2 research outputs found

    ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ノ イチ ニニンショウ オヨビ サンニンシ

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    本研究では、英語を母語とする日本語学習者の口頭談話において主語位置の指示表現(名詞句、代名詞、ゼロ代名詞)がどう選択されるのかを調査した。与えられたストーリーを再現するタスクとロールプレーにより、一人称から三人称の独話資料を初級、中級、上級計36名の学習者と15名の日本語母語話者から収集し分析した。その結果、学習者の談話は、一、二人称指示では省略される主題主語の割合が高く母語話者の水準に近かったのに対して、三人称指示では母語話者の場合に比べ省略の割合が低くなり明示的な指示表現を多用する傾向がみられた。本稿では、このバリエーションは指示表現の言語的機能(一、二人称かあるいは三人称か)および談話環境(文脈性が高いか否か)の違いによって生じたという仮説を提示する。日本語習得研究に限らず、第二言語習得研究一般に対する示唆として、学習者の談話における指示のシステムは、先行研究で議論されてきたように指示表現を余剰に使用する段階からゼロ代名詞を使用する段階へすすむ、あるいはその反対の発達経路をたどるといった一方的な発達をするのではなく、選択される指示表現の言語的機能および談話環境に条件づけられた有機的な発達を遂げる可能性のあることを提唱する。This study investigates the selection of one referential form, a full noun phrase (NP), pronoun, or zero pronoun, over another in oral narratives by English-speaking learners of Japanese as a foreign language (JFL). First-, second-, and third-person narrative data were collected through film-retelling and role-play tasks from 36 learners of Japanese at three proficiency levels as well as from 15 native Japanese speakers. While the use of zero pronoun in subject position for first- and second-person reference was frequent and close to target-language (TL) norms for all three proficiency groups, in third-person contexts, the learners supplied more frequent overt reference than their TL counterparts. It is argued that this variation was caused by the different discourse functions the referential forms performed (deictic vs. anaphoric reference) and by the different narrative types in which the forms were used (context-embedded vs. context-displaced narrative). The findings have theoretical implications for SLA research in general in that they illustrate the importance of functional conditions in the JFL learners\u27 acquisition of referential-form use

    トレス海峡島嶼地域における学校制度改革 : 先住民自らが進める改革の意義と課題

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    The aim of this paper is to clarify the challenges which indigenous remote communities have faced through the analysis of a set of initiatives to establish the new school system in the Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia. The reasons why to focus on this educational reform are these; 1) increasing interests of educational outcomes internationally and domestically in Australia and many discussions for educational reforms in many fields such as school curricular and teacher standards, so then a big impact on schools as well, and 2) the change of the government reaction for indigenous education, especially radical reduction of the grants after the political power shift from the Labor to the Liberal in 2013, which influenced so much on indigenous schools and communities. The Tagai state college was established with the aim of improving the students\u27 educational outcomes, and has a united college system with 16 existing primary schools in each island and a secondary school in Thursday Island. It is resulted as the consultation between the Queensland state government and the Torres Strait indigenous communities,which is known as the `Bound for Success\u27 policy. Because of the administrative system which has one executive principal in the college, the leadership was provided and then teachers\u27 qualities and curriculum were controlled at the central office. Since 2013, Tagai state college became one of the Independent Public Schools in Queensland, and the principal is authorized much more regarding to human resources and school finances. However,the reduction of federal funding on indigenous education had a huge impact on Torres Strait,and some initiatives have to be stopped or cancelled. It is quite difficult to take a sustainable approach to improve students\u27 educational outcomes especially in remote indigenous communities which have depended on government support