24 research outputs found


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    Knowing the importance of the integration process of graduates of higher economic studies on a labour market that is becoming more and more demanding, as well as the fact that professional objectives realistic defined represent an essential demand of performance, the present paper aims to determine the relevance of personal decision capacities as a favouring factor of a concrete career option for economist students. Our research is based on information and statistical data obtained through applying tests and questionnaires on economist students from licence and master studies form three universities: University of Oradea, The West University of Timişoara and "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, in the project called PRACTeam "The practice of economist students. Inter-regional partnership on the labour market between universities and the business environment" Project co-financed through the Social European Fund, Through the Operational Program Human Resource Development 2007 - 2013 - "Invest in people!". In essence we leave from the premises that the professional option reflects a specific side of individual's personality which does not choose only for a certain occupation but, implicitly for a certain lifestyle. As a diagnosis approach we assume axiomatic the thesis according to which the high level of congruence between the individual psychological availabilities and the occupational environment raises the satisfaction chance and professional success. The approach that we submit is an interdisciplinary one, as well as the research team formed of two economists and a psychologist. Our study proposes to identify the correlation between the individual decision ability of the subject and the compatibility between a specific interests set of abilities identified on the basis of individual tests. Also, on the basis of processing the results obtained of economist students at the personality tests, we will try to argument explaining the option of some subjects for professions that demand individual qualities that their personality does not imply at the level asked.labour market, profession option, economist students, career

    Researches regarding the influence of the some technological elements on water use efficiency in maize from Crisurilor Plain

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    Plain and the influence of the hybrid, plant density, crop rotation, nutrient supply, weeds and irrigation on water use efficiency were studied. Choosing of the hybrid with the best water use efficiency is very important because a hybrid from 500–600 FAO group (Fundulea 376) in unirrigated conditions and a hybrid from FAO group over 600 (Fundulea 365) obtained the biggest water use efficiency; the hybrid Fundulea 365 obtained the highest irrigation water use efficiency, 20.1 kg yield gain 1 mm-1 irrigation water. One of the most known hybrid in the area is Turda super and the highest water use efficiency was obtained using the plant density of 55 000 plants/ha in unirrigated variant and 70 000 plants/ha in irrigated variant. The highest irrigation water use efficiency, 20.7 kg yield gain 1 mm-1, was obtained at 70 000 plants ha-1. In maize monoculture was obtained the lowest values of the water use efficiency in unirrigated and irrigated variant: in the wheat-maize crop rotation the values were higher than in maize monoculture and in the wheat-maize-soybean were registered the highest values. The same situation was registered regarding the irrigation water use efficiency. Farm manure (30 t ha-1) and especially manure (30 t ha-1) +chemical fertilizers (N90P45) determined a higher values of the water use efficiency in comparison with the control. In the variant with organic + mineral fertilization was registered the higher value (19.4 kg yield gain mm-1) of the irrigation water use efficiency. Water use efficiency was much lower in the variant with weeds in comparison with the variant without the weeds; the differences were of 69% in unirrigated variant and of 64% in irrigated variant, very significant statistically. Irrigation water use efficiency from variant with weeds was lower than the value registered in the variant without weeds; the difference (68%) was very significant statistically. In average in period 1976–2012, the irrigation determined the increasing in water use efficiency with 22%, 19.4 kg mm-1 vs. 15.8 kg mm-1, but not in all the years caused the irrigation increasing in water use efficiency in comparison with unirrigated maize. The results research emphasized the need of the optimization for technology elements studied and a better water use efficiency will be obtained

    Attention Patterns Detection using Brain Computer Interfaces

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    The human brain provides a range of functions such as expressing emotions, controlling the rate of breathing, etc., and its study has attracted the interest of scientists for many years. As machine learning models become more sophisticated, and bio-metric data becomes more readily available through new non-invasive technologies, it becomes increasingly possible to gain access to interesting biometric data that could revolutionize Human-Computer Interaction. In this research, we propose a method to assess and quantify human attention levels and their effects on learning. In our study, we employ a brain computer interface (BCI) capable of detecting brain wave activity and displaying the corresponding electroencephalograms (EEG). We train recurrent neural networks (RNNS) to identify the type of activity an individual is performing

    Influența exercitată de Led-uri și tuburile fluorescente, de diferite culori, asupra proceselor regenerative și a morfogenezei la culturile in vitro de Rebutia heliosa

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    The paper traces how the light source and light color influence the regenerative processes and morphogenesis in vitro cultures of Rebutia heliosa. To establish the vitroculture of R. heliosa, some explants from young plants, either buds or rounds cut from young stems and cross-sectioned were considered. The culture medium consisted of: macroelements and Fe EDTA Murashige-Skoog (1962), microelements Heller (1953), a mineral mixture to which the following vitamins were added: pyridoxine HCl, thiamine HCl and nicotinic acid (each 1 mg/l, each), m-inositol – 100 mg/l, sucrose – 20 g/l and agar-agar 7 g/l, without growth phytoregulators.The variable element was the lighting source. Fluorescent tubes and LEDs (monochrome but differently coloured) have been used: blue (λ = 470 nm), yellow (λ = 580 nm), green (λ = 540 nm), red (λ = 670 nm) as well as LED`s emitting white light (λ = 510 nm) at a luminous intensity of 1000 lux. The evolution of R. heliosa vitro cultures was monitored for 90 days and analyzed their reaction variability. Based on the comparative study, the following can be stated: the light of fluorescent tubes is more suitable for the morphogenesis of R. heliosa vitroplants, but the processes of regeneration and organogenesis are directly influenced by the source and color of light influenced, thus rhizogenesis and caulogenesis is favored by the presence of green and red light emitted by LEDs, while the white and yellow light of fluorescent tubes favors the caulogenesis and callusogenesis processes.Lucrarea urmărește modul în care sursa de iluminare și culoarea luminii influențează procesele regenerative și morfogeneza în vitroculturile de R. heliosa. Pentru a înființa vitrocultura de R. heliosa am prelevat explante de la plante t inere, fie mugurași, fie rondele decupate din tulpinile tinere și secţionate transversal. Mediul de cultură utilizat de noi a constat din: macroe-lemente şi Fe EDTA Murashige-Skoog (1962), microelemente Heller (1953), amestec mineral la care au fost adăugate vitaminele: piridoxină HCl, tiamină HCl şi acid nicotinic (câte 1 mg/l, fiecare), m-inozitol – 100 mg/l, zaharoză – 20 g/l şi agar-agar 7 g/l, fără fitoregulatori de creștere. Variabila este reprezentată de sursa de iluminare, tuburi fluorescente și LED-uri (monocrome și diferit colorate): albastru (λ = 470nm), galben (λ = 580nm), verde (λ = 540nm), roșu (λ = 670nm) și LED-uri care emit lumină albă (λ = 510nm) la o intensitate luminoasă de 1000 lux. Am urmărit timp de 90 de zile evoluţia vitroculturilor de R. heliosa și am analizat variabilitatea de reacţie a acestora iar pe baza studiului comparativ putem afirma următoarele: lumina tuburilor fluorecente este mai potrivită pentru morfogeneza vitroplantulelor de R. heliosa, dar procesele de regenerare și organogeză sunt influențate în mod direct de sursa și culoarea luminii, astfel rizogeneza și caulogeneza este favorizează de prezența luminii verde și roșie emisă de LED-uri în timp ce lumina albă și galbenă a tuburilor fluorescente avantajează procesele de caulogeneză și calusogeneză