334 research outputs found

    Radially restricted linear energy transfer for high-energy protons: A new analytical approach

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    Radially restricted linear energy transfer (LET) is a basic physical parameter relevant to radiation biology and radiation protection. In this report a convenient method is presented for the analytical computation of this quantity without the need for complicated simulation. The method uses the energy-re-stricted LETL, as recently redefined in a 1993 ICRU draft document and supplements it by a relatively simple term that represents the energy of fast rays lost within distancer from the track core. The method provides a better fit than other models and is valid over the entire range of radial distance from track center to the maximum radial distance traveled by the most energetic secondary electrons.L r computed by this approach differs only a few percent from the values Contribution to the international symposium on heavy ions research: space, radiation protection and therapy, 21–24 March 1994, Sophia-Antipolis, Franc

    Computation of microdosimetric distributions for small sites

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    Object of this study is the computation of microdosimetric functions for sites which are too small to permit experimental determination of the distributions by Rossi-counters. The calculations are performed on simulated tracks generated by Monte-Carlo techniques. The first part of the article deals with the computational procedure. The second part presents numerical results for protons of energies 0.5, 5, 20 MeV and for site diameters of 5, 10, 100 nm

    Back-to-back emission of the electrons in double photoionization of helium

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    We calculate the double differential distributions and distributions in recoil momenta for the high energy non-relativistic double photoionization of helium. We show that the results of recent experiments is the pioneering experimental manifestation of the quasifree mechanism for the double photoionization, predicted long ago in our papers. This mechanism provides a surplus in distribution over the recoil momenta at small values of the latter, corresponding to nearly "back-to-back" emission of the electrons. Also in agreement with previous analysis the surplus is due to the quadrupole terms of the photon-electron interaction. We present the characteristic angular distribution for the "back-to-back" electron emission. The confirmation of the quasifree mechanism opens a new area of exiting experiments, which are expected to increase our understanding of the electron dynamics and of the bound states structure. The results of this Letter along with the recent experiments open a new field for studies of two-electron ionization not only by photons but by other projectiles, e.g. by fast electrons or heavy ions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Qualitative difference between the angular anisotropy parameters in fast electron scattering and photoionization

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    It is demonstrated for the first time that in spite of well known big similarities between atomic ionization by photons and fast electrons, a qualitative difference exists in angular anisotropy parameters of electrons knocked out in these processes. The difference is disclosed here and attributed to distinction between normal (transverse) and virtual (longitudinal) photons. Formulas are derived for dipole and non-dipole angular anisotropy parameters in fast electronatom scattering. The ratio of quadrupole-to-dipole matrix elements is determined by the parameter \omega R/v << 1 where \omega is the transferred in collision energy, R is the ionized shell radius and v is the speed of projectile. This factor can be much bigger than in the case of photoionization, where one has the speed of light c that is much bigger than v . We illustrate general formulas by concrete results for outer s-subshells of noble gas atoms Ar and Xe. Even for very small transferred momentum q, in the so-called optical limit, the deviation from photoionization case is prominent and instructive.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1012.546

    Electron impact double ionization of helium from classical trajectory calculations

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    With a recently proposed quasiclassical ansatz [Geyer and Rost, J. Phys. B 35 (2002) 1479] it is possible to perform classical trajectory ionization calculations on many electron targets. The autoionization of the target is prevented by a M\o{}ller type backward--forward propagation scheme and allows to consider all interactions between all particles without additional stabilization. The application of the quasiclassical ansatz for helium targets is explained and total and partially differential cross sections for electron impact double ionization are calculated. In the high energy regime the classical description fails to describe the dominant TS1 process, which leads to big deviations, whereas for low energies the total cross section is reproduced well. Differential cross sections calculated at 250 eV await their experimental confirmation.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 10 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Density functional theory calculations of the carbon ELNES of small diameter armchair and zigzag nanotubes: core-hole, curvature and momentum transfer orientation effects

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    We perform density functional theory calculations on a series of armchair and zigzag nanotubes of diameters less than 1nm using the all-electron Full-Potential(-Linearised)-Augmented-Plane-Wave (FPLAPW) method. Emphasis is laid on the effects of curvature, the electron beam orientation and the inclusion of the core-hole on the carbon electron energy loss K-edge. The electron energy loss near-edge spectra of all the studied tubes show strong curvature effects compared to that of flat graphene. The curvature induced π−σ\pi-\sigma hybridisation is shown to have a more drastic effect on the electronic properties of zigzag tubes than on those of armchair tubes. We show that the core-hole effect must be accounted for in order to correctly reproduce electron energy loss measurements. We also find that, the energy loss near edge spectra of these carbon systems are dominantly dipole selected and that they can be expressed simply as a proportionality with the local momentum projected density of states, thus portraying the weak energy dependence of the transition matrix elements. Compared to graphite, the ELNES of carbon nanotubes show a reduced anisotropy.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, revtex4 submitted for publication to Phys. Rev.

    The yield of air fluorescence induced by electrons

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    The fluorescence yield for dry air and pure nitrogen excited by electrons is calculated using a combination of well-established molecular properties and experimental data of the involved cross sections. Particular attention has been paid to the role of secondary electrons from ionization processes. At high pressure and high energy, observed fluorescence turns out to be proportional to the ionization cross section which follows the Born-Bethe law. Predictions on fluorescence yields in a very wide interval of electron energies (eV - GeV) and pressures (1 and 1013 hPa) as expected from laboratory measurements are presented. Experimental results at energies over 1 MeV are in very good agreement with our calculations for pure nitrogen while discrepancies of about 20% are found for dry air, very likely associated to uncertainties in the available data on quenching cross sections. The relationship between fluorescence emission, stopping power and deposited energy is discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, 64 references. Accepted in Astroparticle Physic

    Time-Fractional KdV Equation: Formulation and Solution using Variational Methods

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    In this work, the semi-inverse method has been used to derive the Lagrangian of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. Then, the time operator of the Lagrangian of the KdV equation has been transformed into fractional domain in terms of the left-Riemann-Liouville fractional differential operator. The variational of the functional of this Lagrangian leads neatly to Euler-Lagrange equation. Via Agrawal's method, one can easily derive the time-fractional KdV equation from this Euler-Lagrange equation. Remarkably, the time-fractional term in the resulting KdV equation is obtained in Riesz fractional derivative in a direct manner. As a second step, the derived time-fractional KdV equation is solved using He's variational-iteration method. The calculations are carried out using initial condition depends on the nonlinear and dispersion coefficients of the KdV equation. We remark that more pronounced effects and deeper insight into the formation and properties of the resulting solitary wave by additionally considering the fractional order derivative beside the nonlinearity and dispersion terms.Comment: The paper has been rewritten, 12 pages, 3 figure
