61 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a pipeline that aims at illustrating the procedure to realize a 3D model of a complex building integrating the UAV and terrestrial images and modifying the 3D model in order to publish to Google Earth in an interactive modality so as to provide better available models for visualization and use. The main steps of the procedure are the optimization of the UAV flight, the integration of the different UAV and ground floor images and the optimization of the model to be published to GE. The case study has been identified in a building, The Eremo di Santa Rosalia Convent in Sicily which hash more staggered elevations and located in the hills of the hinterland and of which, the online platform only indicate the position on Google Maps (GM) and Google Earth (GE) with a photo from above and a non-urban road whose GM path is not corresponding with the GE photo. The process highlights the integration of the models and showcases a workflow for the publication of the combined 3D model to the GE platform


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    In In the last years there has been an increasing use of digital techniques for conservation and restoration purposes. Among these, a very dominant rule is played by the use of digital photogrammetry packages (Agisoft Photoscan, 3D Zephir) which allow to obtain in few steps 3D textured models of real objects. Combined with digital documentation technologies digital fabrication technologies can be employed in a variety of ways to assist in heritage documentation, conservation and dissemination. This paper will give to practitioners an overview on the state of the art available technologies and a feasible workflow for optimizing point cloud and polygon mesh datasets for the purpose of fabrication using 3D printing. The goal is to give an important contribute to confer an automation aspect at the whole processing. We tried to individuate a workflow that should be applicable to several types of cases apart from small precautions. In our experimentation we used a DELTA WASP 2040 printer with PLA easyfil


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    Already used in very specific areas such as in military and medical or academic research, in 2009 thanks to improved technology, augmented reality is to reach wider audiences and as information campaigns, advertising-augmented published in newspapers or on the network, and through a growing number of applications for mobile phones, particularly iPhone. The Augmented Reality on the desktop computer is based on the use of markers, or ARtags, and stylized drawings, which are shown to the webcam, are recognized by the PC, and which are overlaid in real-time multimedia content: video, audio, 3D objects, and other information like link, historical or/and geographical elements, relationship between the territories and its inhabitants, etc.. All this requires the contribution of different cognitive areas, in the opinion of the authors can not be extinguished only in an application myopic investing skills of a subject area. The story (from which everything branches off), topography (which each measure takes shape), the representation (from which everything is revealed), computer (from which everything is the correlation with itself and with the others), visual communication (from which everything rises to a value direct communication, streamlined, efficient), graphics (from which everything comes to beauty, aesthetics individual and collective). The experience took place in the territory of Palermo, in Sicily, and show how the territories can change in relation with the practices and possible identity strategies developed as a reaction. We can show the disqualifie


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    In these last years, video games have become one of the most popular entertainment for children/teenagers/adults thanks to their appealing and seductive features and, in this context, the Serious Games (SG) have become an important research field. The most popular SGs in Cultural Heritage (CH) used the historical building like scenario where the game is playing. In this paper we show the procedure to achieve a CH video game where the Cultural Heritage is the main actor and not the scenario of the game. Furthermore, the game is not a SG but an Action-Adventure Game (AAG) or Survival Game (SuG), in a largest heading it can be classified as Entertainment Games (EGs). The novelty of this study is not only in the original application of the CH within the AAG sector but also consists of the experimentation of the Virtual Reality (VR) algorithm and of the application of Augmented Reality (AR) within the VR scenario used in the form of an avatar. Furthermore, in this paper we overcome the technical problems due to the different size of the environment and the work art

    3D #DigitalInvasions: a crowdsourcing project for mobile user generated content

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    This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily


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    Today dementia certainly represents a public health priority with a huge global impact on wordwide population. However, clinical and social issues related to demen-tia have long been marginalized. The actual high prevalence of dementias requires also to face issues from a bioethical perspective, regarding how to deal with demented patient\u2019s disposition. There are currently no specific guide-lines on the national territory regarding whether to draw up a living will by a patient with dementia, neither about the informa-tive role of physicians during the progres-sive story of the disease

    Exploring 4d and 5d analysis in bim environment for infrastructures: A case study

