9 research outputs found

    A glycosyltransferase with a length-controlling activity as a mechanism to regulate the size of polysaccharides

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    Cyclic β-1,2-glucans (CβG) are osmolyte homopolysaccharides with a cyclic β-1,2-backbone of 17–25 glucose residues present in the periplasmic space of several bacteria. Initiation, elongation, and cyclization, the three distinctive reactions required for building the cyclic structure, are catalyzed by the same protein, the CβG synthase. The initiation activity catalyzes the transference of the first glucose from UDP-glucose to a yet-unidentified amino acid residue in the same protein. Elongation proceeds by the successive addition of glucose residues from UDP-glucose to the nonreducing end of the protein-linked β-1,2-oligosaccharide intermediate. Finally, the protein-linked intermediate is cyclized, and the cyclic glucan is released from the protein. These reactions do not explain, however, the mechanism by which the number of glucose residues in the cyclic structure is controlled. We now report that control of the degree of polymerization (DP) is carried out by a β-1,2-glucan phosphorylase present at the CβG synthase C-terminal domain. This last activity catalyzes the phosphorolysis of the β-1,2-glucosidic bond at the nonreducing end of the linear protein-linked intermediate, releasing glucose 1-phosphate. The DP is thus regulated by this “length-controlling” phosphorylase activity. To our knowledge, this is the first description of a control of the DP of homopolysaccharides

    Cyclic β-1,2-glucan is a brucella virulence factor required for intracellular survival

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    Pathogenic brucella bacteria have developed strategies to persist for prolonged periods of time in host cells, avoiding innate immune responses. Here we show that the cyclic beta-1,2-glucans (CbetaG) synthesized by brucella is important for circumventing host cell defenses. CbetaG acted in lipid rafts found on host cell membranes. CbetaG-deficient mutants failed to prevent phagosome-lysosome fusion and could not replicate. However, when treated with purified CbetaG or synthetic methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, the mutants were able to control vacuole maturation by avoiding lysosome fusion, and this allowed intracellular brucella to survive and reach the endoplasmic reticulum. Fusion between the endoplasmic reticulum and the brucella-containing vacuole depended on the brucella virulence type IV secretion system but not on CbetaG. Brucella CbetaG is thus a virulence factor that interacts with lipid rafts and contributes to pathogen survival

    Protein apparatus for horizontal transfer of agrobacterial T-DNA to eukaryotic cells

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