33 research outputs found

    An谩lisis del proceso administrativo para la mejora de la gesti贸n empresarial en la Cooperativa UGAQ R.L., municipio de Quilal铆, a帽o 2022

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    La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en el municipio de Quilal铆 departamento de Nueva Segovia, a帽o 2022, participaron los colaboradores activos y la gerente de la Uni贸n de Cooperativas UGAQ R.L. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n consisti贸 en analizar el proceso administrativo para la mejora de la gesti贸n empresarial. Para ello se identific贸 el manejo del proceso administrativo, analizando cada una de sus etapas y la relaci贸n de la gesti贸n empresarial que existe en la cooperativa y la manera de c贸mo aplicar estrategias efectivas en la cooperativa. El 茅nfasis del estudio es de investigaci贸n aplicada, se centra espec铆ficamente en c贸mo llevar a la pr谩ctica la implementaci贸n de teor铆as generales administrativas. Metodol贸gicamente es una investigaci贸n mixta porque analiza y vincula datos cuantitativos y cualitativos en un mismo estudio, de corte transversal y muestreo por conveniencia; el universo const贸 de 16 colaboradores, siendo la muestra 10 colaboradores y la gerente de la cooperativa. La informaci贸n se recolect贸 utilizando encuestas a colaboradores y entrevista a la gerente. Los resultados m谩s relevantes demuestran que realizan la mayor parte de las etapas del proceso administrativo teniendo dificultad en la etapa del control. Se analiz贸 el FODA y con base en los resultados se proponen estrategias de mejora para la gesti贸n empresarial en la cooperativa. Los resultados muestran la valoraci贸n del proceso administrativo y gesti贸n empresarial en la cooperativa, la necesidad de mejorar las actividades administrativas en atenci贸n a sus productores asociados; se presentan una serie de actividades mediante el aprovechamiento de sus recursos en implementaci贸n de estrategias

    Incidencia del proceso administrativo en la gesti贸n empresarial en cooperativa UGAQ R.L, Quilal铆, a帽o 2022

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    La presente investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en el municipio de Quilal铆 departamento de Nueva Segovia, a帽o 2022, participaron los colaboradores activos y la gerente de la uni贸n de cooperativas UGAQ R.L. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n consisti贸 en analizar la incidencia del proceso administrativo en la gesti贸n empresarial. Para ello se identific贸 el manejo del proceso administrativo, analizando cada una de las etapas y la relaci贸n de la gesti贸n empresarial que existe en la cooperativa y la manera de c贸mo aplicar estrategias efectivas en la cooperativa. El 茅nfasis de estudio es de inves-tigaci贸n aplicada se centra espec铆ficamente en c贸mo llevar a la pr谩ctica la implementaci贸n de teo-r铆as generales administrativas. Metodol贸gicamente es una investigaci贸n mixta porque analiza y vincula datos cuantitativos y cualitativos en un mismo estudio; utilizando el muestreo por conve-niencia; el universo cont贸 de 16 colaboradores, siendo la muestra 10 colaboradores y la gerente de la cooperativa. La informaci贸n se recolecto utilizando encuestas a los colaboradores y entrevista a la gerente. Los datos fueron procesados haciendo uso del programa SPSS. Se hizo uso del m茅todo te贸rico en apoyo de las fuentes bibliogr谩ficas e internet. Los resultados m谩s relevantes demuestran que realizan la mayor parte de las etapas del proceso administrativo teniendo dificultad en la etapa del control. Tambi茅n se muestra la valoraci贸n del proceso administrativo y gesti贸n empresarial en la cooperativa, la necesidad de mejorar las actividades administrativas en atenci贸n a sus produc-tores asociados; se presenta una serie de actividades mediante el aprovechamiento de sus recursos en implementaci贸n de estrategias

    The protective effect of blackberry anthocyanins against free radical-induced oxidation and cytotoxicity in multiple cell lines

