477 research outputs found

    Object-Guided Spatial Selection in Touch Without Concurrent Changes in the Perceived Location of the Hands

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    In an endogenous cueing paradigm with central visual cues, observers made speeded responses to tactile targets at the hands, which were either close together or far apart, and holding either two separate objects or one common object between them. When the hands were far apart, the response time costs associated with attending to the wrong hand were reduced when attention had to be shifted along one object jointly held by both hands compared to when it was shifted over the same distance but across separate objects. Similar reductions in attentional costs were observed when the hands were placed closer together, suggesting that processing at one hand is less prioritized over that at another when the hands can be “grouped” by virtue of arising from the same spatial location or from the same object. Probes of perceived hand locations throughout the task showed that holding a common object decreased attentional separability without decreasing the perceived separation between the hands. Our findings suggest that tactile events at the hands may be represented in a spatial framework that flexibly adapts to (object-guided) attentional demands, while their relative coordinates are simultaneously preserved. </jats:p

    Holographic Sensor Based on Bayfol HX200 Commercial Photopolymer for Ethanol and Acetic Acid Detection

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    This paper presents a holographic sensor based on reflection holograms recorded in the commercial photopolymer Bayfol® HX 200. The recording geometry and index modulation of the hologram were optimised to improve accuracy for this specific application. The sensor was subjected to tests using various analytes, and it exhibited sensitivity to acetic acid and ethanol. The measurements revealed a correlation between the concentration of the analyte in contact with the sensor’s surface and the resulting wavelength shift of the diffracted light. The minimum detectable concentrations were determined to be above 0.09 mol/dm3 for acetic acid and 5% (v/v) for ethanol. Notably, the sensors demonstrated a rapid response time. Given that ethanol serves as a base for alcoholic beverages, and acetic acid is commonly found in commercial vinegar, these sensors hold promise for applications in food quality control

    Prediction of clinical response to drugs in ovarian cancer using the chemotherapy resistance test (CTR-test)

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    Background In order to validate if the test result of the Chemotherapy Resistance Test (CTR-Test) is able to predict the resistances or sensitivities of tumors in ovarian cancer patients to drugs, the CTR-Test result and the corresponding clinical response of individual patients were correlated retrospectively. Results were compared to previous recorded correlations. Methods The CTR-Test was performed on tumor samples from 52 ovarian cancer patients for specific chemotherapeutic drugs. Patients were treated with monotherapies or drug combinations. Resistances were classified as extreme (ER), medium (MR) or slight (SR) resistance in the CTR-Test. Combination treatment resistances were transformed by a scoring system into these classifications. Results Accurate sensitivity prediction was accomplished in 79% of the cases and accurate prediction of resistance in 100% of the cases in the total data set. The data set of single agent treatment and drug combination treatment were analyzed individually. Single agent treatment lead to an accurate sensitivity in 44% of the cases and the drug combination to 95% accuracy. The detection of resistances was in both cases to 100% correct. ROC curve analysis indicates that the CTR-Test result correlates with the clinical response, at least for the combination chemotherapy. Those values are similar or better than the values from a publication from 1990. Conclusions Chemotherapy resistance testing in vitro via the CTR-Test is able to accurately detect resistances in ovarian cancer patients. These numbers confirm and even exceed results published in 1990. Better sensitivity detection might be caused by a higher percentage of drug combinations tested in 2012 compared to 1990. Our study confirms the functionality of the CTR-Test to plan an efficient chemotherapeutic treatment for ovarian cancer patients

    Plasma hsa-mir-19b is a potential LevoDopa therapy marker

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder among the elderly, the diagnostic and prognostic of which is based mostly on clinical signs. LevoDopa replacement is the gold standard therapy for PD, as it ameliorates the motor symptoms. However, it does not affect the progression of the disease and its long-term use triggers severe complications. There are no bona fide biomarkers for monitoring the patients' response to LevoDopa and predicting the efficacy of levodopa treatment. Here, we have combined qPCR microRNA array screening with analysis of validated miRs in naïve versus Levodopa-treated PD patients. We have identified plasma miR-19b as a possible biomarker for LevoDopa therapy and validated this result in human differentiated dopaminergic neurons exposed to LevoDopa. In silico analysis suggests that the LevoDopa-induced miR-19b regulates ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis

    Impact of Altered Mineral Metabolism on Pathological Cardiac Remodeling in Elevated Fibroblast Growth Factor 23

