17 research outputs found

    Hvordan ivaretas samspillsveiledning til foreldre i norske nyfødtintensivenheter?

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    Bakgrunn: Nasjonale retningslinjer anbefaler at foreldre til prematurt fødte barn tilbys kunnskapsbasert samspillsveiledning mens barnet er innlagt på sykehus. Forskning viser at foreldreveiledningsprogrammet «Mother-Infant Transaction Program» (MITP-m) kan fremme vedvarende god utvikling og tilpasning i familier med prematurt fødte barn. Hensikt: Denne studien undersøker i hvilken grad programmets antatte kjerneelementer er implementert i norske nyfødtposter, og hvorvidt denne kunnskapen påvirker foreldres mestringstro i foreldrerollen like etter utskrivelse fra sykehuset. Metode: Totalt 150 foreldre fra åtte ulike nyfødtintensivenheter i Norge besvarte et elektronisk spørreskjema to uker etter at de ble utskrevet fra sykehuset. Spørreskjemaet besto av egenutviklede spørsmål om MITP-m samt to validerte spørreskjemaer. Vi har analysert dataene deskriptivt og gjennom regresjonsanalyser. Resultat: Foreldrene fortalte at de kk mye generell veiledning og opplæring. Samspillstemaer, slik som veiledning om tilstandsregulering og barns sosiale natur, syntes i mindre grad å være ivaretatt. Foreldre som bekreftet mye samspillskunnskap etter utskrivelsen, kk god oppfølging av de faste kontaktsykepleierne og den behandlende legen. Foreldrene var mye til stede på avdelingen, og de hadde betydelig støtte i sitt eget sosiale nettverk. Det sosiale nettverket er spesielt viktig for opplevd mestringstro i foreldrerollen etter utskrivelsen. Konklusjon: Foreldrene rapporterer om god oppfølging i nyfødtintensivavdelingene. De følte seg godt ivaretatt av dedikerte kontaktsykepleiere og behandlende leger. Det fremkommer ikke av resultatene om dette var relatert til ulike veiledningsprogrammer. Foreldreveiledning med søkelys på barnets tilstandsregulering og sosiale kapasitet og behov bør trolig styrkes

    Simulering som pedagogisk metode ved avdeling for helsefag (AHF) - Implementering og videreføring

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    Ved avdeling for helsefag ved høgskolen i Ålesund arbeides det med innføring og utvikling av simulering som pedagogisk metode. Planen er at metoden skal benyttes på alle semester ved sykepleie bachelor, ved de videreutdanningene der det er hensiktsmessig, samt ved masterutdanningen. Utgangspunktet for valg av scanarier er tema i fagplanen. Simuleringen er integrert i den totale undervisingen som gis ved avdeling for helsefag, der en benytter seg av fleire pedagogiske metoder for å dekke fagplanens pensum. I 2012 ble første prosjektåret gjennomført (se rapport 2012). I 2013 ble det også prioritert midler til et nytt prosjektår som hadde til hensikt å videreutvikle og videreføre arbeidet som var satt i gang året før. Tre personer fikk 30% stilling hvert til dette arbeidet. Dette var arbeidsgruppen. Arbeidsgruppen hadde en styringsgruppe bestående av Bente S. Skagøy fagseksjonsleder sykepleierutdanningen, Ingunn Vasset fagansvarlig for videreutdanningene AIO og Gunhild Furnes rådgiver ved helsefag. I denne rapporten beskrives hvordan arbeidet ble videreført

    Differences and similarities between mothers and fathers of premature children: a qualitative study of parents' coping experiences in a neonatal intensive care unit

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    Background: The aim of this study was to explore and describe the coping experiences of parents to children admitted to a neonatal unit. Methods: A qualitative research approach was chosen, using in-depth interviews with eight fathers and eight mothers. Results: The main findings were that parents with previous complicated births had more difficulties in coping compared to those parents with no experience with complications. Coping seemed easier where parents’ opinions were heard regarding their baby’s care and when both parents were present in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The main similarities between mothers and fathers were the reluctance to speak their opinions on childcare, and both experienced a sense of alienation and problems in bonding with the baby. They also needed a limitation on the number of visitors in the NICU. Differences between mothers and fathers were that fathers tried hard to be the strong partner in the relationship, and were more concerned with the mother if she was seriously ill postpartum, while mothers were more concerned for their baby. Mothers’ postpartum period was felt as more stressful if the father was not present, but mothers were also better at welcoming support from the health personnel. Conclusion: This study highlights the parent’s coping experiences in NICUs. Coping seemed easier where parents’ opinions were heard. Nurses in the NICU should take the former experiences of the parents into consideration when nursing in the NICU and planning for discharge

