106 research outputs found

    Bryophyte diversity and vascular plants

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    Morphology and habitat properties of Tortula lingulata in Estonia

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    Tortula lingulata Lindb. is a moss that is rare in Europe and under protection in Estonia. It grows sparsely on sandstone outcrops. Eight localities are known in Estonia. Main morphological characters of the species and environmental parameters were measured at five sites. The moss shoots were longer at sites with higher sandstone moisture, and the nerve of the leaves was wider at sites with higher moisture and conductivity level under the moss patch.

    Revised Red Data List of Estonian bryophytes

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    All Estonian bryophyte species (597) that had written records up to 2018 were evaluated against IUCN criteria. More than half of the species belong to the least concern category, but almost one fourth (158) is evaluated as threatened, and one tenth (65) as near threatened. Eleven species are data deficient and 15 species are considered to be regionally extinct from Estonia. To achieve adequate assessment results for a small country, some criteria were adjusted. Changes compared to the previous red list and threats to the species are discussed.  This version replaces the version of the same paper from 2018-08-14

    Annotated checklist of Estonian bryophytes

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    The updated list of Estonian bryophytes includes 594 species from all three phyla. Only one species is reported for Estonia according to the literature data, all others have voucher speciemens in herbaria, two of them outside of Estonia. Altogether 242 species are frequent in Estonia, 173 species are rare, and 161 are sporadically distributed. We do not have any recent data for 20 species, and their presence in Estonia is doubtful. In 2008 a new Estonian Red list was compiled and 369 bryophyte species were evaluated against IUCN criteria. Approximately one fifth of the Estonian bryoflora (129 species) is designated to the three threat categories.  Electronic supplement at http://www.ut.ee/ial5/fce/fce52supplement/FCE52_Vellak_supplement.ht

    Comparing the socialist rural architecture of the Baltic States: the past and the future of the administrative-cultural centres of collective farms.

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    Collectivisation of agriculture in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania was a drastic change that shaped rural built landscapes of the Baltic countries for five decades. Although Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been independent states, and collective farming has been abolished for almost thirty years now, the physical legacy of collective farms still exists. This paper examines what are the present processes in terms of preservation and valorisation of collective farm architectural heritage in the Baltic States. The focus of the analysis is on the administrativecultural buildings of the collective farms, built between the 1960s and 1990s, which represent the modernist and postmodernist rural architectural gems. I compare the context of the establishment of the administrative-cultural centres in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as developments in reuse and protection of these buildings after the abolishment of collective farming. I also analyse today's situation in terms of acceptance of this socialist legacy as a meaningful part of the history. My study is based on the field work in the relevant countries, available literature and data, and interviews conducted with the heritage conservation experts and researchers in this field

    New Estonian records: Mosses

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    The number of bryophyte species known from Estonia was 583 in 2011 (Vellak et al., 2011). Seven moss species and one subspecies have been identified and added as new to the Estonian bryoflora during last two years.

    Teadmise esiletulemine võõrkeeletunni multimodaalses suhtluses

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    Keeletunni diskursusel on kindel eesmärk – omandada uusi teadmisi ja oskusi sihtkeele kohta. Sellises suhtlussituatsioonis osaleb tavaliselt rohkem kui kaks inimest. Nii on õpetaja üheks peamiseks ülesandeks koordineerida osalejate tegevust võimalikult tõhusal moel ning saada sel viisil tagasisidet õpilaste teadmiste kohta. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks ja kõikide osaliste koostöö sujumiseks kehtivad tunnis suhtlusnormid. Need aga mõjutavad osalejate sõnaliste, prosoodiliste ja kehaliigutuslike modaalsuste kasutamist. Artikkel käsitleb juhtumit, kus õpilased soovivad teadmisi väljendada, kuid nende tegevust piirab suhtlusnorm – ühe õpilase vastamisõigus. Analüüsi aluseks olev videolõik on filmitud kõrgkooli loengus, kus õpiti eesti keelt võõrkeelena. Diskursusanalüüsi ja mikroetnograafilise lähenemise kombineerimisel saadud tulemused näitavad, et vaatlusalused õpilased leiavad viisi, kuidas oma teadmisest ning vastamisvalmidusest märku anda. Õpilased kasutavad selleks peamiselt liigutuslikke modaalsusi. Üks õpilane väljendab normile allumisest tulenevat pinget, mis avaldub üksnes mitmesugustes kehaliigutustes. Õpilaste tegevus annab õpetajale olulist teavet, kuidas suhtlust juhtida

    Additions and changes to the species list of Estonian bryophytes

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    Since the last additions (Vellak et al., 2021), four new species should be added to the list. Two of these (Calypogeia fissa and Timmia austriaca) are new finds, two (Hedwigia emodica and Syntrichia ruraliformis) were earlier known as varieties in Estonia. One species (Seligeria patula) should be excluded from the list since the voucher specimen was re-identified as S. calcarea and no other specimens were found among all collected specimens of genus Seligeria in Estonian herbaria and during inventories of genus Seligeria at all known localities in Estonia in 2020-2021. The number of species in Estonian bryoflora is now 615. The distribution and threats on the new species in Estonia are not known yet and need further inventories, thus all are evaluated here as data deficient (DD). Estonian names for all new species are presented in parenthesis and the distribution and ecology is briefly discussed

    Additions to the Estonian Bryoflora 2019-2021: Liverworts and Mosses

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    Six species and one subspecies new for Estonia have been found during recent fieldworks. In addition, three varieties from our bryoflora are now accepted as species and so the number of species in Estonian bryoflora is currently 611. Voucher specimens are selected for all new species reported here. Most of the species are included preliminarily into category Data Deficient (DD) according to IUCN structure. Besides this, updated proposals for threat categories are given for four noteworthy bryophytes, which localities were inspected in 2019-2020. Estonian names are given to all new species


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    Artiklis antakse ülevaade TÜ eesti keele võõrkeelena osakonna teadusuuringutest, mis on seotud multimodaalse suhtluse uuringute grupi tegevusega, sealjuures koostööga germaani-romaani-slaavi filoloogia instituudiga, ning mida toetab Eesti Teadusfondi grandiprojekt. Mõned osakonna töötajad on kaasatud Põhjamaade ülikoole siduvasse PlaceME projekti, mille uurimisvaldkonnad on seotud osakonna doktorantide teemadega diskursusuuringute ja multimodaalse suhtluse meetodite rakendamise läbi. Meetodeid saab kasutada suhtluspädevuste ja suhtlusstrateegiate analüüsis ja edendamises, keeleõppes ja keelekasutuse uuringutes