329 research outputs found

    Adaptation of growth rate of Populus euramericana to light and nitrate proceeds via the vascular system.

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    Shoots of Populus euramericana (Dode) Guinier cv. 'Robusta' were cultivated in subirrigated gravel culture at irradiances of 7.5 and 30.0 W m~2 and at 3 nitrate dosages in proportionality to irradiance. It is shown that (i) a poplar shoot adapts to a linear nitrate dosage in a similar way as to irradiance, viz. via adaptation of the volume of the growing shoot (GS), (ii) nitrate concentration of the organs, chlorophyll content, nitrate reductase activity of the leaves and shoot-root ratio are mainly a function of the ratio irradiance/nitrate-dosage (I/N-ratio) and (iii) the proposed morphogenic model provides a better basis for comprehension of these effects than the exponential model. It is suggested that the volume of GS is a reflection of the development of the vascular system. The constancy of the optimal I/N-ratio may point to a morphogenetic significance of protein synthesis for the enlargement of the vascular system

    Steady state nutrition by transpiration controlled nutrient supply

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    Programmed nutrient addition with a constant relative addition rate has been advocated as a suitable research technique for inducing steady state nutrition in exponentially growing plants. Transpiration controlled nutrient supply is proposed as an alternative technique for plants with a short or no exponential growth phase. A two-weeks experiment with transpiration controlled nitrogen supply to Pennisetum americanum was carried out to evaluate this method. After an adaptation phase a constant plant N-concentration was maintained, while the relative growth rate decreased rapidly. The transpiration coefficient was almost constant in time and insensitive to moderate N-stress, but increased sharply when plant N-concentration dropped below 1760 mmol/kg DW. Relative growth rate and nitrogen productivity showed a steep decline at the lowest N concentrations (about 1000 mmol/kg DW). Nitrogen productivity was optimal at about 1760 mmol/kg DW. The results show that transpiration controlled nutrient supply is applicable in research and gives accurate results in growth analysis. When the transpiration coefficient is known, the nutrient solution can be adjusted to give any desired plant N-concentration, except for the lowest concentrations

    Testing the Growth Rate Hypothesis in Vascular Plants with Above- and Below-Ground Biomass

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    The growth rate hypothesis (GRH) proposes that higher growth rate (the rate of change in biomass per unit biomass, μ) is associated with higher P concentration and lower C∶P and N∶P ratios. However, the applicability of the GRH to vascular plants is not well-studied and few studies have been done on belowground biomass. Here we showed that, for aboveground, belowground and total biomass of three study species, μ was positively correlated with N∶C under N limitation and positively correlated with P∶C under P limitation. However, the N∶P ratio was a unimodal function of μ, increasing for small values of μ, reaching a maximum, and then decreasing. The range of variations in μ was positively correlated with variation in C∶N∶P stoichiometry. Furthermore, μ and C∶N∶P ranges for aboveground biomass were negatively correlated with those for belowground. Our results confirm the well-known association of growth rate with tissue concentration of the limiting nutrient and provide empirical support for recent theoretical formulations

    The influence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon subareolatus on growth and nutrient element localisation in two varieties of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii and var. glauca) in response to manganese stress

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    Acidification of forest ecosystems leads to increased plant availability of the micronutrient manganese (Mn), which is toxic when taken up in excess. To investigate whether ectomycorrhizas protect against excessive Mn by improving plant growth and nutrition or by retention of excess Mn in the hyphal mantle, seedlings of two populations of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), two varieties, one being menziesii (DFM) and the other being glauca (DFG), were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon subareolatus in sand cultures. Five months after inoculation, half of the inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings were exposed to excess Mn in the nutrient solution for further 5 months. At the end of this period, plant productivity, nutrient concentrations, Mn uptake and subcellular compartmentalisation were evaluated. Non-inoculated, non-stressed DFM plants produced about 2.5 times more biomass than similarly treated DFG. Excess Mn in the nutrient solution led to high accumulation of Mn in needles and roots but only to marginal loss in biomass. Colonisation with R. subareolatus slightly suppressed DFM growth but strongly reduced that of DFG (−50%) despite positive effects of mycorrhizas on plant phosphorus nutrition. Growth reductions of inoculated Douglas fir seedlings were unexpected since the degree of mycorrhization was not high, i.e. ca. 30% in DFM and 8% in DFG. Accumulation of high Mn was not prevented in inoculated seedlings. The hyphal mantle of mycorrhizal root tips accumulated divalent cations such as Ca, but not Mn, thus not providing a barrier against excessive Mn uptake into the plants associated with R. subareolatus

    Patterns of Plant Biomass Partitioning Depend on Nitrogen Source

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    Nitrogen (N) availability is a strong determinant of plant biomass partitioning, but the role of different N sources in this process is unknown. Plants inhabiting low productivity ecosystems typically partition a large share of total biomass to belowground structures. In these systems, organic N may often dominate plant available N. With increasing productivity, plant biomass partitioning shifts to aboveground structures, along with a shift in available N to inorganic forms of N. We tested the hypothesis that the form of N taken up by plants is an important determinant of plant biomass partitioning by cultivating Arabidopsis thaliana on different N source mixtures. Plants grown on different N mixtures were similar in size, but those supplied with organic N displayed a significantly greater root fraction. 15N labelling suggested that, in this case, a larger share of absorbed organic N was retained in roots and split-root experiments suggested this may depend on a direct incorporation of absorbed amino acid N into roots. These results suggest the form of N acquired affects plant biomass partitioning and adds new information on the interaction between N and biomass partitioning in plants

    Mineral deficiency and the presence of Pinus sylvestris on mires during the mid- to late Holocene: Palaeoecological data from Cadogan's Bog, Mizen Peninsula, Co. Cork, southwest Ireland

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    Pollen records across parts of Ireland, England and northern Scotland show a dramatic collapse in Pinus pollen percentages at approximately 4000 radiocarbon years BP. This phenomenon has attracted much palaeoecological interest and several hypotheses have been put forward to account for this often synchronous and rapid reduction in pine from mid-Holocene woodland. Explanations for the 'pine decline' include prehistoric human activity, climatic change, in particular a substantial increase in precipitation resulting in increased mire wetness, and airborne pollution associated with the deposition of tephra. Hitherto, one largely untested hypothesis is that mineral deficiency could adversely affect pine growth and regeneration on mire surfaces. The discovery of pine-tree remains (wood pieces, stumps and trunks) within a peat located at Cadogan's Bog on the Mizen Peninsula, southwest Ireland, provided an opportunity to investigate the history of Pinus sylvestris and also to assess the importance of mineral nutrition in maintaining pine growth on mires. Pollen, plant macrofossils, microscopic charcoal and geochemical data are presented from a radiocarbon dated monolith extracted from this peat together with tree ring-width data and radiocarbon dated age estimates from subfossil wood. Analyses of these data suggest that peat accumulation commenced at the site around 6000 years BP when pine was the dominant local tree. Thereafter Pinus pollen percentages diminish in two stages, with the second decline taking place around 4160 ± 50 years BP. Concomitant with this decline in Pinus pollen, there is a noticeable, short-lived increase in wet-loving mire taxa and a decrease in the concentration of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron and zinc. These results suggest that increased mire surface wetness, possibly the result of a change in climate, created conditions unsuitable for pine growth c. 4000 years BP. Mire surface wetness, coupled with a period of associated nutrient deficiency, appears to be a possible explanation for a lack of subsequent pine-seedling establishment for most of the later Holocene