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    Clinical and experimental studies indicate a possible link between high serum levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), phosphate, and parathyroid hormone (PTH), deficiency of active vitamin D (1,25D) and klotho with the development of pathological cardiac remodeling, i.e., left ventricular hypertrophy and myocardial fibrosis, but a causal link has not been established so far. Here, we investigated the cardiac phenotype in klotho hypomorphic (kl/kl) mice and Hyp mice, two mouse models of elevated FGF23 levels and klotho deficiency, but differing in parameters of mineral metabolism, by using histology, quantitative real-time PCR, immunoblot analysis, and serum and urine biochemistry. Additionally, the specific impact of calcium, phosphate, PTH, and 1,25D on hypertrophic growth of isolated neonatal rat cardiac myocytes was investigated in vitro. Kl/kl mice displayed high serum Fgf23 levels, increased relative heart weight, enhanced cross-sectional area of individual cardiac myocytes, activated cardiac Fgf23/Fgf receptor (Fgfr) 4/calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) signaling, and induction of pro-hypertrophic NFAT target genes including Rcan1, bMHC, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) as compared to corresponding wild-type (WT) mice. Investigation of fibrosis-related molecules characteristic for pathological cardiac remodeling processes demonstrated ERK1/2 activation and enhanced expression of Tgf-β1, collagen I, and Mmp2 in kl/kl mice than in WT mice. In contrast, despite significantly elevation of serum and cardiac Fgf23, and reduced renal klotho expression, Hyp mice showed no signs of pathological cardiac remodeling. Kl/kl mice showed enhanced serum calcium and phosphate levels, while Hyp mice showed unchanged serum calcium levels, lower serum phosphate, and elevated serum iPTH concentrations compared to corresponding WT mice. In cultured cardiac myocytes, treatment with both calcium or phosphate significantly upregulated endogenous Fgf23 mRNA expression and stimulated hypertrophic cell growth and expression of pro-hypertrophic genes. The treatment with PTH induced hypertrophic cell growth only, and stimulation with 1,25D had no significant effects. In conclusion, our data indicate that Hyp mice, in contrast to kl/kl mice appear to be protected from pathological cardiac remodeling during conditions of high FGF23 levels and klotho deficiency, which may be due, at least in part, to differences in mineral metabolism alterations, i.e., hypophosphatemia and lack of hypercalcemia

    Hospital Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 Pneumonia: The Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Vitamin D Status

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    SARS-CoV-2 vaccination promises to improve outcomes for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia (most notably those with advanced age and at high risk for severe disease). Here, we examine serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) status and outcomes in both old (\u3e70 years) and young vaccinated (n = 80) and unvaccinated (n = 91) subjects, who were hospitalized due to COVID- 19 pneumonia in a single center (Connolly Hospital Dublin). Outcomes included ICU admission and mortality. Serum 25(OH)D levels were categorized as D30 (/L), D40 (30–49.99 nmol/L) and D50 (50 nmol/L). In multivariate analyses, D30 was independently associated with ICU admission (OR: 6.87 (95% CI: 1.13–41.85) (p = 0.036)) and mortality (OR: 24.81 (95% CI: 1.57–392.1) (p = 0.023)) in unvaccinated patients, even after adjustment for major confounders including age, sex, obesity and pre-existing diabetes mellitus. While mortality was consistently higher in all categories of patients over 70 years of age, the highest observed mortality rate of 50%, seen in patients over 70 years with a low vitamin D state (D30), appeared to be almost completely corrected by either vaccination, or having a higher vitamin D state, i.e., mortality was 14% for vaccinated patients over 70 years with D30 and 16% for unvaccinated patients over 70 years with a 25(OH)D level greater than 30 nmol/L. We observe that high mortality from COVID-19 pneumonia occurs in older patients, especially those who are unvaccinated or have a low vitamin D state. Recent vaccination or having a high vitamin D status are both associated with reduced mortality, although these effects do not fully mitigate the mortality risk associated with advanced age

    LAS PUBLICACIONES DIGITALES DE CORPUS DE AUTORES - guía de trabajo, plantilla de análisis y recomendaciones - Traducido al español por Paloma Ortega Deballon, revisado por Amelia Del Rosario Sanz Cabrerizo y Fatiha Idmhand

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    Desde hace varios años el número de publicaciones digitales de fuentes textuales aumenta sin cesar. Son ya numerosos los textos que están disponibles en internet, ya sea de manera autónoma, o agrupados en forma de colecciones, bibliotecas y archivos. Los encargados de estos proyectos de digitalización, sean novatos o expertos, se plantean, en un momento u otro, cuáles son las mejores prácticas en materia de realización, publicación y preservación a largo plazo de las ediciones científicas digitales. ¿Cuáles son las normas y los estándares -emergentes o ya establecidos- que hay que respetar en el ámbito de la publicación digital? ¿Qué preguntas se han de plantear en cada etapa del proceso de realización y dónde encontrar las respuestas pertinentes? Fundada en la experiencia editorial de sus autores y en la observación de proyectos editoriales llevados a cabo en Europa y en el extranjero, así como en una reflexión colectiva en el marco del grupo EVENT del Consorcio CAHIER (HumaNum), esta guía pretende aportar una respuesta a estas cuestiones