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    Anthocyanins are the blue and red pigments found in berries, with known antioxidant properties that may be associated with several health benefits, such as a reduction in the risk of heart disease and cancer. Blackberry in particular, is a rich source of anthocyanins and has notable antioxidant activity. Although the antioxidant capacity of anthocyanins has been well established in cell free in vitro system, there is very little evidence that links this antioxidant activity with protection against free radical associated oxidative damage in biological systems. The ultimate goal of this thesis, therefore, was to evaluate the protective effect of blackberry anthocyanins against free radical-induced oxidative stress and the resulting cytotoxicity using multiple cultured cell lines. Anthocyanins of both crude blackberry extracts as well as an anthocyanin enriched fraction were identified and quantified using HPLC. Different cytotoxicity assays (MTT, CellTiterGlo, BrdU) were validated against cell counting method to determine the most appropriate cytotoxicity assay(s) for the evaluation of blackberry anthocyanins in cultured cells. The effect of blackberry anthocyanins were individually evaluated in five distinct cell lines: two breast cancer lines (MDA-MB-453 and MCF-7), two intestinal cell lines (Caco-2 and INT-407), and one prostate cancer cell line (LNCaP), using M T T and CellTiter-Glo assay. In other tests, AAPH (2, 2' -azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride), a free radical generator, was used to initiate intracellular oxidation and induce cytotoxicity. The effect of the blackberry extracts against AAPH initiated intracellular oxidation was monitored with a dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) probe. The protective effect of blackberry anthocyanins against AAPH-induced cytotoxicity was measured with MTT and CellTiterGlo assays. Cell cycle analysis was also performed to determine possible protective mechanisms of blackberry anthocyanins against free radical associated damages. Cyanidin-3-glucoside was found to be the major anthocyanin (85 %) in blackberry. Blackberry anthocyanins were demonstrated to have no cytotoxic properties at physiological concentration. In addition, blackberry anthocyanins were found to suppress AAPH-initiated intracellular oxidation. This effect corresponded a protection effect against free radical-induced cytotoxicity. Cell cycle analysis with propidium iodide staining demonstrated that blackberry anthocyanins prevented cytotoxicity by scavenging the generated peroxyl radicals, thus alleviating AAPH-induced apoptosis.Land and Food Systems, Faculty ofGraduat

    Tocopherol isoforms evoke specific modulation of oxidative and inflammatory responses in Caco-2 and FHs 74 Int intestinal cell lines

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    Vitamin (vit) E comprises 8 isoforms, of which only 伪-tocopherol (Toc) has been thoroughly investigated. Other vit E isoforms, particularly 纬-Toc and 未-Toc, however are present in significant amounts in the North American diet. The effect of 伪-Toc, 纬-Toc and 未-Toc in modulating oxidative status and inflammatory responses in adult-derived Caco-2 and fetal-derived FHs 74 Int intestinal cell lines were thus determined. Toc isoforms were effective antioxidants that protected against peroxyl radical-induced membrane oxidation in both cell lines in an isoform-dependent manner (未-Toc>纬-To>伪-Toc). Nevertheless, Toc isoforms exhibited differential modulation of inflammatory response in the two cell lines, in that Toc isoforms suppressed IFN纬/PMA-induced IL8 expression in Caco-2 cells, but promoted an inflammatory response in FHs 74 Int cells. Modulation of IL8 expression by Toc isoforms corresponded with an efficacy of Toc to modulate Nf魏B pro-inflammatory and Nrf-2 antioxidant enzyme signaling pathways. Non-伪-Toc isoforms promoted Nrf-2 activation in both cell lines. Alpha-Toc and 纬-Toc mitigated IFN纬/PMA-induced Nf魏B activation in Caco-2 cells while non-伪-Toc isoforms promoted Nf魏B activation in FHs 74 Int cells. The pro-oxidant activity of 未-Toc corresponded to its lower ability to suppress IFN纬/PMA-induced IL8 expression and Nf魏B activation, but enhanced the Nrf-2 signal in Caco-2 cells. One key difference between the effect of Toc isoforms on modulation of Nf魏B and Nrf-2 signaling was that non-伪-Toc isoforms down-regulated the gene expression of glutamate cysteine ligase, the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione biosynthesis, in FHs 74 Int, but not in Caco-2 cells. This was supported by a reduced (P<0.05) glutathione content in FHs 74 Int cells after incubation with 纬-Toc and 未-Toc that was not observed in Caco-2 cells. Downregulation of the glutathione content corresponded to the finding that non-伪-Toc isoforms can induce apoptosis-mediated cytotoxicity in FHs 74 Int, but not in Caco-2 cells. Taken together, Toc isoform-mediated modulation of the inflammatory response was not related to antioxidant activity, but rather was attributed to a cell-specific efficacy to modulate Nf魏B signaling that corresponded to depletion in glutathione content and apoptosis. Based on the current findings, non-伪-Toc isoforms are biologically active forms of vit E and their effects on intestinal cells should not be overlooked.Land and Food Systems, Faculty ofGraduat

    UBC Food System : framework for assessing sustainability

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    The global food system is a huge industry that has a major impact on environmental, social, and economical sustainability. The UBC food system represents a microcosm of the global food system, similarly impacting the sustainability of UBC. We believe that the UBC Food System (UBCFS) is currently unsustainable. Significant amounts of solid waste are being produced annually, resources are not being adequately utilized, and healthy food is not being provided at a reasonable cost. The UBC Food System, defined as the area west of Wesbrook Mall, faces numerous challenges. Efforts are being made to improve the sustainability of the system by the UBC Sustainability Office, however to date no projects have been published regarding the sustainability of the current food system The objective of this project is to develop a framework for assessing the sustainability of the UBC food system, which can be taking up and implemented by AGSC 450 students over the next four years. To this end we propose using 6 indicators, which integrate issues of ecological, social and economic sustainability. It is our hope that this project will serve as a stepping stone for future projects aimed at promoting a more sustainable UBC food system. Disclaimer: 鈥淯BC SEEDS provides students with the opportunity to share the findings of their studies, as well as their opinions, conclusions and recommendations with the UBC community. The reader should bear in mind that this is a student project/report and is not an official document of UBC. Furthermore readers should bear in mind that these reports may not reflect the current status of activities at UBC. We urge you to contact the research persons mentioned in a report or the SEEDS Coordinator about the current status of the subject matter of a project/report.鈥滾and and Food Systems, Faculty ofUnreviewedUndergraduat

