23 research outputs found

    A web application for browsing a folk music collection

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    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena realizacija spletne aplikacije, ki uporabniku omogoča pregled zbirke ljudske glasbe in iskanje po njej. Razvili smo idejo in jo implementirali v programskem jeziku C#. Uporabili smo ogrodje .NET, arhitekturo MVC5, strežnik MSSQL in iskalni strežnik Elasticsearch. Spletna aplikacija omogoča splošno iskanje ljudske glasbe in iskanje z uporabo filtrov. Za iskanje s filtri smo uporabili Googlov pristop pametnega iskanja. Možen je tudi vnos melodije preko tekstovnega polja ali z uporabo klaviature in tudi iskanje po melodiji. Zaradi uporabe Elasticsearch strežnika sta iskanje in prikaz rezultatov hitra. Omogočen je tudi prikaz notnega zapisa, PDF datotek ter predvajanje avdio in MIDI datotek posameznih pesmi.The thesis presents the realization of a web application that allows the user to review a folk music collection and search within it. We developed the idea and implemented it using C# programming language. We used the .NET framework, MVC5 architecture, MSSQL server and Elasticsearch search server. The Web application provides general searching of folk music and searching with the help of filters. We used Google’s smart search approach for searching with the filters. We can enter a melody in the text field or use the keyboard to search by melody. Searching and displaying of results are fast, due to the use of the Elasticsearch server. The application also shows musical notations, PDF-files and can play audio and MIDI files

    Drought-related vulnerability and risk assessment of groundwater recharge in Belgium: groundwater recharge simulation for agricultural land with the B-CGMS.

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    peer reviewedGroundwater drought remains poorly studied under temperate climate. The GroWaDRISK project aims at covering this gap by studying the influencing factors and the drought-related impacts on the environment, water supply and agriculture in the area of the Dijle and Demer catchment. In order to evaluate the current recharge (1980-2012), both models B-CGMS and WetSpass are used under various land uses and land covers. Only BCGMS will be presented in this paper. The model will be adapted in order to be applied on agricultural land: for arable land (winter wheat, maize,…), orchards, horticulture and floriculture areas and for meadows and grassland classes. The use of this model can be justified by the precision, from both spatial and temporal, which allow us to propose a more accurate recharge assessment in function of the main crops of the study area.GroWaDRIS

    Integrating Constrained Cellular Automata Models, GIS and Decision Support Tools for Urban Planning and Policy Making.

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    In this paper we present a Decision Support System developed to assist urban planners and policy makers to simulate and analyse alternative urban layouts, land uses, and growth patterns. The core of the system is a modelling and simulation shell allowing the user to specify Constrained Cellular Automata models of urban and regional systems. Unlike conventional Cellular Automata, these are defined with a relatively large neighbourhood and a large number of states, representing both human and natural land-uses. They forecast changes in land-use for small parcels on the basis of both the activities present in the local neighbourhood and the specific characteristics of the parcels themselves. Since each parcel affects every other within its neighbourhood, complex dynamics emerge. More traditional dynamic models --ideally spatial interaction based models-- control the overall dynamics of the cellular automata. In the DSS, a custom-built GIS is integrated in the modelling shell. It stores th..

    Land-use simulation as a supporting tool for flood risk assessment and coastal safety planning: The case of the Belgian coast

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    Given the volatility of both natural and man-made coastal processes, coastal safety has become a prime concern worldwide. In many countries, governments have developed integrated coastal safety plans whose implementation poses complex governance issues, involving multi-level negotiations, consensus building and the reconciliation of conflicting views on coastal development. Communicating these plans is a complex issue. It involves building tools for assessment of flood hazard and for effectively articulating potential risks of flooding to decision makers, stakeholders and the public at large. This paper presents a simulation-based approach that couples the outcome of a GIS based flood hazard model with a cellular automata based land-use change model, to produce risk maps linking areas under different land uses to potential flood depth. The method allows spatially explicit analysis of population at risk given a certain storm event and is applied to the case of a 1000-year and a 4000-year storm occurring along the Belgian coast, corresponding to the risk levels included in the Flanders Integrated Master Plan for Coastal Safety. The study shows the importance of taking land-use dynamics into account when assessing potential flood hazard impacts in coastal areas characterized by a strong pressure on land resources.SCOPUS: ar.jSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe