50 research outputs found

    Localized magnetic states in Rashba dots

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    We study the formation of local moments in quantum dots arising in quasi-one dimensional electron wires due to localized spin-orbit (Rashba) interaction. Using an Anderson-like model to describe the occurrence of the magnetic moments in these Rashba dots, we calculate the local magnetization within the mean-field approximation. We find that the magnetization becomes a nontrivial function of the Rashba coupling strength. We discuss both the equilibrium and nonequilibrium cases. Interestingly, we obtain a magnetic phase which is stable at large bias due to the Rashba interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The synchronization of two four-dimensional chaotic systems with cubic nonlinearities

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    The importance of synchronization reveals both in the practical applications that can be obtained and also in the many phenomena that can be explained by synchronization theory. In biology and medicine many systems can be modeled as oscillators or vibratory systems and those systems show a tendency towards synchronous behavior. Since 1990 chaos synchronization has been a topic of great interest as shows the most comprehensive bibliography on chaos control and synchronization. Synchronization is a fundamental process in coupled dynamical systems. This means to design a controller or interconnections that guarantee synchronization of the multi-composed systems with respect to certain desired functional. In this work a simple feed-back method of control is used to study the synchronization for two chaotic four-dimensional systems. The method offers a precise coupling for two identical oscillators. Our results show that the transient time until synchronization depends on initial conditions of two systems and on the control strength. The synchronization is fast (about 3 unities of time) when four control strengths were applied to synchronize the two identical four-dimensional systems with cubic nonlinearities (Qi system), and the initial conditions of the two systems are very closed. The graphics of MATLAB soft is used to present the synchronization of these chaotic systems

    Kondo effect in spin-orbit mesoscopic interferometers

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    We consider a flux-threaded Aharonov-Bohm ring with an embedded quantum dot coupled to two normal leads. The local Rashba spin-orbit interaction acting on the dot electrons leads to a spin-dependent phase factor in addition to the Aharonov-Bohm phase caused by the external flux. Using the numerical renormalization group method, we find a splitting of the Kondo resonance at the Fermi level which can be compensated by an external magnetic field. To fully understand the nature of this compensation effect, we perform a scaling analysis and derive an expression for the effective magnetic field. The analysis is based on a tight-binding model which leads to an effective Anderson model with a spin-dependent density of states for the transformed lead states. We find that the effective field originates from the combined effect of Rashba interaction and magnetic flux and that it contains important corrections due to electron-electron interactions. We show that the compensating field is an oscillatory function of both the spin-orbit and the Aharonov-Bohm phases. Moreover, the effective field never vanishes due to the particle-hole symmetry breaking independently of the gate voltage.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Design of coupling for synchronization in time-delayed systems

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    We report a design of delay coupling for targeting desired synchronization in delay dynamical systems. We target synchronization, antisynchronization, lag-, antilag- synchronization, amplitude death (or oscillation death) and generalized synchronization in mismatched oscillators. A scaling of the size of an attractor is made possible in different synchronization regimes. We realize a type of mixed synchronization where synchronization, antisynchronization coexist in different pairs of state variables of the coupled system. We establish the stability condition of synchronization using the Krasovskii-Lyapunov function theory and the Hurwitz matrix criterion. We present numerical examples using the Mackey-Glass system and a delay R\"{o}ssler system.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; Chaos 22 (2012


