94 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Akuisisi Data Dan Kontrol Difraktometer Serbuk Resolusi Tinggi

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    Pada tulisan ini, dipresentasikan sebuah sistem akuisisi data dan kendali untuk difraktometer serbuk resolusi tinggi (High Resolution Powder Diffractometer, HRPD). Sistem terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu bagian kontrol instrumen seperti sistem penggerak, sistem pembaca posisi, dan sistem pencacah pulsa neutron, dan bagian akuisisi data yang mengendalikan instrumen secara otomatis sesuai dengan mode pengukuran yang diinginkan. Tampilan perangkat lunak ini dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga tampak lebih user friendly, dan memudahkan pengguna dalam melakukan eksperimen karena perangkat lunak ini akan melakukan pengukuran secara otomatis tanpa ada intervensi lebih lanjut dari pengguna sesuai dengan parameter yang dimasukkan pengguna. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat lunak ini telah berjalan dengan baik dibuktikan dengan pengukuran kinerja dengan menggunakan peralatan difraktometer serbuk resolusi tinggi

    The Mechanism of Mg2Al3 Formation by Mechanical Alloying

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    Synthetic and characterization of the Mg2Al3 formation by mechanical alloying have been carried out using a high energy ball milling process. Mechanical alloying is a technique of solid state reactions among two or more metals to form a new alloy through the deformation properties of the metals. The Mg2Al3 alloy was formed by milling the individual constituents using a high energy ball milling under the varied milling time of 10, 20 and 30 h. The refinement results on the x-ray diffraction analysis show that the observation and calculation are fit to each other. After milling for 10, 20 and 30 h the mixed Mg and Al metals are converted into Mg2Al3 at the composition of 71.82, 90.73 and 96.19 wt%. It is concluded that the Mg2Al3 alloy can be performed by high energy mechanical alloying after 30 h of milling. The mechanism of the Mg2Al3 formation is discussed. Received: 14 August 2008; Revised:12 November 2008; Accepted: 11 December 200

    New Synthesis Method of the Mg2Ni Compound by Using Mechanical Alloying for Hydrogen Storage

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    The synthesis and characterization of Mg2Ni compound by using mechanical alloying through wet method have been performed. The Mg2Ni sample was prepared by mixing the Mg and the Ni powders in the media of toluene under argon atmosphere. The mixtures are then milled under the varied milling time of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 hours in order to measure the growth of Mg2Ni compound. The X-ray diffraction measurement result showed that both Mg2Ni and MgNi2 crystals could grow well. From the refinement results of the X-ray diffraction pattern using Rietan analysis indicated that the fraction of Mg2Ni and MgNi2 compounds formed are 9.31% and 4.1%, 23.31% and 17.63%, 45.3% and 23.73%, 62.04% and 19.08%, 87.44% and 0.05% for the milling time of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 hours, respectively. This result differs from that obtained from the previous research, especially for 25 hours of milling time, the fraction of Mg2Ni and MgNi2 compounds formed were only reach 51.03% and 8.86%, due to the growing of the pollutant phase like MgO. The use of toluene as the media of milling succeeded to remove the growth of the MgO compound

    New Synthesis Method of the Mg2Ni Compound by Using Mechanical Alloying for Hydrogen Storage

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    The synthesis and characterization of Mg2Ni compound by using mechanical alloying through wet method have been performed. The Mg2Ni sample was prepared by mixing the Mg and the Ni powders in the media of toluene under argon atmosphere. The mixtures are then milled under the varied milling time of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 hours in order to measure the growth of Mg2Ni compound. The X-ray diffraction measurement result showed that both Mg2Ni and MgNi2 crystals could grow well. From the refinement results of the X-ray diffraction pattern using Rietan analysis indicated that the fraction of Mg2Ni and MgNi2 compounds formed are 9.31% and 4.1%, 23.31% and 17.63%, 45.3% and 23.73%, 62.04% and 19.08%, 87.44% and 0.05% for the milling time of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 hours, respectively. This result differs from that obtained from the previous research, especially for 25 hours of milling time, the fraction of Mg2Ni and MgNi2 compounds formed were only reach 51.03% and 8.86%, due to the growing of the pollutant phase like MgO. The use of toluene as the media of milling succeeded to remove the growth of the MgO compound

    Synthesis and Characterization of Photonic Materals Sio2

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    Synthesis and characterization of photonic material SiO2 has been carried out. The aplication of photonic materials in the microelectronics field are promising the data transmission by using opticalwave which can reduce the resistancy significantly. By using the photonic materials, fast signal processing could be achieved and the use of power supply could be decreased. The material was prepared by Stober process which characterized by The X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The X-Ray Diffraction and SEM characterization showed that the SiO2 in the form of amorf structure and the shape of particle is sphere with the size about 350 nm

    Ekstraksi Klorofil Dan Karotenoid Dengan Konsentrasi Pelarut Yang Berbeda Pada Lamun (Enhalus Acoroides) Di Perairan Laut Jawa

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    Lamun Enhalusacoroidesmemiliki pigmen seperti klorofil dan karotenoid yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pewarna alami.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik pigmen klorofil dan karotenoid dari pengaruh lingkungan.Materi yang digunakan adalah lamun E.acoroides dari perairan Karimunjawa dan pulau Panjang, Jepara.Ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut aseton pada konsentrasi berbeda (90%, 95% dan 100%)dengan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL).Parameter yang diuji adalah penurunan pigmen terhadap sinar matahari, oksidator dankondisi penyimpanan.Perbedaan konsentrasi pelarut berbeda nyata (P<0.05) terhadap klorofil a dan karotenoid. Aseton 90% dan 95% tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05) terhadap klorofil b. Hasiluji KLT didapatkan nilai Rf klorofil a0,55, klorofil b0,41, dan karotenoid 0,98dari Rf literatur0.44, 0.32, 0.95. Kandungan pigmen E.acoroidesdari perairan Karimunjawa yaitu klorofil a 10.70 µg/ml, klorofil b 4.52 µg/ml, dan karotenoid 2.84 µg/ml, dari perairan pulau Panjang yaitu klorofil a 8.35 µg/ml, klorofil b 3.42 µg/ml dan karotenoid 2.70 µg/ml. Hasil uji penurunan pigmen terhadap pengaruh lingkungan, menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama pigmen terpapar oleh kondisi lingkungan maka kandungan pigmen juga semakin menurun
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