8 research outputs found

    Surprise Lymph Node Histology in a Patient with Ovarian Serous Carcinoma

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    We report a case of a sixty-three-year-old Chinese female with a known past history of primary, biopsy-diagnosed, ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma. Following three cycles of chemotherapy, she underwent total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy cytoreductive surgery with lymphadenectomy, and multiple peritoneal biopsies. In this situation, the lymph nodes would be expected to demonstrate possible residual metastatic serous carcinoma with or without chemotherapy effect. The final diagnostic assessment in the lymph nodes, in this patient, however, was a rare combination of the following pathologies: metastatic serous carcinoma, with areas of chemotherapy effect, and incidental PEComatosis, focally in association with endometriosis, both within lymph nodes and surrounding connective tissue. PEComas have been described in patients with the tuberous sclerosis complex, but the current patient was not known to suffer from this condition. This case is also unusual, as although PEComas have been described as arising in the female genital tract, the associated phenomenon of endometriosis is exceedingly rare, and this is the first known reported case of lymph nodes harbouring a similar combination of pathologies

    HER2 amplification, age, and frequency of cancers reported in family history of mEOC.

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    <p>(A) Previous genome-wide copy number alteration study on a small cohort of mEOC (n = 17) showed significant amplification of HER2. x-axis shows chromosomes 1-X, with alternating gray blocks. y-axis is the −log(q) where q is the false discovery rate. Positive values indicate amplification and negative values are deletion. (B) Age distribution was of normal distribution overall and for both HER2+ and HER2− cases. The median age was 48.3 (range: 15 to 89 years). (C) Frequency of reported cancers in family history. Majority of cancers were of breast and gastrointestinal (colon/stomach) origin. Note: some patients reported more than 1 case of cancer in family history.</p

    Progression-free survival analysis.

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    <p>Abbreviation: HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; NE, not estimable.</p>a<p>P values for age at diagnosis, CA125 and HER2 amplification ratio were based on Wald test, and P values for all other variables were based on the log-rank test.</p>b<p>Based on Wald test.</p>c<p>To interpret with caution as there were <10 deaths in the fitted multivariable model.</p