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    Introduction: Muscles are the main driving force in the locomotive system. Moreover, their activity is crucial for athletic performance. The power they generate allows for higher performance. Increasing the power output is essential for constant performance. Energetic consistency is vital for a consistent neuromuscular control of technique. Hypothesis: A specific physical training period influences the evolution of power output and high-speed technique control. Methods and Materials: Seventeen female subjects from Romania’s Junior Olympic Judo Team took part in our study with the age between 14 and 20 years old. The MGM-15 Jump Carpet was used for the power output and energetic consistency tests. Results: There was no significant statistical difference between the initial and final power output measurement but there was a strong correlation between them. Conclusions: The physical training period the subjects undergone may have had an impact over the way the power output increases or decreases regarding to the initial value due to their correlation. The high-speed technique control does not seem to be affected by a high-intensity workout period, though we have listed a series of possible causes for this result. Puterea dezvoltată de sportivii de judo și controlul neuromuscular la viteze mari de execuție. Introducere: Mușchii sunt principalul motor în cadrul sistemului locomotor. Activitatea lor este crucial pentru performanța sportivă. Puterea generată de aceștia permite atingerea unei performanțe ridicate. Creșterea puterii generată este esențială pentru performanță constantă în timp. Consistența energetică este vitală pentru un control neuromuscular consistent al tehnicii. Ipoteză: O perioadă de antrenament fizic specific influențează puterea generată și controlul tehnicii la viteze mari de execuție. Metode și Materiale: 17 subiecți de gen feminin din cadrul Lotului Olimpic al României de Judo categoria Juniori cu vârsta cuprinsă între 14 și 20 de ani au participat la studiul nostru. Covorul de sărituri MGM-15 a fost folosit pentru testele de putere generată și pentru măsurarea variabilității energetice. Rezultate: Nu a fost identificată o diferență semnificativ statistică între valoarea inițială și finală a puterii dezvoltate. S-a identificat o corelație semnificativ statistică între valorile puterii dezvoltate înainte și după perioada de antrenament. Concluzii: Perioada de antrenament fizic în care au fost integrați subiecții a avut un impact asupra modului în care puterea dezvoltată crește sau scade comparativ cu valoarea inițială datorită corelației dintre aceste momente. Controlul tehnicii la viteze mari de execuție pare să nu fi fost influențată de perioada de pregătire fizică, cu toate acestea am identificat câteva posibile cauze pentru acest rezultat. Cuvinte cheie: judo, putere, viteză, control neurmuscular, tehnic


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    Introduction: Muscles are the main driving force in the locomotive system. Moreover, their activity is crucial for athletic performance. The repetition speed they generate allows for higher performance. Maintaining a positive average for repetition speed is essential for constant performance. Hypothesis: A specific physical training period influences the evolution repetition speed. Methods and Materials: Seventeen female subjects from Romania’s Junior Olympic Judo Team took part in our study with the age between 14 and 20 years old. The MGM-15 Jump Carpet was used for the repetition speed test. Results: There was no significant statistical difference between the initial and final repetition speed measurement but there was a strong difference between the test’s values for both feet and each single ones. Conclusions: The physical training period the subjects undergone had no impact over the way repetition speed behaves. Even though this element showed significant differences between various jumping positions this was not enough to confirm the hypothesis. This being the case, there may be another factor that influences the repetition speed’s evolution. REZUMAT. Viteza de repetiție în contextul unui program de antrenament fizic specific al sportivilor de judo. Introducere: Mușchii sunt principalul motor în cadrul sistemului locomotor. Activitatea lor este crucial pentru performanța sportivă. Viteza de repetiție generată de aceștia permite atingerea unei performanțe ridicate. Menținerea unei viteze de repetiție ridicată este esențială pentru performanță constantă. Ipoteză: O perioadă de antrenament fizic specific influențează viteza de repetiție. Metode și Materiale: 17 subiecți de gen feminin din cadrul Lotului Olimpic al României de Judo categoria Juniori cu vârsta cuprinsă între 14 și 20 de ani au participat la studiul nostru. Covorul de sărituri MGM-15 a fost folosit pentru măsurarea vitezei de repetiție. Rezultate: Nu a fost identificată o diferență semnificativ statistică între valoarea inițială și finală a variabilei măsurate. S-a identificat o diferență semnificativ statistică între valorile acesteia între săriturile pe ambele picioare și pentru fiecare dintre ele în parte. Concluzii: Perioada de antrenament fizic în care au fost integrați subiecții nu a avut un impact asupra modului în care evoluează viteza de repetiție. Deși la acest capitol este prezentă o diferența semnificativă între valorile variabilei pentru săriturile pe ambele picioare și pentru ele individual acest lucru nu a fost îndeajuns pentru confirmarea ipotezei. Aceasta fiind starea de fapt, putem presupune că există o variabilă neidentificată care influențează evoluția vitezei de repetiție. Cuvinte cheie: judo, MGM-15, viteza de repetiție, antrenament fizic