    Validation of the Neonatal Satisfaction Survey (NSS-8) in six Norwegian neonatal intensive care units: a quantitative cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background The experience of having their new-borns admitted to an intensive care unit (NICU) can be extremely distressing. Subsequent risk of post-incident-adjustment difficulties are increased for parents, siblings, and affected families. Patient and next of kin satisfaction surveys provide key indicators of quality in health care. Methodically constructed and validated survey tools are in short supply and parents’ experiences of care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units is under-researched. This paper reports a validation of the Neonatal Satisfaction Survey (NSS-8) in six Norwegian NICUs. Methods Parents’ survey returns were collected using the Neonatal Satisfaction Survey (NSS-13). Data quality and psychometric properties were systematically assessed using exploratory factor analysis, tests of internal consistency, reliability, construct, convergent and discriminant validity. Each set of hospital returns were subjected to an apostasy analysis before an overall satisfaction rate was calculated. Results The survey sample of 568 parents represents 45% of total eligible population for the period of the study. Missing data accounted for 1,1% of all returns. Attrition analysis shows congruence between sample and total population. Exploratory factor analysis identified eight factors of concern to parents,“Care and Treatment”, “Doctors”, “Visits”, “Information”, “Facilities”, “Parents’ Anxiety”, “Discharge” and “Sibling Visits”. All factors showed satisfactory internal consistency, good reliability (Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.70–0.94). For the whole scale of 51 items α 0.95. Convergent validity using Spearman’s rank between the eight factors and question measuring overall satisfaction was significant on all factors. Discriminant validity was established for all factors. Overall satisfaction rates ranged from 86 to 90% while for each of the eight factors measures of satisfaction varied between 64 and 86%. Conclusion The NSS-8 questionnaire is a valid and reliable scale for measuring parents’ assessment of quality of care in NICU. Statistical analysis confirms the instrument’s capacity to gauge parents’ experiences of NICU. Further research is indicated to validate the survey questionnaire in other Nordic countries and beyond

    parental Satisfaction with neonatal intensive care units: a quantitative cross-sectional study

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    Background Patients and users experiences are useful for monitoring the quality of the hospital provisions and to improve health care delivery. Research results on associations between parental satisfaction and their socio-demographic status are inconclusive. We have also found a scarcity of research on the associations between parental satisfaction and standards of neonatal intensive care (NICU) services. We used the Neonatal Satisfaction Survey (NSS-8) to collect data to explore associations between parental satisfaction and socio-demographic variables and, associations between parents’ satisfaction and NICU care-services. Methods A total of 568 parents from six different NICUs geographically dispersed in Norway completed the (NSS-8). All responses were rated and analysed using nonparametric analyses and logistic regression. Results Support from families and friends is the most important sociodemographic area which links to reported levels of parental satisfaction. The most important areas for parents’ satisfaction with NICU care services include the decision making processes regarding the infant, respect and empathy from staff, and the continuity of treatment and care. Parents were least satisfied with how NICUs facilitate ongoing care for siblings, parents and infants during later stages of their hospital stay. Parents reported being in need of more guidance and training in meeting their child’s needs. Conclusion To increase and sustain parents’ satisfaction with NICU care considerations should be given to separate elements of the total provision made for affected families. This study suggests that health personnel could address the needs of all family members as these evolve through phases of their stays in hospitals; be more attentive to parents with very preterm infants and parents with long NICU admissions; provide support to siblings; and give more attention to parents’ needs for continuity of care, follow-up, and information.publishedVersion© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ ) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated

    Protocol: Vocabulary interventions for second language (L2) learners up to six years

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: The primary objective is to examine the immediate and long‐term effects of second language (L2) vocabulary interventions targeting L2 learners up to six years of age on vocabulary and social‐emotional well‐being. The secondary objectives are to examine associations between L2 vocabulary interventions and general characteristics of L2 learners (e.g. age, L2 exposure and L1 skills), as well as specific characteristics of L2 learners who do not appear to benefit from treatment

    Analisis pengaruh nilai pelanggan, kualitas pelayanan dan kedekatan emosional terhadap loyalitas nasabah : studi kasus pada BANK CIMB NIAGA Universitas Sanata Dharma

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    The level densities and γ-ray strength functions of 105,106,111,112Cd have been extracted from particle-γ coincidence data using the Oslo method. The level densities are in very good agreement with known levels at low excitation energy. The γ-ray strength functions display no strong enhancement for low γ energies. However, more low-energy strength is apparent for 105,106Cd than for 111,112Cd. For γ energies above ≈4 MeV, there is evidence for some extra strength, similar to what has been previously observed for the Sn isotopes. The origin of this extra strength is unclear; it might be due to E1 and M1 transitions originating from neutron skin oscillations or the spin-flip resonance, respectively. © 2013 American Physical Societ

    Evidence for the dipole nature of the low-energy γ enhancement in 56Fe

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    The γ-ray strength function of 56Fe has been measured from proton-γ coincidences for excitation energies up to ≈11  MeV. The low-energy enhancement in the γ-ray strength function, which was first discovered in the (3He,αγ)56Fe reaction, is confirmed with the (p,p′γ)56Fe experiment reported here. Angular distributions of the γ rays give for the first time evidence that the enhancement is dominated by dipole transitions. © 2013 American Physical Societ