17 research outputs found

    Novel Models of Streptococcus canis Colonization and Disease Reveal Modest Contributions of M-Like (SCM) Protein

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    Streptococcus canis is a common colonizing bacterium of the urogenital tract of cats and dogs that can also cause invasive disease in these animal populations and in humans. Although the virulence mechanisms of S. canis are not well-characterized, an M-like protein, SCM, has recently identified been as a potential virulence factor. SCM is a surface-associated protein that binds to host plasminogen and IgGs suggesting its possible importance in host-pathogen interactions. In this study, we developed in vitro and ex vivo blood component models and murine models of S. canis vaginal colonization, systemic infection, and dermal infection to compare the virulence potential of the zoonotic S. canis vaginal isolate G361 and its isogenic SCM-deficient mutant (G361∆scm). We found that while S. canis establishes vaginal colonization and causes invasive disease in vivo, the contribution of the SCM protein to virulence phenotypes in these models is modest. We conclude that SCM is dispensable for invasive disease in murine models and for resistance to human blood components ex vivo, but may contribute to mucosal persistence, highlighting a potential contribution to the recently appreciated genetic diversity of SCM across strains and hosts

    Novel Models of Streptococcus canis Colonization and Disease Reveal Modest Contributions of M-Like (SCM) Protein

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    Streptococcus canis is a common colonizing bacterium of the urogenital tract of cats and dogs that can also cause invasive disease in these animal populations and in humans. Although the virulence mechanisms of S. canis are not well-characterized, an M-like protein, SCM, has recently identified been as a potential virulence factor. SCM is a surface-associated protein that binds to host plasminogen and IgGs suggesting its possible importance in host-pathogen interactions. In this study, we developed in vitro and ex vivo blood component models and murine models of S. canis vaginal colonization, systemic infection, and dermal infection to compare the virulence potential of the zoonotic S. canis vaginal isolate G361 and its isogenic SCM-deficient mutant (G361∆scm). We found that while S. canis establishes vaginal colonization and causes invasive disease in vivo, the contribution of the SCM protein to virulence phenotypes in these models is modest. We conclude that SCM is dispensable for invasive disease in murine models and for resistance to human blood components ex vivo, but may contribute to mucosal persistence, highlighting a potential contribution to the recently appreciated genetic diversity of SCM across strains and hosts

    Novel Models of <i>Streptococcus canis</i> Colonization and Disease Reveal Modest Contributions of M-Like (SCM) Protein

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    Streptococcus canis is a common colonizing bacterium of the urogenital tract of cats and dogs that can also cause invasive disease in these animal populations and in humans. Although the virulence mechanisms of S. canis are not well-characterized, an M-like protein, SCM, has recently identified been as a potential virulence factor. SCM is a surface-associated protein that binds to host plasminogen and IgGs suggesting its possible importance in host-pathogen interactions. In this study, we developed in vitro and ex vivo blood component models and murine models of S. canis vaginal colonization, systemic infection, and dermal infection to compare the virulence potential of the zoonotic S. canis vaginal isolate G361 and its isogenic SCM-deficient mutant (G361∆scm). We found that while S. canis establishes vaginal colonization and causes invasive disease in vivo, the contribution of the SCM protein to virulence phenotypes in these models is modest. We conclude that SCM is dispensable for invasive disease in murine models and for resistance to human blood components ex vivo, but may contribute to mucosal persistence, highlighting a potential contribution to the recently appreciated genetic diversity of SCM across strains and hosts

    The Mla pathway is critical for Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance to outer membrane permeabilization and host innate immune clearance

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important opportunistic pathogen that has become a serious problem due to increased rates of antibiotic resistance. Due to this along with a dearth in novel antibiotic development, especially against Gram-negative pathogens, new therapeutic strategies are needed to prevent a post-antibiotic era. Here, we describe the importance of the vacJ/Mla pathway in resisting bactericidal actions of the host innate immune response. P. aeruginosa tn5 transposon mutants in genes from the VacJ/Mla pathway showed increased susceptibility to killing by the host cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, LL-37, when compared to the wild-type parent strain. The P. aeruginosa vacJ - mutant demonstrated increased membrane permeability upon damage as well as sensitivity to killing in the presence of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate and the divalent cation chelator EDTA. When exposed to human whole blood and serum complement, the vacJ - mutant was killed more rapidly when compared to the wild-type parent strain and complemented mutant. Finally, in an in vivo mouse lung infection model, infection with the vacJ - mutant resulted in reduced mortality, lower bacterial burden, and reduced lung damage when compared to the wild-type strain. This study highlights the potential in therapeutically targeting the VacJ/Mla pathway in sensitizing P. aeruginosa to killing by the host innate immune response.Key messages• The Mla pathway regulates outer membrane dynamics in human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA). • Disruption of Mla pathway gene vacJ sensitizes PA to host cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide LL-37. • Loss of vacJ expression renders PA more sensitive to human whole blood and serum killing. • Loss of vacJ expression reduces PA survival and virulence in a murine lung infection model. • The Mla pathway merits exploration as a pharmacologic target to sensitize PA to host innate immunity

    Heterotypic mouse models of canine osteosarcoma recapitulate tumor heterogeneity and biological behavior