    Tryptophan from human milk induces oxidative stress and upregulates the Nrf-2-mediated stress response in human intestinal cell lines

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    Chemical screening of digested human milk protein using the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC FL) antioxidant assay confirmed the presence of a peptide fraction (PF23) with high antioxidant activity [5.53 mmol Trolox equivalents (TE)/g] that contained tryptophan as a main component. We evaluated the effects of both PF23 and tryptophan alone on the modulation of oxidative stress in cultured intestinal cells using a dichlorofluorescein diacetate probe. Despite the high ORAC FL value, PF23 enhanced (P< 0.05) 2, 2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (peroxyl radical generator)-induced intracellular oxidation in the Caco-2 human adenocarcinoma cell line, suggesting prooxidant activity. Compared to selected peptide fractions with relatively lower ORAC FL values, PF23 induced oxidative stress more than all other peptide fractions tested (P< 0.05) and contained more tryptophan than the others (P< 0.05). Similar prooxidant activity was observed for tryptophan when it was added to culture medium for both the Caco-2 cells and FHs 74 Int primary fetal enterocytes, while also exhibiting a high ORAC FL value (9.69 mmol TE/g). The effect of tryptophan that involves activation of the Nrf-2 pathway and transcription of antioxidant enzymes was therefore investigated in FHs 74 Int cells. Exposure of infant intestinal cells to tryptophan resulted in Nrf-2 activation and an increase in the gene transcript level of glutathione peroxidase 2. We conclude that tryptophan-induced oxidative stress associated with tryptophan-containing milk peptides induces an adaptive response that involves the activation of the antioxidant responsive signaling pathway in intestinal cells

    Tryptophan released from mother's milk has antioxidant properties

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    Bioactive factors in human milk (HM) are crucial to the health of newborns, especially preterm infants. These compounds assist in reducing the oxidative stress that may occur as a result of combined exposure to supplemental oxygen and immature physiologic defenses. To identify the components in HM that contribute to its greater resistance to oxidative stress compared with infant formulae, enzymatic hydrolysates of HM were prepared, ultrafiltered, separated, and analyzed for antioxidant potential. The antioxidant activity [渭M Trolox equivalent (TE/g)] of nondigested milk, whole digested milk, and derived ultrafiltrates were 80.4 卤 13.3, 159.0 卤 5.6, and 127.4 卤 3.1, respectively. An HPLC fraction denoted as fraction 23 (5274 卤 630 渭M TE/g) was obtained and its constituents identified as tryptophan (Trp), peptides HNPI, and PLAPQA. Scavenging activity was not observed for PLAPQA, whereas moderate activity was associated with HNPI (144 卤 10.7 渭M TE/g) and very high activity to Trp (7986 卤 468 渭M TE/g). Trp addition to HM and two infant formulas significantly increased formulae antioxidant properties. Trp appeared to be a powerful free radical scavenger naturally present in HM. Its antioxidant effects and potential application in the diets of infants, particularly preterm, must be examined further

    A ketogenic diet rich in fish oil is superior to other fats in preventing NNK-induced lung cancer in A/J mice

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    Abstract Given that ketogenic diets (KDs) are extremely high in dietary fat, we compared different fats in KDs to determine which was the best for cancer prevention. Specifically, we compared a Western and a 15% carbohydrate diet to seven different KDs, containing either Western fats or fats enriched in medium chain fatty acids (MCTs), milk fat (MF), palm oil (PO), olive oil (OO), corn oil (CO) or fish oil (FO) for their ability to reduce nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone (NNK)-induced lung cancer in mice. While all the KDs tested were more effective at reducing lung nodules than the Western or 15% carbohydrate diet, the FO-KD was most effective at reducing lung nodules. Correlating with this, mice on the FO-KD had low blood glucose and the highest 尾-hydroxybutyrate level, lowest liver fatty acid synthase/carnitine palmitoyl-1a ratio and a dramatic increase in fecal Akkermansia. We found no liver damage induced by the FO-KD, while the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL was unchanged on the different diets. We conclude that a FO-KD is superior to KDs enriched in other fats in reducing NNK-induced lung cancer, perhaps by being the most effective at skewing whole-body metabolism from a dependence on glucose to fats as an energy source