Kastanas;M. Kataoka;Y. Kataoka;E. Katsoufis;J. Katzy;V. Kaushik;K. Kawagoe;T. Kawamoto;G. Kawamura;M. S. Kayl;V. A. Kazanin;M. Y. Kazarinov;J. R. Keates;R. Keeler;R. Kehoe;M. Keil;G. D. Kekelidze;J. Kennedy;C. J. Kenney;M. Kenyon;O. Kepka;N. Kerschen;B. P. Kerševan;S. Kersten;K. Kessoku;J. Keung;F. Khalil-zada;H. Khandanyan;A. Khanov;D. Kharchenko;A. Khodinov;A. G. Kholodenko;A. Khomich;T. J. Khoo;G. Khoriauli;A. Khoroshilov;N. Khovanskiy;V. Khovanskiy;E. Khramov;J. Khubua;H. Kim;M. S. Kim;P. C. Kim;S. H. Kim;N. Kimura;O. Kind;B. T. King;M. King;R. S. B. King;J. Kirk;L. E. Kirsch;A. E. Kiryunin;T. Kishimoto;D. Kisielewska;T. Kittelmann;A. M. Kiver;E. Kladiva;J. Klaiber-Lodewigs;M. Klein;U. Klein;K. Kleinknecht;M. Klemetti;A. Klier;A. Klimentov;R. Klingenberg;E. B. Klinkby;T. Klioutchnikova;P. F. Klok;S. Klous;E.-E. Kluge;T. Kluge;P. Kluit;S. Kluth;N. S. Knecht;E. Kneringer;J. Knobloch;E. B. F. G. Knoops;A. Knue;B. R. Ko;T. Kobayashi;M. Kobel;M. Kocian;P. Kodys;K. Köneke;A. C. König;S. Koenig;L. Köpke;F. Koetsveld;P. Koevesarki;T. Koffas;E. Koffeman;F. Kohn;Z. Kohout;T. Kohriki;T. Koi;T. Kokott;G. M. Kolachev;H. Kolanoski;V. Kolesnikov;I. Koletsou;J. Koll;D. Kollar;M. Kollefrath;S. D. Kolya;A. A. Komar;Y. Komori;T. Kondo;T. Kono;A. I. Kononov;R. Konoplich;N. Konstantinidis;A. Kootz;S. Koperny;S. V. Kopikov;K. Korcyl;K. Kordas;V. Koreshev;A. Korn;A. Korol;I. Korolkov;E. V. Korolkova;V. A. Korotkov;O. Kortner;S. Kortner;V. V. Kostyukhin;M. J. Kotamäki;S. Kotov;V. M. Kotov;A. Kotwal;C. Kourkoumelis;V. Kouskoura;A. Koutsman;R. Kowalewski;T. Z. Kowalski;W. Kozanecki;A. S. Kozhin;V. Kral;V. A. Kramarenko;G. Kramberger;M. W. Krasny;A. Krasznahorkay;J. Kraus;J. K. Kraus;A. Kreisel;F. Krejci;J. Kretzschmar;N. Krieger;P. Krieger;K. Kroeninger;H. Kroha;J. Kroll;J. Kroseberg;J. Krstic;U. Kruchonak;H. Krüger;T. Kruker;N. Krumnack;Z. V. Krumshteyn;A. Kruth;T. Kubota;S. Kuehn;A. Kugel;T. Kuhl;D. Kuhn;V. Kukhtin;Y. Kulchitsky;S. Kuleshov;C. Kummer;M. Kuna;N. Kundu;J. Kunkle;A. Kupco;H. Kurashige;M. Kurata;Y. A. Kurochkin;V. Kus;M. Kuze;J. Kvita;R. Kwee;A. Rosa;L. Rotonda;L. Labarga;J. Labbe;S. Lablak;C. Lacasta;F. Lacava;H. Lacker;D. Lacour;V. R. Lacuesta;E. Ladygin;R. Lafaye;B. Laforge;T. Lagouri;S. Lai;E. Laisne;M. Lamanna;C. L. Lampen;W. Lampl;E. Lancon;U. Landgraf;M. P. J. Landon;H. Landsman;J. L. Lane;C. Lange;A. J. Lankford;F. Lanni;K. Lantzsch;S. Laplace;C. Lapoire;J. F. Laporte;T. Lari;A. V. Larionov;A. Larner;C. Lasseur;M. Lassnig;P. Laurelli;W. Lavrijsen;P. Laycock;A. B. Lazarev;O. Dortz;E. Guirriec;C. Maner;E. Menedeu;C. Lebel;T. LeCompte;F. Ledroit-Guillon;H. Lee;J. S. H. Lee;S. C. Lee;L. Lee;M. Lefebvre;M. Legendre;A. Leger;B. C. LeGeyt;F. Legger;C. Leggett;M. Lehmacher;G. Lehmann