22 research outputs found

    Volume-rendered optical coherence tomography angiography during ocular interventions: Advocating for noninvasive intraoperative retinal perfusion monitoring.

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    We aimed to test for feasibility of volume-rendered optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) as a novel method for assessing/quantifying retinal vasculature during ocular procedures and to explore the potential for intraoperative use. Thirty patients undergoing periocular anaesthesia were enrolled, since published evidence suggests a reduction in ocular blood flow. Retinal perfusion was monitored based on planar OCTA image-derived data provided by a standard quantification algorithm and postprocessed/volume-rendered OCTA data using a custom software script. Overall, imaging procedures were successful, yet imaging artifacts occurred frequently. In interventional eyes, perfusion parameters decreased during anaesthesia. Planar image-derived and volume rendering-derived parameters were correlated. No correlation was found between perfusion parameters and a motion artifact score developed for this study, yet all perfusion parameters correlated with signal strength as displayed by the device. Concluding, volume-rendered OCTA allows for noninvasive three-dimensional retinal vasculature assessment/quantification in challenging surgical settings and appears generally feasible for intraoperative use

    Cynomolgus monkey's choroid reference database derived from hybrid deep learning optical coherence tomography segmentation.

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    Cynomolgus monkeys exhibit human-like features, such as a fovea, so they are often used in non-clinical research. Nevertheless, little is known about the natural variation of the choroidal thickness in relation to origin and sex. A combination of deep learning and a deterministic computer vision algorithm was applied for automatic segmentation of foveolar optical coherence tomography images in cynomolgus monkeys. The main evaluation parameters were choroidal thickness and surface area directed from the deepest point on OCT images within the fovea, marked as the nulla with regard to sex and origin. Reference choroid landmarks were set underneath the nulla and at 500 µm intervals laterally up to a distance of 2000 µm nasally and temporally, complemented by a sub-analysis of the central bouquet of cones. 203 animals contributed 374 eyes for a reference choroid database. The overall average central choroidal thickness was 193 µm with a coefficient of variation of 7.8%, and the overall mean surface area of the central bouquet temporally was 19,335 µm2 and nasally was 19,283 µm2. The choroidal thickness of the fovea appears relatively homogeneous between the sexes and the studied origins. However, considerable natural variation has been observed, which needs to be appreciated

    Feasibility and tolerability of ophthalmic virtual reality as a medical communication tool in children and young people

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    Purpose Virtual reality (VR) can be useful in explaining diseases and complications that affect children in order to improve medical communications with this vulnerable patient group. So far, children and young people’s responses to high-end medical VR environments have never been assessed. Methods An unprecedented number of 320 children and young people were given the opportunity to interact with a VR application displaying original ophthalmic volume data via a commercially available tethered head-mounted display (HMD). Participants completed three surveys: demographics and experience with VR, usability and perceived utility of this technology and the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire. The second survey also probed participants for suggestions on improvements and whether this system could be useful for increasing engagement in science. Results A total of 206 sets of surveys were received. 165 children and young people (84 female) aged 12–18 years (mean, 15 years) completed surveys that could be used for analysis. 69 participants (47.59%) were VR-naïve, and 76 (52.41%) reported that they had previous VR experience. Results show that VR facilitated understanding of ophthalmological complications and was reasonably tolerated. Lastly, exposure to VR raised children and young people’s awareness and interest in science. Conclusions The VR platform used was successfully utilized and was well accepted in children to display and interact with volume-rendered 3D ophthalmological data. Virtual reality (VR) is suitable as a novel image display platform in ophthalmology to engage children and young people

    The effects of β-glucan on human immune and cancer cells

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    Non-prescriptional use of medicinal herbs among cancer patients is common around the world. The alleged anti-cancer effects of most herbal extracts are mainly based on studies derived from in vitro or in vivo animal experiments. The current information suggests that these herbal extracts exert their biological effect either through cytotoxic or immunomodulatory mechanisms. One of the active compounds responsible for the immune effects of herbal products is in the form of complex polysaccharides known as β-glucans. β-glucans are ubiquitously found in both bacterial or fungal cell walls and have been implicated in the initiation of anti-microbial immune response. Based on in vitro studies, β-glucans act on several immune receptors including Dectin-1, complement receptor (CR3) and TLR-2/6 and trigger a group of immune cells including macrophages, neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer cells and dendritic cells. As a consequence, both innate and adaptive response can be modulated by β-glucans and they can also enhance opsonic and non-opsonic phagocytosis. In animal studies, after oral administration, the specific backbone 1→3 linear β-glycosidic chain of β-glucans cannot be digested. Most β-glucans enter the proximal small intestine and some are captured by the macrophages. They are internalized and fragmented within the cells, then transported by the macrophages to the marrow and endothelial reticular system. The small β-glucans fragments are eventually released by the macrophages and taken up by other immune cells leading to various immune responses. However, β-glucans of different sizes and branching patterns may have significantly variable immune potency. Careful selection of appropriate β-glucans is essential if we wish to investigate the effects of β-glucans clinically. So far, no good quality clinical trial data is available on assessing the effectiveness of purified β-glucans among cancer patients. Future effort should direct at performing well-designed clinical trials to verify the actual clinical efficacy of β-glucans or β-glucans containing compounds

    Dynamic volume-rendered optical coherence tomography pupillometry

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    Purpose: To assess intrapupillary space (IPS) changes in healthy subjects with regard to decreased iris motility in patients with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEXG) or non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) in a feasibility study in a clinical environment. Methods: Scotopic and photopic IPS measurements using three-dimensionally rendered swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) data were obtained and compared for all subjects. Intrapupillary space (IPS) parameters were evaluated such as absolute volumetric differences, relative light response for volumetric ratios and pupillary ejection fraction (PEF) for functional contraction measurements. Results: From a total of 122 IPS from 66 subjects, 106 IPS were eligible for comparison providing values for 72 normal, 30 PEXG and 4 NAION eyes. In healthy, PEXG and NAION subjects, scotopic overall mean IPS was 8.90, 3.45 and 4.16 mm3, and photopic overall mean IPS was 0.87, 0.74 and 1.13 mm3, respectively. Three-dimensional contractility showed a mean absolute difference of 8.03 mm3 for normals (defined as 100% contractility), 2.72 mm3 for PEXG (33.88% of normal) and 3.03 mm3 for NAION (38.50% of normal) with a relative light response ratio between scotopic and photopic volumes of 10.26 (100%), 4.69 (45.70%) and 3.67 (35.78%), respectively. Pupillary ejection fraction (PEF) showed a contractile pupillary emptying of 88.11% for normals, 76.92% for PEXG and 70.91% for NAION patients. Conclusion: This 3D pupillometry OCT assessment allows for quantitative measurements of pupil function, contractility and response to light. More specifically, PEF is presented as a potential (neuro)-pupillary outcome measure that could be useful in the monitoring of ophthalmic disorders that affect pupillary function

    Alterations in Postural Control during the World's Most Challenging Mountain Ultra-Marathon

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    We investigated postural control (PC) effects of a mountain ultra-marathon (MUM): a 330-km trail run with 24000 m of positive and negative change in elevation. PC was assessed prior to (PRE), during (MID) and after (POST) the MUM in experienced ultra-marathon runners (n = 18; finish time = 126+/-16 h) and in a control group (n = 8) with a similar level of sleep deprivation. Subjects were instructed to stand upright on a posturographic platform over a period of 51.2 seconds using a double-leg stance under two test conditions: eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC). Traditional measures of postural stability (center of pressure trajectory analysis) and stabilogram-diffusion analysis (SDA) parameters were analysed. For the SDA, a significantly greater short-term effective diffusion was found at POST compared with PRE in the medio-lateral (ML; Dxs) and antero-posterior (AP) directions (Dys) in runners (p<0.05) The critical time interval (Ctx) in the ML direction was significantly higher at MID (p<0.001) and POST (p<0.05) than at PRE in runners. At MID (p<0.001) and POST (p<0.05), there was a significant difference between the two groups. The critical displacement (Cdx) in the ML was significantly higher at MID and at POST (p<0.001) compared with PRE for runners. A significant difference in Cdx was observed between groups in EO at MID (p<0.05) and POST (p<0.005) in the ML direction and in EC at POST in the ML and AP directions (p<0.05). Our findings revealed significant effects of fatigue on PC in runners, including, a significant increase in Ctx (critical time in ML plan) in EO and EC conditions. Thus, runners take longer to stabilise their body at POST than at MID. It is likely that the mountainous characteristics of MUM (unstable ground, primarily uphill/downhill running, and altitude) increase this fatigue, leading to difficulty in maintaining balance

    Palliative care for children and adolescents in Switzerland: a needs analysis across three diagnostic groups

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    The objective of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions and needs of families who care for a child with a life-limiting disease. Considering the heterogeneity of life-limiting diseases in childhood, three diagnostic groups were defined: (a) cancer, (b) neurological disorders, and (c) non-cancer/non-neurological conditions. Fifteen parents whose child had been treated in one of four children's hospitals and received palliative care or had died within the previous 2 years were interviewed. The main interview topics were: communication with professionals, need for support in care (at home or hospital), and bereavement support. Irrespective of the center of care, parents of children with diagnoses other than cancer reported a lack of support concerning practical issues of care and psychosocial aspects. Parents of children with cancer expressed difficulties related to coordination of care especially when care was provided at home. Bereaved parents emphasized their wish for bereavement support. Our findings demonstrate shortcomings in pediatric palliative care in Switzerland and outline basic needs of affected families including psychosocial support, coordination of care and bereavement support. Based on these findings we formulate some suggestions on how to initiate pediatric palliative care in a most efficient way and tailored to the needs of families in Switzerland