70 research outputs found

    A case of post-inflammatory warty dyskeratoma of the chest: Other dermoscopic features

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    Warty Dyskeratoma (WD) is a rare condition consisting in single or multiple papular or nodular lesions of the skin or of the oral mucosamucosa. Histologically, a cup-shaped epidermal invagination centred by a plug of epidermal hyperparakeratosis with suprabasal acantholysis and dyskeratosis is typically observed. A case of post-inflammatory WD, which was also observed by dermoscopy, is described. Dermoscopy showed an eight-shape whitish collarette surrounded by light brown pigmentation. A central white structureless area with an adjacent rosette were observed. Some small rust-coloured blood crusts were also observed in the centre of the lesion; no prominent vascular pattern was detected. The etiopathogenesis of this benign neoplasm could be multifactorial. Dermoscopy of WD is not specific but may help to ruling out other skin tumors.

    Laugier-Hunziker syndrome: a case and dermoscopic features

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    Laugier-Hunziker syndrome (LHS) is a sporadic, acquired, and infrequent condition characterized by the onset of brown macules on the lips, the oral mucosa, and the acral glabrous skin (mainly fingers and toes) in middle-aged patients. In several cases melanonychia of fingernails and toenails coexists. No other systemic involvement is observed. A case of LHS in a 50-year-old woman is described, with particular attention to dermoscopic features. No dermoscopic specific findings of mucosal/cutaneous maculae have been to date described in the literature. Accumulation of dermoscopic observations of pigmented lesions in LHS is needed and if found to be distinct, it may contribute to a more accurate diagnosis in the future

    Cigarette smoking, body mass index and stressful life events as risk factors for sporiasis. Results from italian case-controll study.

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    It is widely accepted that genetic–environmental interaction, i.e., multifactorial heredity, plays a role in the development of psoriasis. We conducted a case–control study to analyse the association of psoriasis of recent onset with smoking habits, body mass index (BMI) and stressful life events. Cases (n=560; median age 38) were patients with a first diagnosis of psoriasis and a history of skin manifestations of no longer than two years after the reported disease onset. Patients with a new diagnosis of skin diseases other than psoriasis (n=690; median age 36) were selected as controls. The risk of psoriasis was higher in ex- and current smokers than in never-smokers, the relative risk estimates (OR) being 1.9 for ex-smokers and 1.7 for smokers. Smoking was strongly associated with pustular lesions (32 patients, OR=5.3 for smokers). The frequency of psoriasis varied significantly in relation to a family history of psoriasis in first degree relatives, BMI (OR=1.6 and 1.9 for over weighted, BMI 26–29, and obese, BMI ≥30, respectively) and stressful life event score (compared to the lower index quartile, the OR being 2.2 for index values ≥ 115). Risk estimates, when taking into consideration the combined effect of these factors with smoking habits, were consistent with a multiplicative model of risk combination with no significant statistical interaction

    Circulating autoantibodies and autoimmune comorbidities in vitiligo patients: a multicenter Italian study

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    BACKGROUND: Autoimmune comorbidities and circulating autoantibodies have been observed in vitiligo patients, but differences in rate are present according to countries in which the studies were performed, perhaps owing to ethnic diversities or different trigger factors. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of circulating autoantibodies and overt autoimmune diseases in a fairly large sample of Italian vitiligo patients. METHODs: 175 outpatients affected by vitiligo and referred to nine dermatological centers were included in the study. Patients were offered routine blood test, serological testing for thyroid function and search for autoantibodies. RESULTS: At least one circulating autoantibody was detected in 61 (41.8%) of 146 subjects who underwent laboratory tests. Anti-thyroperoxidase (25.6%), anti-thyroglobulin (23.4%), antinuclear antibodies (16.8%) and anti-gastric parietal cell antibodies (7.8%) were the most noticed autoantibodies. 74 (41.5%) autoimmune comorbidities, mainly autoimmune thyroiditis (37%), were reported. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of autoimmune comorbidities and circulating autoantibodies in this study was in agreement with other surveys conducted on Caucasian patients

    Instrument-, age- and site-dependent variations of dermoscopic patterns of congenital melanocytic naevi: a multicentre study

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    Background Recently, we identified and described dermoscopic aspects, present with a higher frequency in congenital melanocytic lesions with respect to acquired naevi. We also classified small- and medium-sized congenital naevi (CN) into nine subtypes according to their macroscopic and dermoscopic aspects. Objectives Because the recognition of dermoscopic features may be instrument dependent, in this study, we wanted to check whether dermoscopic patterns specific for CN can be identified in digital images acquired by means of different instruments. We also wanted to check the validity of our previously proposed classification and assess possible age- and site-dependent variations of dermoscopic patterns and naevus subtypes. Patients/methods Images corresponding to 384 small- or medium-sized CN were collected in eight different centres employing four different instruments. Lesion images were evaluated and checked for the presence of specific dermoscopic criteria, classified, and compared with a database of 350 acquired naevi. Results Specific and unspecific dermoscopic features were identifiable in images acquired by means of all four instrument types. The mean number of identified features per lesion did not vary according to the instrument employed for the acquisition of the images; however, it was lower for lesions recorded employing low magnifications. The previously proposed classification was easily applied to the whole image database. The variegated naevus type was identified as a highly specific clinical/dermoscopic pattern. Dermoscopic features varied according to age and location. The globular type prevailed in subjects under 11 years of age and on the trunk, whereas the majority of reticular lesions were located on the limbs. Conclusions Because definite clinical and histological criteria for the diagnosis of the congenital nature of naevi are lacking, the use of dermoscopy can be of great help in identifying those lesions where the presence of specific dermoscopic features makes the diagnosis of CN more likely. Moreover, dermoscopy can be useful both for the classification of lesions already identified as congenital according to definite clinical and anamnestic data and for a possible correlation of naevus phenotype and dermoscopic patterns to the risk of developing a malignant melanoma in prospective studies

