34 research outputs found


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    AFLP marker frequencies per population based on the combined AFLP matrix . Used as inputfile for NJ-analyses among population


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    AFLP matrix based on the combined scoring of on primer in common among the original data sets for B. nana and B. pubescens and reference specie


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    Geographical distances among B. nana populations used for Mantel tes


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    Input file to the software program STRUCTURE based on the AFLP matrix only including B.nana ind(528) and 115 markers, 3 primer combination

    Betula_pubescens_and ref_pop_marker_frq__3primers

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    AFLP marker frequencies per population based on the original B pubescens AFLP matrix (3 primers). Used as inputfile for NJ-analyses among population


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    Subset of the original AFLP matrix (3primers)nwithout populations of B. glandulosa, 115 polymorphic markers and 528 in


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    Alignment file for trnS-trnG region based on plastid sequences used to generate haplotype


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    Input-file to STRUCTURE software based on the combined AFLP matrix with 901 individuals, 104 markers (one primer combination


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    Subset of the original aflp matrix of B. pubescens, without reference populations-only including 303 individuals of B. pubescens, 3 primer combinations, 132 marker