28 research outputs found

    Exploring the nature of joint attention impairments in young children with autism spectrum disorder: associated social and cognitive skills

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    It is generally accepted that joint attention skills are impaired in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this study, social preference, attention disengagement and intention understanding, assumed to be associated with the development of joint attention, are explored in relation to joint attention skills in children with ASD at the age of 36 months. Response to joint attention was related to intention understanding, whereas the number of joint attention initiations was associated with attention disengagement, and somewhat less stronger with social preference. The level on which children initiated joint attention was related to social preference. Possible interpretations of these findings are discussed

    Can infants' orientation to social stimuli predict later joint attention skills?

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    From the moment infants are born, they seem to prefer orienting to social stimuli, over objects and non-social stimuli. This preference lasts throughout adulthood and is believed to play a crucial role in social-communicative development. By following up a group of infants at the age of 6, 8, and 12 months, this study explored the role of social orienting in the early development of joint attention skills. The expected association between social orienting and joint attention was partially confirmed. Social orienting in real-life photographs of everyday situations was not related to later joint attention skills, however fixation to the eyes in a neutral face was related to response to joint attention skills, and fixation to the eyes in a dynamic video clip of a talking person was predictive of initiating joint attention skills. Several alternative interpretations of the results are discussed

    Can child care workers contribute to the early detection of autism spectrum disorders? A comparison between screening instruments with child care workers versus parents as informants

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    Several screening instruments for ASD in young children were developed during the last decades. Only few studies compare the discriminative power of these instruments in the same sample. In particular comparisons of instruments that use different informants are scarce in young children. The current study compared the discriminant ability of the Checklist for Early Signs of Developmental Disorders (CESDD) filled out by child care workers with that of frequently used parent questionnaires in a sample of 357 children between 5.57 and 48.13 months old who showed signs of ASD or language delay. The discriminant power of the CESDD was as good as that of parent questionnaires. Therefore, inclusion of child care workers in the early detection of ASD seems promising

    Het archeologisch onderzoek in Raversijde (Oostende) in de periode 1992-2005

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    Raversijde - sinds 1970 deel van de stad Oostende, voordien Middelkerke - gaat terug tot een laatmiddeleeuwse vissersnederzetting met de naam Walraversijde. Deze vissersnederzetting was gesitueerd nabij de huidige grens Middelkerke/Oostende in een zone die zich grotendeels binnen het huidige provinciedomein Raversijde bevindt, maar zich ook nog in belangrijke mate uitstrekt tot op het strand ter hoogte van dit domein.In deze publicatie over archeologisch onderzoek in Raversijde komen de opgravingscampagnes op het grondgebied van het provinciedomein Raversijde uit de periode 1992-1998 uitvoerig aan bod. Daarnaast worden een aantal markante opgravingsresultaten van na 1998 belicht: het muntdepot dat op het einde van 1999 werd aangetroffen, de in 2003 aangesneden zone met begravingen en de in 2005 geïdentificeerde Romeinse dijk.Dit 8ste deel van de Relicta Monografieën behandelt chronologisch de resten en sporen uit de prehistorie, de Romeinse periode, de late middeleeuwen en de vroeg-moderne tijden. Deze publicatie is in de eerste plaats een opgravingsverslag: ze beschrijft, analyseert en interpreteert de belangrijkste sporen samen met een selectie van de aangetroffen mobiele resten en de resultaten van natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek