62 research outputs found

    Adult and continuing education in Cyprus

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    The volume offers a current stock-take of central areas of adult education in Cyprus. Maria Gravani and Alexandra Ioannidou have compiled large amounts of data and information on institutions, financing, offers, participation, personnel, quality assurance and certification. The authors furthermore take into account the political, geopolitical and cultural context which influences developments in adult education, as well as the economic situation of the island state Cyprus. This book offers a great starting point and good orientation for getting to know the Cypriotic system for adult and vocational further education.Der Band liefert eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme zu zentralen Bereichen der Weiterbildung in Zypern. Maria Gravani und Alexandra Ioannidou haben vielfältige Daten und Informationen zu Institutionen, Finanzierung, Angeboten, Teilnahme, Personal, Qualitätssicherung und der Zertifizierung zusammengestellt. Darüber hinaus berücksichtigen die Autorinnen auch den politischen, geopolitischen und kulturellen Kontext, der die Entwicklungen im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung mitprägt, sowie die wirtschaftliche Situation der Insel Zypern. Dieses Buch vermittelt einen schnellen Einstieg sowie eine gute Orientierung über das System der Erwachsenen- bzw. Weiterbildung in Zyper

    Adult and Continuing Education in Cyprus

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    The volume offers a current stock-take of central areas of adult education in Cyprus. Maria Gravani and Alexandra Ioannidou have compiled large amounts of data and information on institutions, financing, offers, participation, personnel, quality assurance and certification. The authors furthermore take into account the political, geopolitical and cultural context which influences developments in adult education, as well as the economic situation of the island state Cyprus. This book offers a great starting point and good orientation for getting to know the Cypriotic system for adult and vocational further education

    The Syntax of Non-Verbal Causation: The Causative Apomorphy of \u27From\u27 in Greek and Germanic Languages

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    This is a study of the meaning and syntax of non-(lexical)verbal causation. Macroscopically, it examines the preposition \u27from\u27 as attested in contexts like X is/comes from Y . Syntactic diagnostics are applied to formally distinguish the causative from the spatial interpretations of `from\u27-PPs in Greek, English, Dutch, and German. The syntactic landscape of causative \u27from\u27 will turn out to be very minimal with \u27from\u27 directly selecting the Cause-DP, in contradistinction to its spatial counterpart, where \u27from\u27 always selects for another PP layer. More microscopically then I focus on the causative interpretations only, which are particularly revealing because (i) they give an in-depth view of CAUSE, stripped of all verbal layers--traditionally considered the locus of CAUSE--suggesting that the source of causation in non-(lexical)verbal environments has to be the preposition per se and (ii) they single-handedly provide a rudimentary structure for causation, where \u27from\u27 introduces the Cause in its complement and is predicated of the Causee. Finally, with a basic predicational structure in place, I offer a detailed cross-linguistic account for the syntactic mechanism that forces the use of particle verbs in causative \u27from\u27-less environments

    Internationales Weiterbildungsmonitoring: Instrumente, Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen

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    Der Beitrag gibt einen Einblick in das supra- und internationale Weiterbildungsmonitoring. Die Autorin identifiziert mit dem Adult Education Survey der EU, der von der OECD verantworteten PIAAC-Studie zu den Kompetenzen Erwachsener und mit dem European Lifelong Learning Index drei besonders für das Erwachsenenlernen relevante Instrumente. Mit Befunden ihrer Dissertation untermauert die Autorin die Wirkungen von Monitoring und Bildungsberichterstattung, die sie in den Bereichen Datenlage, Evaluierungspraxis und Steuerung sieht. Dabei dürfen die Schwierigkeiten nicht außer Acht gelassen werden, die sich mit dieser Praxis ergeben, etwa aufgrund mangelnder Kontextualisierung oder der Favorisierung eines quantitativen Forschungsparadigmas

    Steuerung im transnationalen Bildungsraum: Internationales Bildungsmonitoring zum Lebenslangen Lernen

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    This international, comparative study looks at the impact of international organisations on the implementation of educational policies using the concept of lifelong learning as an example. Influenced by the EU and the OECD, lifelong learning has become a central theme of international educational policies. The author examines the reception and the implementation of the concept of lifelong learning in models of educational monitoring and news coverage in three European countries (Germany, Finland and Greece). Even though the interpretations of the concept differ in the three chosen countries due to cultural differences, the results still confirm the establishment of lifelong learning as a pioneering vision and the guiding and controlling potential of international organizations.Diese international-vergleichende Studie untersucht die Steuerungswirkung internationaler Organisationen bei der Umsetzung ihrer bildungspolitischen Ansätze am Beispiel des Konzepts des Lebenslangen Lernens. Unter dem Einfluss von EU und OECD hat sich das Lebenslange Lernen zum zentralen Thema der internationalen Bildungspolitik entwickelt. Die Autorin untersucht die Rezeption und Implementierung der Idee des Lebenslangen Lernens in Modelle des Bildungsmonitorings und der Bildungsberichterstattung anhand drei europäischer Staaten (Deutschland, Finnland, Griechenland). Auch wenn sich die Deutungen des Konzepts in den untersuchten Ländern aufgrund verschiedener kultureller Traditionen unterscheiden, so bestätigen die Befunde der Studie die Etablierung des Lebenslangen Lernens als zukunftsweisende Vision und das Steuerungspotenzial internationaler Organisationen

    Sexual and Vegetative Propagation of Hypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp. empetrifolium