Miotto;X. Lei;M. A. L. Leite;R. Leitner;D. Lellouch;M. Leltchouk;B. Lemmer;V. Lendermann;K. J. C. Leney;T. Lenz;G. Lenzen;B. Lenzi;K. Leonhardt;S. Leontsinis;C. Leroy;J-R. Lessard;J. Lesser;C. G. Lester;A. Leung Fook Cheong;J. Levêque;D. Levin;L. J. Levinson;M. S. Levitski;A. Lewis;G. H. Lewis;A. M. Leyko;M. Leyton;B. Li;H. Li;S. Li;X. Li;Z. Liang;H. Liao;B. Liberti;P. Lichard;M. Lichtnecker;K. Lie;W. Liebig;R. Lifshitz;C. Limbach;A. Limosani;M. Limper;S. C. Lin;F. Linde;J. T. Linnemann;E. Lipeles;L. Lipinsky;A. Lipniacka;T. M. Liss;D. Lissauer;A. Lister;A. M. Litke;C. Liu;D. Liu;H. Liu;J. B. Liu;M. Liu;S. Liu;Y. Liu;M. Livan;S. S. A. Livermore;A. Lleres;J. Llorente Merino;S. L. Lloyd;E. Lobodzinska;P. Loch;W. S. Lockman;T. Loddenkoetter;F. K. Loebinger;A. Loginov;C. W. Loh;T. Lohse;K. Lohwasser;M. Lokajicek;J. Loken;V. P. Lombardo;R. E. Long;L. Lopes;D. Lopez Mateos;J. Lorenz;M. Losada;P. Loscutoff;F. Lo Sterzo;M. J. Losty;X. Lou;A. Lounis;K. F. Loureiro;J. Love;P. A. Love;A. J. Lowe;F. Lu;H. J. Lubatti;C. Luci;A. Lucotte;A. Ludwig;D. Ludwig;I. Ludwig;J. Ludwig;F. Luehring;G. Luijckx;D. Lumb;L. Luminari;E. Lund;B. Lund-Jensen;B. Lundberg;J. Lundberg;J. Lundquist;M. Lungwitz;G. Lutz;D. Lynn;J. Lys;E. Lytken;H. Ma;L. L. Ma;J. A. Macana Goia;G. Maccarrone;A. Macchiolo;B. Maček;J. Machado Miguens;R. Mackeprang;R. J. Madaras;W. F. Mader;R. Maenner;T. Maeno;P. Mättig;S. Mättig;L. Magnoni;E. Magradze;Y. Mahalalel;K. Mahboubi;G. Mahout;C. Maiani;C. Maidantchik;A. Maio;S. Majewski;Y. Makida;N. Makovec;P. Mal;Pa. Malecki;P. Malecki;V. P. Maleev;F. Malek;U. Mallik;D. Malon;C. Malone;S. Maltezos;V. Malyshev;S. Malyukov;R. Mameghani;J. Mamuzic;A. Manabe;L. Mandelli;I. Mandić;R. Mandrysch;J. Maneira;P. S. Mangeard;I. D. Manjavidze;A. Mann;P. M. Manning;A. Manousakis-Katsikakis;B. Mansoulie;A. Manz;A. Mapelli;L. Mapelli;L. March;J. F. Marchand;F. Marchese;G. Marchiori;M. Marcisovsky;A. Marin;C. P. Marino;F. Marroquim;R. Marshall;Z. Marshall;F. K. Martens;S. Marti-Garcia;A. J. Martin;B. Martin;B. Martin;F. F. Martin;J. P. Martin;Ph. Martin;T. A. Martin;V. J. Martin;B. Ma

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