14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the influence of kyphosis and scoliosis on intervertebral disc extrusion in French bulldogs

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    Although thoracic vertebral malformations with kyphosis and scoliosis are often considered incidental findings on diagnostic imaging studies of screw-tailed brachycephalic breeds, they have been suggested to interfere with spinal biomechanics and intervertebral disc degeneration. It is however unknown if an abnormal spinal curvature also predisposes dogs to develop clinically relevant intervertebral disc herniations. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the occurrence of thoracic vertebral malformations, kyphosis or scoliosis would be associated with a higher prevalence of cervical or thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion in French bulldogs

    Demography and disorders of the French Bulldog population under primary veterinary care in the UK in 2013

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    Abstract Background Despite its Gallic name, the French Bulldog is a breed of both British and French origin that was first recognised by The Kennel Club in 1906. The French Bulldog has demonstrated recent rapid rises in Kennel Club registrations and is now (2017) the second most commonly registered pedigree breed in the UK. However, the breed has been reported to be predisposed to several disorders including ocular, respiratory, neurological and dermatological problems. The VetCompass™ Programme collates de-identified clinical data from primary-care veterinary practices in the UK for epidemiological research. Using VetCompass™ clinical data, this study aimed to characterise the demography and common disorders of the general population of French Bulldogs under veterinary care in the UK. Results French Bulldogs comprised 2228 (0.49%) of 445,557 study dogs under veterinary care during 2013. Annual proportional birth rates showed that the proportional ownership of French Bulldog puppies rose steeply from 0.02% of the annual birth cohort attending VetCompass™ practices in 2003 to 1.46% in 2013. The median age of the French Bulldogs overall was 1.3 years (IQR 0.6–2.5, range 0.0–13.0). The most common colours of French Bulldogs were brindle (solid or main) (32.36%) and fawn (solid or main) (29.9%). Of the 2228 French Bulldogs under veterinary care during 2013, 1612 (72.4%) had at least one disorder recorded. The most prevalent fine-level precision disorders recorded were otitis externa (14.0%, 95% CI: 12.6–15.5), diarrhoea (7.5%, 95% CI: 6.4–8.7), conjunctivitis (3.2%, 95% CI: 2.5–4.0), nails overlong (3.1%, 95% CI% 2.4–3.9) and skin fold dermatitis (3.0%, 95% CI% 2.3–3.8). The most prevalent disorder groups were cutaneous (17.9%, 95% CI: 16.3–19.6), enteropathy (16.7%, 95% CI: 15.2–18.3), aural (16.3%, 95% CI: 14.8–17.9), upper respiratory tract (12.7%, 95% CI: 11.3–14.1) and ophthalmological (10.5%, 95% CI: 9.3–11.9). Conclusions Ownership of French Bulldogs in the UK is rising steeply. This means that the disorder profiles reported in this study reflect a current young UK population and are likely to shift as this cohort ages. Otitis externa, diarrhoea and conjunctivitis were the most common disorders in French Bulldogs. Identification of health priorities based on VetCompass™ data can support evidence–based reforms to improve health and welfare within the breed

    Observações preliminares sôbre o modo de aplicação do fósforo e a sua absorção pela videira, empregando-se superfosfato radioativo

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado em um vinhedo comercial na região de Jundiaí com a finalidade de se estudar o efeito do modo de aplicação do superfosfato-P32 na sua absorção pela videira. A variedade IAC 313 foi a escolhida. Os resultados dêste ensaio permitem concluir preliminarmente que, para as condições de solo e da variedade estudada, a absorção do fósforo do superfosfato aplicado em cobertura se efetua de maneira mais rápida do que quando em profundidade.Les résultats de cet essai ont montré que l\u27absorption du phosphore, appliqué sous la forme de superphosphate - 32P, est plus rapide en surface qu\u27en profondeur. Si bien qu\u27il a été constaté une tendance des teneuns, en phosphore à diminuer à la fin de l\u27essai, fait dû probablement à la migration de cet element des feuilles aux racines, le pourcentage de phosphore provenant de l\u27engrais continua à augmenter; ceci nous indique que l\u27utilisation du phosphore de l\u27engrais continue même à la fin du cycle végétatif

    Estratégias de aprendizagem e fatores motivacionais relacionados Learning strategies and related motivational factors

