3 research outputs found

    Assessment of intellectual impairment, health-related quality of life, and behavioral phenotype in patients with neurotransmitter related disorders: Data from the iNTD registry

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    Inherited disorders of neurotransmitter metabolism are a group of rare diseases, which are caused by impaired synthesis, transport, or degradation of neurotransmitters or cofactors and result in various degrees of delayed or impaired psychomotor development. To assess the effect of neurotransmitter deficiencies on intelligence, quality of life, and behavior, the data of 148 patients in the registry of the International Working Group on Neurotransmitter Related Disorders (iNTD) was evaluated using results from standardized age-adjusted tests and questionnaires. Patients with a primary disorder of monoamine metabolism had lower IQ scores (mean IQ 58, range 40-100) within the range of cognitive impairment (<70) compared to patients with a BH4 deficiency (mean IQ 84, range 40-129). Short attention span and distractibility were most frequently mentioned by parents, while patients reported most frequently anxiety and distractibility when asked for behavioral traits. In individuals with succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency, self-stimulatory behaviors were commonly reported by parents, whereas in patients with dopamine transporter deficiency, DNAJC12 deficiency, and monoamine oxidase A deficiency, self-injurious or mutilating behaviors have commonly been observed. Phobic fears were increased in patients with 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase deficiency, while individuals with sepiapterin reductase deficiency frequently experienced communication and sleep difficulties. Patients with BH4 deficiencies achieved significantly higher quality of life as compared to other groups. This analysis of the iNTD registry data highlights: (a) difference in IQ and subdomains of quality of life between BH4 deficiencies and primary neurotransmitter-related disorders and (b) previously underreported behavioral traits.Dietmar Hopp Stiftung (DE); Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg

    Brain MR patterns in inherited disorders of monoamine neurotransmitters: An analysis of 70 patients

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    Inherited monoamine neurotransmitter disorders (iMNDs) are rare disorders with clinical manifestations ranging from mild infantile hypotonia, movement disorders to early infantile severe encephalopathy. Neuroimaging has been reported as non-specific. We systematically analyzed brain MRIs in order to characterize and better understand neuroimaging changes and to re-evaluate the diagnostic role of brain MRI in iMNDs. 81 MRIs of 70 patients (0.1-52.9 years, 39 patients with tetrahydrobiopterin deficiencies, 31 with primary disorders of monoamine metabolism) were retrospectively analyzed and clinical records reviewed. 33/70 patients had MRI changes, most commonly atrophy (n = 24). Eight patients, six with dihydropteridine reductase deficiency (DHPR), had a common pattern of bilateral parieto-occipital and to a lesser extent frontal and/or cerebellar changes in arterial watershed zones. Two patients imaged after acute severe encephalopathy had signs of profound hypoxic-ischemic injury and a combination of deep gray matter and watershed injury (aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADCD), tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency (THD)). Four patients had myelination delay (AADCD; THD); two had changes characteristic of post-infantile onset neuronal disease (AADCD, monoamine oxidase A deficiency), and nine T2-hyperintensity of central tegmental tracts. iMNDs are associated with MRI patterns consistent with chronic effects of a neuronal disorder and signs of repetitive injury to cerebral and cerebellar watershed areas, in particular in DHPRD. These will be helpful in the (neuroradiological) differential diagnosis of children with unknown disorders and monitoring of iMNDs. We hypothesize that deficiency of catecholamines and/or tetrahydrobiopterin increase the incidence of and the CNS susceptibility to vascular dysfunction. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease published by John Wiley &amp; Sons Ltd on behalf of SSIEM