65 research outputs found

    The specific features of adolescent depression : from developmental reaction to clinical syndrome

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    Depression belongs to the most common mental disorders of young people. Yet, its analysis has given rise to many controversies among specialists. One of the crucial raised issues is the question whether it is justified to apply the diagnosis of depression in this age group, considering the fact that intrapsychic mechanisms in adolescents are not yet mature. The theoretical problem arises: to what degree adolescent depression ought to be considered a clinical disorder, rather than a specific developmental reaction. In the present paper, the attempt has been undertaken to tackle the issue. It has been found that the diagnosis of adolescent depression cannot rely on clear-cut diagnostic criteria. Instead, it should rely on clinical assessment of an individual patient

    Terapia rodziny : aktualne trendy i dylematy

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    There arc a lot of notions of what constitutes a family. A few hundred years ago the family included everybody who lived under one roof. Nowadays the term "family" is not used as if it had one universal meaning. The problem of family definition seems to be important in a case of family therapy because it influences answers for he questions who should be invited to the therapy session and with whom a therapist should work

    Między komunikacją a psychopatologią : próba refleksji

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    Paradoks i humor w terapii

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    Samokontrola w zaburzeniach odżywiania się

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    Stage models of homosexual identity formation : implications for therapeutic practice

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    Autorzy omawiają zapoczątkowany w latach 70. XX wieku na gruncie afirmatywnych ujęć homoseksualności nurt stadialnych modeli formowania tożsamości gejowskiej i lesbijskiej. Proces rozwoju homoseksualnej tożsamości jest tutaj charakteryzowany za pomocą wyróżnionych wokół najważniejszych wydarzeń rozwojowych, uporządkowanych linearnie etapów prowadzących do wykształcenia nowej autodefinicji. Spośród licznych stadialnych propozycji wybrano i przedstawiono dwie: autorstwa Vivienne Cass oraz Susan McCarn i Ruth Fassinger. Zaprezentowane modele przeanalizowano pod kątem ich użyteczności w praktyce terapeutycznej ukierunkowanej na wspieranie formowania tożsamości homoseksualnej, do której zostały zaprojektowane. Ważnym elementem wspomnianej analizy jest ocena trafności zawartych w nich opisów procesów rozwojowychThe authors discuss stage models of gay and lesbian identity formation first proposed during the 1970s within affirmative approaches to homosexuality. The process of developing homosexual identity is characterized here with linearly ordered stages distinguished around major developmental events leading to new self-definition. Among many stage proposals the authors have chosen and presented two: by Vivienne Cass and Susan McCarn with Ruth Fassinger. The presented models were analysed in terms of their usefulness in therapeutic practice aimed at promoting the formation of gay identity, for which they have been originally designed. An important part of this discussion is evaluation of the accuracy of developmental process descriptions contained in stage model

    Between a role and identification : understanding BDSM practices from practitioners’ perspective

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    Aim. The aim of the research was to study the narrative of BDSM practitioners (sadism and masochism - S/M, bondage and discipline - B&D) and to attempt to describe how they interpret and define their practices and what significance they have in their life. Method and materials. Qualitative methodology - grounded theory – has been used in the study. The sample consisted of 12 individuals aged 20-49 who identified with BDSM practices. The data have been collected through intensive interviews with participants. Results. Based on the language analysis of the interviews, researchers established categories related to identity and the definition of BDSM. Subsequently, the initial model of the process of defining one’s own sexuality in BDSM practicing individuals was proposed. Conclusions. The research showed stages of the process of defining and accepting their sexuality in BDSM practicing individuals and multifaceted identification with their BDSM roles. The initial stage of the development of identification with BDSM was gender identity and sexual orientation. The participants defined their sexuality by either the identification with their roles in BDSM practices (not only as a form of sexual activity, but also in everyday life) or assuming such roles temporarily. It seems that defining their identity by the persons practicing BDSM is not an either-or between "identity" or a "role", but can be seen as a continuum


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    Minority stress among homosexual and bisexual individuals : from theoretical concepts to research tools : the Sexual Minority Stress Scale

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    Minority stress is a relatively new concept that has emerged from the concept of stress. Its popularity among researchers who are interested in minority groups is increasing. Minority stress refers to the experiences of stigma, rejection and violence by the majority of society as experienced by the minority. The concept can be operationalised in a number of ways, for instance via a questionnaire such as the Sexual Minority Stress Scale (SMSS) presented in this paper. It concerns a clearly defined concept of minority stress and uses some stress indicators. It was translated and adapted into Polish. This paper presents the results of statistical analysis based on answers of 206 individuals describing themselves as homosexual and 62 describing themselves as bisexual. High psychometric results of the questionnaire indicate that SMSS can be used in research on minority stress in bisexual and homosexual individuals. However, further research is required to verify its usefulness in the clinical setting as a screening tool to diagnose those who may be at risk from high levels of minority stress