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) has emerged as a focal point in the construction industry, garnering substantial attention due to its capacity to elevate product quality, facilitate accurate quantity determination, and enhance scheduling efficiency. The inherent complexity of construction projects necessitates the integration of BIM models endowed with automation functionalities for schedules and cost estimation. This integration ensures that updates seamlessly occur throughout the construction process, thereby mitigating project uncertainties and reducing overall costs. While the potential benefits of BIM are recognized, a substantial challenge persists in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) field defining workflows for the automated generation of optimized 4D/5D BIM simulation and analysis. The effective utilization of BIM as a transformative tool requires addressing this challenge to unlock its full potential in project management. BIM serves as a pivotal conduit for project data, providing a structured approach to elevate overall product quality, streamline processes, and minimize contingencies and costs associated with construction projects. Consequently, the successful implementation of BIM with automated 4D/5D simulation and analysis stands as a critical milestone in advancing the capabilities of the AEC industry, ensuring greater efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness in construction projects. According to these aspects, the time-cost analysis (4D/5D) of a project for the North-South railway station in Riyadh, designed by Architect Engineer Dia Hilal, was investigated

    Image Based Modeling Technique for Pavement Distress surveys: a Specific Application to Rutting

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    Image-based modeling (IBM) is a well-known technique to obtain high quality 3D models based on multi view images. IBM started being used in several applications such as inspection, identification of objects and visualization, due to the user-friendly approach, the low cost and highly automated technique. This paper focuses on the investigation of the potential application of IBM in the diagnosis of road pavement distresses and in particular rutting. Indeed, the evaluation of the rutting distress is a fundamental step to define the whole state of a pavement as demonstrated by the calculation of Present Serviceability Index (PSI). Currently, the permanent deformation is measured monitoring visually the rut depth with the approximations that this procedure involves. Nevertheless, the exact measure of the rut depth is necessary to evaluate precisely the cause and the severity of this distress and be effective in the maintenance and rehabilitation of the pavement structure. The objective of this study is to apply the IBM technique on a laboratory rutted sample, in order to verify the accuracy of the method in determining the rut depth. To achieve this, a comparison has been made between the 3D model obtained with IBM and the one obtained with blue led 3D scan (Artec Spider) of the same rutted asphalt concrete. The metric accuracy of the model is then defined and its validity is assessed, in terms of distress diagnosis

    Hand Held 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage: Experimenting Low Cost Structure Sensor Scan.

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    In the last years 3D scanning has become an important resource in many fields, in particular it has played a key role in study and preservation of Cultural Heritage. Moreover today, thanks to the miniaturization of electronic components, it has been possible produce a new category of 3D scanners, also known as handheld scanners. Handheld scanners combine a relatively low cost with the advantage of the portability. The aim of this chapter is two-fold: first, a survey about the most recent 3D handheld scanners is presented. As second, a study about the possibility to employ the handheld scanners in the field of Cultural Heritage is conducted. In this investigation, a doorway of the Benedictine Monastery of Catania, has been used as study case for a comparison between stationary Time of Flight scanner, photogrammetry-based 3D reconstruction and handheld scanning. The study is completed by an evaluation of the meshes quality obtained with the three different kinds of technology and a 3D modeling reproduction of the case-study doorway


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    This article presents the evaluation of a pipeline to develop a high-quality texture mapping implementation which makes it possible to carry out a semantic high-quality 3D textured model. Due to geometric errors such as camera parameters or limited image resolution or varying environmental parameters, the calculation of a surface texture from 2D images could present several color errors. And, sometimes, it needs adjustments to the RGB or lightness information on a defined part of the texture. The texture mapping procedure is composed of mesh parameterization, mesh partitioning, mesh segmentation unwraps, UV map and projection of island, UV layout optimization, mesh packing and mesh baking. The study focuses attention to the mesh partitioning that essentially assigns a weight to each mesh, which reveals a mesh’s weight calculated by considering the flatness and distance of the mesh with respect to a chart. The 3D texture mapping has been developed in Blender and implemented in Python. In this paper we present a flowchart that resumes the procedure which aims to achieve a high-quality mesh and texture 3D model starting from the 3D Spider acquire, integrated with the SfM texture and using the texture mapping to reduce the color errors according to a semantic interpretation
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