936 research outputs found

    Routing in packet switched computer communication networks

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    This thesis concerns the optimization of the routing path in packet-switched computer-communication networks. Computer-communication networks over the past decade are outlined. A glossary of some of the terms used throughout this thesis are introduced. A brief description follows of the advantages of packet switching over the more conventional circuit-switched scheme for information transfer. The important design variables that a network planner is faced with in the design of these networks are discussed. A general design problem is stated and then decomposed into simpler subproblems one of which is the link-capacity assignment problem, which is briefly discussed. The route-assignment problem is identified as being of particular importance and is specified. A network model is introduced and relationships between performance measures, input parameters and constraints that appear in the general design problem are discussed. The routing problem is the formulated and a heuristic routing procedure is suggested as a sub-optimum solution to the problem. Basic routing methods are discussed. The principles of datagram and virtual circuit techniques are explained with reference to the routing of packets throughout the network. The directory routing technique with alternate routing is identified as being a specific requirement and the operation of this technique is explained in more detail. Two basic algorithms are introduced. The first which determines the shortest, second shortest, third shortest, etc., paths between all pairs of nodes in a network. The second which determines from all the paths in the first algorithm, the best alternative paths between all pairs of nodes in a network. A heuristic routing algorithm for establishing routing tables at each of the individual nodes in a packet switched data network is presented. Among the properties of a desirable routing algorithm is that the paths established between all node pairs are such that the average packet delay from source to destination node is minimal. The heuristic-routing algorithm proposed is to-be implemented on a newly proposed SAPONET packet-switching network, with special emphasis on the minimization of the average packet delay of the network. Results are presented and discussed for different combinations of the primary, secondary, tertiary and fourth alternative paths obtained. Finally, results are summarized and areas for further work identified

    Anaerobic digestion of algal biomass for bioenergy production- a feasibility study

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    AD technology is well developed, cost efficient and can be easily implemented in developing countries. Biogas production has become a very topical subject, with many European nations introducing initiatives to increase biogas production. AD of algal biomass was studied in detail during the 1980’s, however, with the current drive toward cleaner technology processes, there has been a renewed interest in the technology. This study investigated the feasibility of using algal biomass as a feedstock for AD

    Anthrax: A possible case history.

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    Sous-traitance, restructurations d’entreprises, clauses d’ouverture dans les conventions collectives, culture du management participatif, recours accru aux travailleurs intérimaires : le jeu des partenaires sociaux s’est radicalement transformé. Comment le moderniser ? Issues de l’édition 2008 du forum de Düsseldorf sur le droit social et le droit du travail, les différentes contri­butions apportent des éléments de réponse, abordant tour à tour la jurisprudence, la coopé­ration entre conseils..

    Biological Warfare at the 1346 Siege of Caffa

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    On the basis of a 14th-century account by the Genoese Gabriele de’ Mussi, the Black Death is widely believed to have reached Europe from the Crimea as the result of a biological warfare attack. This is not only of great historical interest but also relevant to current efforts to evaluate the threat of military or terrorist use of biological weapons. Based on published translations of the de’ Mussi manuscript, other 14th-century accounts of the Black Death, and secondary scholarly literature, I conclude that the claim that biological warfare was used at Caffa is plausible and provides the best explanation of the entry of plague into the city. This theory is consistent with the technology of the times and with contemporary notions of disease causation; however, the entry of plague into Europe from the Crimea likely occurred independent of this event