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    Osteosarcoma (OS) is a heterogeneous and rare disease with a disproportionate impact because it mainly affects children and adolescents. Lamentably, more than half of patients with OS succumb to metastatic disease. Clarification of the etiology of the disease, development of better strategies to manage progression, and methods to guide personalized treatments are among the unmet health needs for OS patients. Progress in managing the disease has been hindered by the extreme heterogeneity of OS; thus, better models that accurately recapitulate the natural heterogeneity of the disease are needed. For this study, we used cell lines derived from two spontaneous canine OS tumors with distinctly different biological behavior (OS-1 and OS-2) for heterotypic in vivo modeling that recapitulates the heterogeneous biology and behavior of this disease. Both cell lines demonstrated stability of the transcriptome when grown as orthotopic xenografts in athymic nude mice. Consistent with the behavior of the original tumors, OS-2 xenografts grew more rapidly at the primary site and had greater propensity to disseminate to lung and establish microscopic metastasis. Moreover, OS-2 promoted formation of a different tumor-associated stromal environment than OS-1 xenografts. OS-2-derived tumors comprised a larger percentage of the xenograft tumors than OS-1-derived tumors. In addition, a robust pro-inflammatory population dominated the stromal cell infiltrates in OS-2 xenografts, whereas a mesenchymal population with a gene signature reflecting myogenic signaling dominated those in the OS-1 xenografts. Our studies show that canine OS cell lines maintain intrinsic features of the tumors from which they were derived and recapitulate the heterogeneous biology and behavior of bone cancer in mouse models. This system provides a resource to understand essential interactions between tumor cells and the stromal environment that drive the progression and metastatic propensity of OS

    Homophilic protein interactions facilitate bacterial aggregation and IgG-dependent complex formation by the Streptococcus canis M protein SCM

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    Streptococcus canis is a zoonotic agent that causes serious invasive diseases in domestic animals and humans, but knowledge about its pathogenic potential and underlying virulence mechanisms is limited. Here, we report on the ability of certain S. canis isolates to form large bacterial aggregates when grown in liquid broth. Bacterial aggregation was attributed to the presence and the self-binding activity of SCM, the M protein of S. canis, as evaluated by bacterial sedimentation assays, immunofluorescence- and electron microscopic approaches. Using a variety of truncated recombinant SCM fragments, we demonstrated that homophilic SCM interactions occur via the N-terminal, but not the C-terminal part, of the mature M protein. Interestingly, when incubated in human plasma, SCM forms soluble protein complexes comprising its known ligands, immunoglobulin G (IgG) and plasminogen (Plg). Co-incubation studies with purified host proteins revealed that SCM-mediated complex formation is based on the interaction of SCM with itself and with IgG, but not with Plg or fibrinogen (Fbg), well-established constituents of M protein-mediated protein complexes in human-associated streptococci. Notably, these soluble, SCM-mediated plasma complexes harbored complement factor C1q, which can induce complement breakdown in the periphery and therefore represent another immune evasion mechanism of SCM

    Endothelial Heparan Sulfate Mediates Hepatic Neutrophil Trafficking and Injury during Staphylococcus aureus Sepsis

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    Hepatic failure is an important risk factor for poor outcome in septic patients. Using a chemical tagging workflow and high-resolution mass spectrometry, we demonstrate that rapid proteome remodeling of the vascular surfaces precedes hepatic damage in a murine model of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis. These early changes include vascular deposition of neutrophil-derived proteins, shedding of vascular receptors, and altered levels of heparin/heparan sulfate-binding factors. Modification of endothelial heparan sulfate, a major component of the vascular glycocalyx, diminishes neutrophil trafficking to the liver and reduces hepatic coagulopathy and organ damage during the systemic inflammatory response to infection. Modifying endothelial heparan sulfate likewise reduces neutrophil trafficking in sterile hepatic injury, reflecting a more general role of heparan sulfate contribution to the modulation of leukocyte behavior during inflammation. IMPORTANCE Vascular glycocalyx remodeling is critical to sepsis pathology, but the glycocalyx components that contribute to this process remain poorly characterized. This article shows that during Staphylococcus aureus sepsis, the liver vascular glycocalyx undergoes dramatic changes in protein composition associated with neutrophilic activity and heparin/heparan sulfate binding, all before organ damage is detectable by standard circulating liver damage markers or histology. Targeted manipulation of endothelial heparan sulfate modulates S. aureus sepsis-induced hepatotoxicity by controlling the magnitude of neutrophilic infiltration into the liver in both nonsterile and sterile injury. These data identify an important vascular glycocalyx component that impacts hepatic failure during nonsterile and sterile injury

    Eradication of Canine Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in a Murine Xenograft Model with CD47 Blockade and Anti-CD20

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    Cancer immunotherapies hold much promise, but their potential in veterinary settings has not yet been fully appreciated. Canine lymphomas are among the most common tumors of dogs and bear remarkable similarity to human disease. In this study, we examined the combination of CD47 blockade with anti-CD20 passive immunotherapy for canine lymphoma. The CD47/SIRPα axis is an immune checkpoint that regulates macrophage activation. In humans, CD47 is expressed on cancer cells and enables evasion from phagocytosis. CD47-blocking therapies are now under investigation in clinical trials for a variety of human cancers. We found the canine CD47/SIRPα axis to be conserved biochemically and functionally. We identified high-affinity SIRPα variants that antagonize canine CD47 and stimulate phagocytosis of canine cancer cells in vitro When tested as Fc fusion proteins, these therapeutic agents exhibited single-agent efficacy in a mouse xenograft model of canine lymphoma. As robust synergy between CD47 blockade and tumor-specific antibodies has been demonstrated for human cancer, we evaluated the combination of CD47 blockade with 1E4-cIgGB, a canine-specific antibody to CD20. 1E4-cIgGB could elicit a therapeutic response against canine lymphoma in vivo as a single agent. However, augmented responses were observed when combined with CD47-blocking therapies, resulting in synergy in vitro and in vivo and eliciting cures in 100% of mice bearing canine lymphoma. Our findings support further testing of CD47-blocking therapies alone and in combination with CD20 antibodies in the veterinary setting. Cancer Immunol Res; 4(12); 1072-87. ©2016 AACR