22 research outputs found

    Familie og kontinuitet: Pårørende forteller om livsløpet til personer med demenssykdom

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    Artikkelen bygger på intervju av nære pårørende om livsløpet til pasienter med demenssykdom som bor i sykehjem i Nord-Norge. De pårørende ble spesielt spurt om pasientenes vaner, interesser og aktiviteter gjennom livsløpet. Det ble utført narrativ analyse av intervjuene med vekt på fortolkning av livsløp og livshendelser hos pasientene. Artikkelen viser hvordan pårørende konkret bidrar til å videreføre kontinuiteten i livsløpet til pasienten, samtidig som det kommer fram hvordan denne kontinuiteten også har stor betydning for pårørende i deres eget liv. Artikkelen viser og at for at pasienten skal oppleve kontinuitet i eget liv etter flytting til sykehjem, er det viktig med en form for kontakt med hjemplass og landskap, og at det gis rom for tradisjoner og livshistorie

    Personer med demenssykdom i sykehjem: Refleksjon over livet

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    AbstractPersons with dementia disease in nursing homes: Reflection about lifeThe article is based on interviews with eight individuals with dementia disease living in nursing homes in Northern Norway. They were asked to tell about their lives, especially habits, interests and activities through the lifespan. Narrative analysis was conducted, phases and happenings through the lifespan were especially important for the interpretation. The persons reflected about their lives, they held up what had been meaningful to them, what they wanted to continue in the nursing home, and how they experienced living with dementia disease. The article holds up the importance of letting the patient tell from his or her life to be able to experience sense of coherence when moving to the nursing home. Continuing contact with family, relationship with nature, animals, local food traditions, singing and music, were also told about as meaningful activities throughout lifespan and in the nursing home

    Sjukehusa i Nord-Norge

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    District nursing between the local and the international. Northern Norway 1890-1940.

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    The article explores the history of voluntary district nursing in Northern Norway 1880- 1940. A popular movement of women’s associations met the tuberculosis epidemic, which peaked late in the North. District nursing was developed partly from the European movement of Christian relief and sick care, partly from local traditions of neighbourly assistance. Local girls were trained and employed by local associations. This service was especially important to sick peasant women with families, as the nurses stayed in the homes during a crisis, and did the work that was needed as well as nursing. Between the wars, the international public health movement brought a focus on preventive public health nursing to the central leaders of the tuberculosis movement of Norway. Funds were made available to local associations, on condition that the nurse’s work was re-defined from sick care to public prevention, and directed by the medical officer. This medical corporativism was only partly successful, as sick nursing continued locally. District nursing in the North illustrates the central-local difference, the implicit gender issue, and the tension between sickness or health focus in the development of modern health care

    Samefolket i tvangsevakueringa

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    Presentasjon på Dearvvašvuohtadeaivvadeapmi. Arrangert av Várdobáiki samisk senter

    Armoda er ikkje sjølvforskyldt

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    Life Support in High Age: Northern Norway 1865-1900

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    This article explores how very old people in Northern Norway supported life before economic modernization, from nineteenth-century census registrations and ethnographic sources. Very few lived alone. About 80 percent were primarily supported by living with relations—family, kin, or nonkin, participating with work and experience, the majority through a retirement agreement. In the northernmost parts, where Sámi traditions of land ownership dominated, retirement was uncommon. Other very old supported life from independent work or public relief. Old women with few ties were at particular risk of destitution

    Grunnleggjande sjukepleie gjeld liv og død

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