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    Hypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp. empetrifolium is an evergreen small shrub with small elongated decorative leaves and small yellow flowers in inflorescences, characterized for several pharmaceutical properties. In the present study, a first approach on the sexual and asexual propagation of this species was performed. Seeds, subjected to different types of pre-treatments [soaked in tap water; 50, 100 or 150 mg L-1 GA3 for 30 min and no treatment (control)], cultured for germination in petri dishes at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C. Seed germination was only affected by temperature and the best result was obtained at 15 °C (71.2%). A significant interaction was found between pre-treatments and incubation temperature with the highest germination percentage (82%) occurred when the seeds soaked in 100 mg L-1 GA3 solution for 30 min and incubated at 20 °C constant temperature. Moreover, the germination speed was fastest from 20 to 25 °C (T50= 9.84 and 9.56 days for 20 and 25 °C, respectively). For asexual propagation, apical stem cuttings were taken at four different periods (4 seasons) and treated with IBA at concentrations of 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 mg L-1. The cuttings were planted in a peat/perlite mixture 1:1 v/v in plastic square plug trays in order to study the rooting percentage. Winter was the most appropriate season for cuttings collection (100% rooting percentage) and dipping in 1000 or 2000 mg L-1 IBA (72% and 73%, respectively) was the best rooting hormone treatment

    Effects of Cadmium (Cd) on Dry Matter and on Cd Concentration in Leaves and Roots of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.)

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    The aim of this research was to examine the effect of Cd on leaves dry matter (LDM), root dry matter (RDM) and on Cd concentration in leaves (Cd-leaves) and roots (Cd-roots) of purple coneflower (E. purpurea) grown in an acid and in a neutral substrate. A completely randomized block design with four treatments (0-control, 1, 2, and 5 mg Cd L-1) and six replications for each treatment and each substrate (acid, neutral) was conducted in pot experiments. Cd concentration in leaves grown in acid substrate as well as in roots of plants grown in neutral substrate increased at Cd rates greater than 2 mg Cd L-1. Cd concentration in roots of the plants grown in neutral substrate raised with increasing doses of Cd. In general Cd concentration in the roots and leaves of purple coneflower grown either in acid or in neutral substrate was affected by Cd applications

    Sexual and Asexual Propagation of Teucrium brevifolium

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    The propagation with seeds and stem cuttings of Teucrium brevifolium were investigated in order to facilitate the use of the species in floricultural practice and as a medicinal plant. The seeds after they subjected to different types of treatments (dipping in H2SO4 for 15 min or in H2SO4 for 15 min and GA3 1000 mg l-1 for 10 min, 24 or 48h and untreated) cultured for germination in vitro at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C. The cuttings were planted in a peat/perlite mixture 1:1 v/v in plastic square plug trays in order to study the rooting percentage. Seed germination was very low (2%) at temperatures of 15-25 °C, while chemical treatment with the concentrated H2SO4 for 15 min, increased germination to 8-10% at the same temperatures. Asexual propagation of the species resulted in a 52.5-61.5% rooting percentage, in all seasons except winter. Treatment with IBA 2000 mg l-1 increaseds rooting percentage

    Nickel (Ni) Effects on Shoots and Roots Dry Matter and on Ni Concentration in Shoots of Mojito (Mentha × villosa) and Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

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    Nickel is an essential trace element for plants, but excessive Ni levels in the soil can result in toxicity to plants. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of Ni on shoots dry matter (SDM), roots dry matter (RDM) and on Ni concentrations in SDM (Ni-SDM) of mojito and lavender plants. A completely randomized block design with five treatments (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg Ni L-1) and five replications for each treatment and plant species was conducted in pot experiments. Nickel was applied to the pot medium as NiCl26H2O. No visible toxic or inhibitory symptoms were observed on the plants due to the increasing rates of Ni applications. The SDM and RDM were not affected by Ni in the studied plants. Ni-SDM of mojito and lavender raised with increasing rates of Ni above 20 and 10 mg Ni L-1, respectively

    Prirodni i proizvedeni radionuklidi u uzorcima mahovina iz regiona Severne Grčke

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    Terrestrial mosses obtain most of their nutrients directly from precipitation and dry deposition, and they can be used for monitoring of airborne radionuclide depositions. Ninetyfive samples of Hypnum Cupressiforme were collected in Northern Greece during the end of summer 2016. After the preparation, mosses were measured in a low-background HPGe detector with relative efficiency 32%. The activity concentrations of 7 Be ranged from 69 to 1280 Bq kg-1, and the concentrations of 137Cs ranged from 0 to 425 Bq kg-1. The concentrations of 210Pb were between 147 and 1920 Bq kg-1 and for 40K were between 120 and 750 Bq kg-1. Differences have been observed in the activity concentrations between the mosses collected from ground surface, rocks, branches and near roots. Finally, no correlation between the concentrations of 7 Be and 210Pb has been found.Mahovine svoje nutrijente direktno dobijaju iz padavina i suvom depozicijom i mogu se koristiti za monitoring depozicije radionuklida iz vazduha. Devedesetpet uzoraka mahovina (Hypnum Cupressiforme) je sakupljeno u regionu Severne Grčke tokom kraja leta 2016. godine. Posle pripreme, mahovine su merene na niskofonskom HPGe detektoru relativne efikasnosti 32%. Izmerene koncentracije aktivnosti 7 Be su bile od 69 do 1280 Bq kg-1, aktivnosti 137Cs od 0 do 425 Bq kg-1, aktivnosti 210Pb od 147 do 1920 Bq kg-1 , a 40K od 120 do 750 Bq kg-1. Primećene su razlike u koncentracijama aktivnosti radionuklida u mahovinama koje su sakupljene sa zemlje, kamena, grana stabala i blizu korena stabla. Između 7 Be i 210Pb nije pronađena nikakva korelacija