    Instrument-, age- and site-dependent variations of dermoscopic patterns of congenital melanocytic naevi: a multicentre study

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    Background Recently, we identified and described dermoscopic aspects, present with a higher frequency in congenital melanocytic lesions with respect to acquired naevi. We also classified small- and medium-sized congenital naevi (CN) into nine subtypes according to their macroscopic and dermoscopic aspects. Objectives Because the recognition of dermoscopic features may be instrument dependent, in this study, we wanted to check whether dermoscopic patterns specific for CN can be identified in digital images acquired by means of different instruments. We also wanted to check the validity of our previously proposed classification and assess possible age- and site-dependent variations of dermoscopic patterns and naevus subtypes. Patients/methods Images corresponding to 384 small- or medium-sized CN were collected in eight different centres employing four different instruments. Lesion images were evaluated and checked for the presence of specific dermoscopic criteria, classified, and compared with a database of 350 acquired naevi. Results Specific and unspecific dermoscopic features were identifiable in images acquired by means of all four instrument types. The mean number of identified features per lesion did not vary according to the instrument employed for the acquisition of the images; however, it was lower for lesions recorded employing low magnifications. The previously proposed classification was easily applied to the whole image database. The variegated naevus type was identified as a highly specific clinical/dermoscopic pattern. Dermoscopic features varied according to age and location. The globular type prevailed in subjects under 11 years of age and on the trunk, whereas the majority of reticular lesions were located on the limbs. Conclusions Because definite clinical and histological criteria for the diagnosis of the congenital nature of naevi are lacking, the use of dermoscopy can be of great help in identifying those lesions where the presence of specific dermoscopic features makes the diagnosis of CN more likely. Moreover, dermoscopy can be useful both for the classification of lesions already identified as congenital according to definite clinical and anamnestic data and for a possible correlation of naevus phenotype and dermoscopic patterns to the risk of developing a malignant melanoma in prospective studies

    Instrument-, age- and site-dependent variations of dermoscopic patterns of congenital melanocytic naevi: a multicentre study

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    Background Recently, we identified and described dermoscopic aspects, present with a higher frequency in congenital melanocytic lesions with respect to acquired naevi. We also classified small- and medium-sized congenital naevi (CN) into nine subtypes according to their macroscopic and dermoscopic aspects. Objectives Because the recognition of dermoscopic features may be instrument dependent, in this study, we wanted to check whether dermoscopic patterns specific for CN can be identified in digital images acquired by means of different instruments. We also wanted to check the validity of our previously proposed classification and assess possible age- and site-dependent variations of dermoscopic patterns and naevus subtypes. Patients/methods Images corresponding to 384 small- or medium-sized CN were collected in eight different centres employing four different instruments. Lesion images were evaluated and checked for the presence of specific dermoscopic criteria, classified, and compared with a database of 350 acquired naevi. Results Specific and unspecific dermoscopic features were identifiable in images acquired by means of all four instrument types. The mean number of identified features per lesion did not vary according to the instrument employed for the acquisition of the images; however, it was lower for lesions recorded employing low magnifications. The previously proposed classification was easily applied to the whole image database. The variegated naevus type was identified as a highly specific clinical/dermoscopic pattern. Dermoscopic features varied according to age and location. The globular type prevailed in subjects under 11 years of age and on the trunk, whereas the majority of reticular lesions were located on the limbs. Conclusions Because definite clinical and histological criteria for the diagnosis of the congenital nature of naevi are lacking, the use of dermoscopy can be of great help in identifying those lesions where the presence of specific dermoscopic features makes the diagnosis of CN more likely. Moreover, dermoscopy can be useful both for the classification of lesions already identified as congenital according to definite clinical and anamnestic data and for a possible correlation of naevus phenotype and dermoscopic patterns to the risk of developing a malignant melanoma in prospective studies

    To what extent is quality of life impaired in vitiligo? A multicenter study on italian patients using the dermatology life quality index

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    BACKGROUND: It is believed that vitiligo has an impact on the overall patient quality of life (QoL). OBJECTIVE: To estimate QoL in a fairly large sample of Italian vitiligo patients by using the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) questionnaire. METHODS: One hundred and sixty-one vitiligo patients referred to 9 dermatological centers were offered to participate by filling in the Italian version of the DLQI questionnaire. RESULTS: The mean total DLQI score was 4.3 (SD ±4.9; range: 0-22). In multivariate analysis, DLQI >5 was associated with female gender, stability of the disease over time and involvement of the face at disease onset. CONCLUSIONS: The impairment of QoL is overall limited in Italian vitiligo patients, especially if it is compared with results from other available studies. This could be due to cultural and ethnic characteristics of the sample. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
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