21 research outputs found

    The Existence of Fixed Points for Nonlinear Contractive Maps in Metric Spaces with -Distances

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    Some fixed point theorems for (,,)-contractive maps and (,,)-contractive maps on a complete metric space are proved. Presented fixed point theorems generalize many results existing in the literature

    Factorization theorems for Hardy spaces of the bidisc, 0<p≤10 < p \le 1

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    Common Fixed Points of Generalized Cyclic Meir-Keeler-Type Contractions in Partially Ordered Metric Spaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to prove some common point theorems for the generalized cyclic Meir-Keeler-type ()-contraction in partially ordered metric spaces. Our results generalize many recent common point theorems in the literature

    An Outline Of Adaptive Computation: Theory, Implementation, And Applications *

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    . A general and unified framework for adaptive computation using the finite element method, finite volume method, and boundary element method is described. The theoretical concept of the framework is based on the weak residual error estimation proposed by J. Liu in SIAM J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 17, 1996. Implementation issues concerning error estimation, refinement strategies, mesh generation, object oriented programming, distributed and parallel algorithms, and the world wide web are briefly stated. The target applications under this framework are computational fluid mechanics, computational structural mechanics, and semiconductor device simulation. Key words. adaptivity, finite element, finite volume, boundary element, error estimation AMS subject classifications. 65N30, 65N12 1. Introduction. Adaptive computation is a trend in contemporary computational science [C3] [O1] [Z1]. The article briefly describes a general and unified framework for adaptive finite element (FE), finite volume..

    Periodic Points of Weaker Meir-Keeler Contractive Mappings on Generalized Quasimetric Spaces

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    By using the weaker Meir-Keeler function ϕ and the triangular α-admissible mapping α, we introduce the notion of (α-ϕ)-weaker Meir-Keeler contractive mappings and prove a theorem which assures the existence of a periodic point for these mappings on generalized quasimetric spaces

    Some New Fixed Point Theorems in Complex Valued -Metric Spaces

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    Some new fixed point theorems are established in the setting of complex valued G-metric spaces. These new results improve and generalize Kang et al.’s results, the Banach contraction principle, and some well-known results in the literature