16 research outputs found

    Consumption of psychiatric drugs by patients of medical and surgical clinics in a general hospital

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    PURPOSES: to identify the prevalence of the use of psychiatric drugs among patients admitted to medical and surgical clinics of a general hospital, and also the factors related to the consumption of this type of medication. METHOD: this is a transversal, descriptive, correlational study with quantitative analysis. For the collection of data, there was use of structured interviews and also reference to medical files. RESULTS: there was confirmation of a high prevalence of users of psychiatric drugs, which was associated to the female sex, to people who do not practice Roman Catholicism, and admittance to the clinic not covered by the Single Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS), as well as the presence of common mental disorders. Benzodiazepine drugs were the most commonly used psychiatric drugs. Among the total number of users, there has been the identification of patients who were not aware that they were receiving such medication. Doctors who are not psychiatrists were responsible for most prescriptions of psychiatric drugs. CONCLUSIONS: this signals the need to prepare health professionals to deal with psychological and social problems commonly found in clinical practice, in order to promote the rational use of psychiatric drugs

    Bipolar disorder and medication: adherence, patients' knowledge and serum monitoring of lithium carbonate

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    OBJECTIVES: this study featured patients with affective bipolar disorder who were making use of lithium and received care at an outpatient care center located in a country town in the state of Sao Paulo in 2009; it assessed the adherence and knowledge of these patients in relation to the medication prescribed to them and verified the proportion of blood tests performed per year in the service, for each individual, to measure lithium levels in the blood. METHOD: descriptive study with quantitative approach, involving 36 participants. Structured interviews and review of medical records were used for data collection and descriptive statistics for data analysis. RESULTS: difficulties in reporting the dosage of the medication prescribed and a high rate of non-adherence were identified among the participants. None of the participants in the study was submitted to two tests a year to measure lithium levels in the blood, which is the minimum proportion of tests recommended by the literature for maintenance treatment using lithium carbonate. CONCLUSION: this study highlights the critical factors for the promotion of patients' safety in monitoring lithium drug therapy

    Benzodiazepine use among employees of a private company Consumo de benzodiazepinas en trabajadores de una empresa privada Consumo de benzodiazepinas por trabalhadores de uma empresa privada

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    This study aimed to identify variables associated to the consumption of benzodiazepine among workers of a private company in the VIII Region, Chile. This is a cross-sectional and correlative study. Study population: 40 employees of a private company. The instruments included a questionnaire on socio-demographic variables and a benzodiazepine questionnaire. There was no record of benzodiazepine consumption at the moment of the study. Twenty percent (20%) of the interviewees had already used benzodiazepine in the past, whereas, half of them (10%) in the last year. The bivariate analysis of the last year consumption of benzodiazepine with work hours variables showed no significant relation (p=0.073). No association was found between benzodiazepine consumption and socio-demographic variables among the study participants.<br>El propósito de este estudio fue identificar las variables asociadas al consumo de benzodiazepinas en población trabajadora de una institución privada de la VIII Región, Chile. Diseño cuantitativo, transversal y correlacional. Población del estudio: 40 trabajadores de una empresa privada de la VIII Región, Chile. Instrumentos recolectores de datos. Cuestionario de variables biosociodemográficas y Cuestionario de benzodiazepinas. No se registró consumo de benzodiazepinas al momento del estudio. 20% de los entrevistados tenía antecedentes de consumo de benzodiazepinas en el pasado, de ellos la mitad (10%) en el último año. El análisis bivariado del consumo de benzodiazepinas en el último año con variables del trabajo sólo mostró una relación débilmente significativa (p= 0,073) con la jornada de trabajo. No se encontró asociación entre el consumo de benzodiazepines y las variables sociodemográficas entre los participantes del estudio.<br>O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar as variáveis associadas ao consumo de benzodiazepínicos em população trabalhadora de uma instituição privada da VIII Região, Chile. Este é um estudo quantitativo, transversal e correlacional. Participaram do estudo 40 trabalhadores de uma empresa privada da VIII Região, Chile. Para coleta dos dados utilizou-se um questionário com informações relacionadas às variáveis sócio-demográficas e Questionário de benzodiazepínicos. Não foi identificado consumo de benzodiazepínicos no momento do estudo. Constatou-se que 20% dos entrevistados tinham antecedentes de consumo de benzodiazepínicos e, destes, a metade (10%), no último ano. A análise bivariada do consumo de benzodiazepínicos no último ano com variáveis relacionadas ao trabalho mostrou uma relação pouco significativa (p= 0,073) com jornada de trabalho. Não foi identificada associação entre o consumo de benzodiazepínicos e as variáveis sócio-demográficas entre os participantes deste estudo