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    O estudo sobre aprendizagem autorregulada de uma perspectiva sociocognitiva tem integrado fatores cognitivos, metacognitivos, afetivos e motivacionais. Um dos constructos mais investigados nesta área é o de estratégias de aprendizagem, pois seu uso pelos estudantes é considerado um importante indicativo do nível de autorregulação. Nota-se que embora muitos alunos conheçam um repertório de estratégias, nem sempre relatam utilizá-las com frequência. Assume-se, portanto, que esta atividade requer esforço e é marcadamente afetada pela motivação do aluno. Dessa forma, tem-se como finalidade neste artigo, discutir a relação entre estratégias de aprendizagem e algumas variáveis motivacionais que têm sido sistematicamente relacionadas a este constructo: autoeficácia, metas de realização e valor da tarefa.<br>The study about self-regulated learning from a socio-cognitive perspective has integrated cognitive, metacognitive, affective and motivational aspects. Learning strategy has been one of the most investigated constructs in this area, because its use by students is considered a relevant indicative of the self-regulation level. It has been noted that although many students know different strategies, they do not relate to use them frequently. Therefore, it is assumed that this activity requires effort and is markedly affected by students' motivation. For that reason, this article aims to discuss the relation between learning strategies and some motivational variables that have been systematically related to this construct: self-efficacy, achievement goals and task-value

    Caracterização fenotípica de três seleções de maracujazeiro-roxo (Passiflora edulis Sims) Phenotypic characterization in three selections of purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims)

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    O interesse pelo cultivo do maracujazeiro-roxo vem crescendo no centro-sul do País, visando à exportação. Observa-se um número significativo de formas selvagens, nativas, compatíveis entre si, propagadas por sementes de polinização aberta, ampliando a variabilidade natural da fruteira. Com o objetivo de identificar cruzamentos com características comerciais desejáveis e disponibilizar sementes de matrizes selecionadas aos produtores, foram realizados estudos de caracterização agronômica, morfológica e citogenética, envolvendo seleções do Banco de Germoplasma de Passifloras do IAC, denominadas 'Roxinho-Miúdo', 'Paulista' e 'Maracujá-Maçã'. Durante duas safras consecutivas, foram analisados cerca de 350 flores e 150 frutos de cada seleção. A maior amplitude de variação ocorreu na massa e no tamanho dos frutos (de 21 a 193 g por fruto), seguidos pelo teor de sólidos solúveis (de 15,2 a 21,4º Brix), produção por planta (11,5 a 30,8 kg) e número de sementes por fruto (de 39 a 261 sementes). A viabilidade polínica variou de 77 a 94,5%, enquanto o teste de germinação do pólen em ágar apresentou índices de 65,5 a 86%, contribuindo para o diferencial em produtividade observado. Todas as seleções apresentaram características comerciais desejáveis. 'Roxinho-Miúdo' possui fruto redondo, pequeno, com 4 cm de diâmetro, doce e de coloração roxo-intensa, adequando-se à preferência internacional. A seleção 'Paulista' apresentou frutos ovais, destacando-se pela dupla finalidade, podendo atender também à agroindústria. O 'Maracujá-Maçã' distinguiu-se pelo maior tamanho, formato arredondado e casca rosada, apto para um segmento diferenciado de mercado, que comercializa frutas por unidade e privilegia a qualidade.<br>The interest in purple passion-fruit production is becoming higher in southeast of Brazil, aiming exportation. There are some wild, different native types with high variability due open pollination that promotes an increase in natural variability. The aim of the present work is to identify varieties with commercial values among the species and the production of seeds for breeders wishing the selection for yield improvement. In the present paper were studied horticultural, cytogenetic and morphological characters among genotypes from the IAC Germoplasm Bank of Passiflora ('Roxinho-miúdo', 'Paulista' and 'Maracujá-Maçã'). It was analyzed in each material three hundred and fifty flowers and one hundred and fifty fruits during two consecutive years. Higher differences were observed in fruit weight and size (21 to 193 g per fruit), TSS (15.2 to 21.4º Brix), plant production (11.5 to 30.8 kg) and number of seeds in the fruit (39 to 261 seeds). The pollen fertility rises from seventy-seven until ninety four percent and pollen germination was higher increasing the fruit productivity. The tested selections presented desirable commercial characteristics. The "Roxinho Miúdo" has a round small fruit, with a 4 cm diameter, sweet, purple dark, excellent to an international consumer. The 'Paulista' has oval fruits and good to fresh fruit market and or to juicy industry. The 'Maracujá-Maçã' has the biggest size; a round and a pinky colored peel good to be traded in a unique market that commercializes fruits by unit and privileges the quality